“Is that Willow Tree missing now?”

Yang Xuan asked respectfully.

“Well, I don’t know where I am. This may be an extremely rare opportunity for you. If you can successfully cross the bridge of reincarnation, you have the opportunity to see the legendary reincarnation Martial Spirit fragments. If you can’t get the Reincarnation Martial Spirit Fragment, it’s hard to say.”

“Dare to ask the emperor, what is this bridge of reincarnation?”

“It is dangerous there, there is a big hidden Killing the robbery, there is danger of life at every turn. I entered the imperial tower alone and once stepped on the bridge of reincarnation, but unfortunately I couldn’t support it before I walked too far. I almost had the soul flew away and scattered, so I had to bring serious injuries. I retired, and I did not expect Willow Tree to suddenly drop from the sky, causing a catastrophe.”

At the end of the talk, Fengshen Langjun’s voice was still very calm, and he couldn’t hear unwillingness at all. And resentment.

Yang Xuan sincerely admires this, he said: “If the emperor was not injured in those years, that Willow Tree may not be able to win you.”

“you brat is very good at talking , But there is no need to change the pattern to shoot my flattery. I know my strength. Even if he is in good health, it is difficult for Willow Tree to contend.”

Fengshen Langjun laughed blankly.

Yang Xuan smiled without saying a word, just listened to Fengshen Lang Jundao: “There are three supreme beings there outside, is it for you?”

“The three supreme?”

Yang Xuan frowned, understand that one of them must be out of the ordinary.

As for the other two, they are most likely to be the supreme one of the Wei family and Zhou family.

Under the temptation of the magical jade slip, once the news is received, the supremacy of the Wei family and the Zhou Family is bound to share a piece of the pie.

“It’s like this…”

Yang Xuan didn’t hide anything, without omission and in detail, briefly talked about the jade slip.

“so that’s how it is.”

Fengshen Langjun was nodded and didn’t say much about this matter.

He said: “The Wind Spirit Orb is a Space Secret Treasure. You can use it to store items after you practice it. In addition, I have left a charm in the Wind Spirit Orb. If you encounter danger in the future, You can take out this symbol, which is enough to suppress and kill the ordinary emperor, but you remember that you should not use it absolutely until the critical moment.”

“Yes, Junior remembered it.”

Yang Xuan has a serious nodded face, and the excitement on his face is hard to conceal.

Although it is not clear what exactly is in the Wind Spirit Orb, since Fengshen Langjun said that he can suppress and kill ordinary emperors, there will be no fakes.

“Just remember it, I don’t have much time left, I will give you a good luck next.”

Fengshen Langjun said, his face suddenly became pale stand up.

“The Great, you?”

Yang Xuan asked with concern.

“It’s okay, you close your eyes now and relax your mind.”

hearing this, Yang Xuan hesitated, but closed his eyes as he said.

And just as he closed his eyes, a majestic and vast message burst into his mind, and a picture was automatically evolved in his mind.

I saw a stalwart silhouette, without any breath, standing alone on a sea of ​​surging forward with great momentum, one after another sea wave came, and he couldn’t get close to him.

All the waves, as soon as they approach his body, will automatically disintegrate and become invisible.

“really strong!”

Yang Xuan was shocked, and he had already seen that silhouette was Fengshen Langjun.

“I became famous in Sacred Domain Great World, but I am not a person of Sacred Domain Great World, but born in the Wuji Sea of ​​Primordial Chaos Great World, and this Sea Territory under my feet is Wuji The sea is also where I comprehend the law of wind.”

A voice rang in Yang Xuan’s head, and then Fengshen Langjun on the sea moved, and a slender right hand stretched out, a wisp of The breeze gathered in his palm.

This breeze is as soft as a willow, very gentle, like the rising morning sun, it can moisturize everything.

Yang Xuan held his breath, his heart is still water, watching and enlightening with his heart, trying to listen to the sound of “Tao” from the breeze and capture its trajectory.

“Wind is formed by the flow of air, invisible and intangible, but everywhere, inexhaustible, inexhaustible, this is the origin of wind, as long as you master the origin, you can control the wind.”

After opening the door, I have to say that Yang Xuan’s perception is very terrifying, and I caught something in a while.

Chapter 694 The Origin of Wind

On the sea, the tides are surging, ups and downs, constantly beating the reefs and beaches not far away, rumbling, continuous Absolutely.

However, on this rough sea, there is not the slightest wave of waves that can get close to Fengshen Langjun.

Fengshen Langjun’s current state is very mysterious. He is holding the breeze with his right hand, his eyes are slightly closed, as if he is asleep but not asleep, as if he is awake but not awake, as if he is comprehending something.

Yang Xuan knew in his heart that Fengshen Langjun was comprehending the law of wind.

The law represents the ultimate.

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