According to the purgatory boy, the two pairs of heavenly demon wings are not a problem.

Two pairs of heavenly demon wings can make Yang Xuan’s battle strength soar twice. How can Yang Xuan miss this opportunity?

But wanting to kill Yan Luo is not easy, we need to plan carefully and come up with a surefire way.

To deal with people like Yan Luo, if you don’t make a move, you will do it. Once you make a move, you must suppress and kill them with the force of Thunderbolt.


In the palace, there is absolute silence.

In a clearing, Yang Xuan sits with his knees bent, his eyes closed, his whole person is like a sculpture, motionless.

He is cultivation soul eater, no matter whether he can kill Yama or not, he must first master this magical power, so that he can be prepared.

Soul eater, an evil supernatural power, is naturally not easy to cultivation.

Fortunately, Yang Xuan opened the door, and the perception is not what it used to be.

About one hour later, Yang Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, naked eyes were visible, and two cold gloomy lights flashed in his eyes.

Apparently, he has practiced Soul Eater.

“Unfortunately, there is no Demonic beast here, otherwise I could try the formidable power of this technique.”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself.

“No need to try, this technique is very powerful.”

The purgatory boy indifferently said, and then he couldn’t help but sighed: “You brat is indeed a pervert, remember my former master This technique of cultivation also took nearly two hours.”

“Are you complimenting me or hurting me.”

Yang Xuan didn’t know whether to cry or laugh .

“Of course I praise you.”

“Don’t say this, after a few days of cultivation, I should set off now, goal! The bridge of reincarnation!”

“Even Fengshen Langjun almost planted on the bridge of reincarnation, you brat don’t be negligent.”

“I will be careful.”

Although it is not clear about reincarnation What danger is there on the bridge, but as strong as Fengshen Langjun was severely injured and had to retreat from the bridge, Yang Xuan naturally did not dare to be careless.

Just to get the Martial Spirit fragments of reincarnation, no matter what dangers are on the bridge of reincarnation, he will not retreat, and he is bound to make a breakthrough.

“If that’s the case, let’s go.”

The purgatory boy knows what kind of temper Yang Xuan is. Once a decision is made, the ten cows cannot be brought back.


Yang Xuan wants to walk to walk, a big Void Technique, which flees into the void and rushes to the depths of the ruins.

I’m galloping all the way, and occasionally I can see some martial artists walking in groups, but no matter how high or low the cultivation base is, I never find Yang Xuan.

Under the complete Void Technique, Yang Xuan’s body is always hidden in the dark in the sky, and even the slightest breath is not leaked out. Even the supreme can hardly detect his existence, saying that he is a Ghosts are not exaggerated.

Chapter 704 Fang Henyun

“Old Ancestor, did that Yang Xuan really kill Chu Family out of the ordinary?”

“No Wrong.”

“It’s incredible, because of his cultivation base, why skipping grades to kill the supreme?”

“Yes, it is said that he is the cultivation base of the Death Realm. No, I really don’t know how he did it.”

“What do you know, the strength of a martial artist not only depends on its own cultivation base, but also various martial dao deep meanings. /p>

In fact, martial dao deep meaning is much more important than cultivation base, even more how Yang Xuan also comprehended sword dao Profound Truth, Profound Truth of Fire, Profound Truth of Wind.

People can be called genius of Tianzong. As long as they don’t die early, their achievements are limitless, and they are worthy of the name of evildoers. You juniors have all listened to the old man. If you meet Yang Xuan in the future, you must be able to make friends with him. Enemy with him.”

“Yes, Old Ancestor.”

In a clearing, a few martial artists sat on the ground and talked quietly. Among them, there was a half-step Supreme, He reprimanded several young people on the side.

Yang Xuan passed by, no one caught anyone’s attention, but the voice of several people also made him understand that the news that he killed Chu out of the ordinary had spread in Underground World .

Presumably, as time goes by, things will spread to all corners of the deserted ancient continent, causing great shocks.

Yang Xuan knows this very well, but he did not take seriously.

He unfolded the Free Spirit Step, shuttled through the darkness in the sky, and rushed to the depths of the ruins.


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