This is Diwei . It can suppress and kill all spirits by changing the colors of mountains and rivers.


Yang Xuan’s legs sank, and both feet cracked the ground. One after another spider web-like crack, centered on him, quickly spread to all directions.

“It hurts!”

Yang Xuan took a cold breath, and his whole body bowed into a shrimp. If it hadn’t been tenacious, he would have fallen to the ground.

That’s the case. In just an instant, most of the bones on his body were shattered, and countless blood mouths broke through his skin, fresh blood dripping, and it was heartbreaking.

This is him. If he becomes a common martial artist, he will be crushed and violent death.

“Hold on, so what about Diwei, I will be on this realm sooner or later.”

Yang Xuan gritted his teeth, his eyes firm.

He runs the Sun Zhenyuan with all his strength to prop up the Protective Origin Force to resist this imperial might.

ka ka ka! ! !

In a series of muffled sounds, his protective body, Origin Force, kept cracking, and it was about to break apart.

“Diwei deserves to be Diwei, it really is not something I can contend!”

Yang Xuan was shocked, but there was no fear on his face. I really couldn’t bear it. At worst, it’s just to show off the big Void Technique.


Soon, Yang Xuan’s Protective Origin Force exploded and ceased to exist.

At the same time, Diwei disappeared, and the rioting world gradually returned to calm.


Yang Xuan let out a sigh of relief, and sat down on the ground without an image, feeling like he was about to fall apart.

Fortunately, his fleshy body is strong, his injuries seem serious, horrible to see, but every minute and every second passes, he is nourished and repaired by blood.

This is the power of half of the Undying Body, no matter how heavy the injury is, as long as the fleshy body does not collapse in an instant, it can quickly recover completely.

After a few breaths of effort, Yang Xuan feels warm all over.

This is the effect of qi and blood. Whether it is cracked bone or flesh, it is healing at a speed visible to naked eye.

It is no exaggeration to say that his blood is spirit pill and marvelous medicine, and a drop of blood essence can make a seriously injured person a lively dragon and animated tiger.

“The very powerful fleshy body, such a strong energy and blood, must you cultivate a kind of shocking body refinement, right?”

Suddenly, a strong and vicissitudes of life The voice came.


Yang Xuan was shocked, and when he looked up, he saw Fengshen Langjun raising his head, a pair of star-like eyes looking at him .

“Wake up!”

Yang Xuan quickly got up from the ground, bowed and bowed, “Junior Yang Xuan, from the Sacred Domain Great World Come, pay homage to the emperor.”

How tyrannical the generation of Ancient Great Emperor is, it is worth his visit.

“I left the Wind Spirit Orb back then because I was worried about what happened to me in the Emperor Pagoda, so I stayed with inheritance. After so many years, someone could come here holding the Wind Spirit Orb. “

While speaking, Fengshen Langjun showed a smile on his face and said: “If you can get the Wind Spirit Orb, it proves that you and I are destined. Get up, don’t be polite.”

After that, gently brushing his sleeves, a force of light as a breeze surged out of thin air, supporting Yang Xuan up.

“Thanks to the Great Emperor.”

Yang Xuan stood up straight and looked towards Fengshen Langjun. Although he knew what had happened, he couldn’t help but ask.

“The Great, what happened back then, why did you even…”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t mention what happened back then, I can only give you a piece of advice, don’t try to find reincarnation Martial Spirit fragments.”

Speaking of this, Fengshen Langjun seemed to have noticed something, and lightly exclaimed in his mouth, “Strange, it’s gone.”


Yang Xuan eyes flashed, blurted out: “The Great Emperor refers to that Willow Tree?”

“Do you know it?”

Fengshen Langjun Surprised, if it hadn’t been for the appearance of Willow Tree, he didn’t know that there was a tyrannical existence like Willow Tree in the Emperor Pagoda, and Yang Xuan was young and had a low cultivation base, so where did he learn about it.

Yang Xuan explained: “Not long ago, there was a wave of reincarnation in this place. Perhaps it was the strong relationship of Junior Divine Soul, and it happened to get a lot of memory fragments from it.”

Fengshen Langjun is slightly nodded, said solemnly: “That Willow Tree is not simple, it is a tree of immortal spirit, and its strength is equivalent to a half immortal, and I will not be wronged if I die in it.”

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