The ruins are vast, but they will come to an end.

An hour later, a stone bridge faintly appeared in the distance.

The stone bridge is all white, ancient and magnificent. The white mist on the bridge is filled with mysterious power.

The entire stone bridge is about ten zhang wide, straddling a boundless Dark Abyss, extending all the way to the end of the distant world.

“Is this the bridge of reincarnation?”

Yang Xuan’s body shape stopped, and his heart was shocked. Despite the long distance, he could still clearly feel The majestic air emanating from the bridge of reincarnation.

This aura is extremely heavy, mysterious and unfathomable, pointing directly at the creature Divine Soul, making his Divine Soul tremble slightly.

“So rich Samsara Power!”

Purgatory boy startled.

“The white mist on the bridge of reincarnation is Samsara Power?”

Yang Xuan asked.

“Yes, you brat have to be careful, the Samsara Power on the bridge of reincarnation is extraordinary, and it is several times stronger than the outbreak of the wave of reincarnation a few days ago.”

The purgatory boy said: “Anyone who steps on it will be impacted by the torrent of terrifying memories, and will flew away and scattered at every turn, consigned to eternal damnation.”

“so that’s how it is, no wonder Fengshen Langjun stopped here.”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes, and his expression became serious.

Samsara Power, the test is the will, strong will, can withstand the impact of the flood of memory.

In addition, you have to have a powerful Divine Soul. If Divine Soul is not strong enough, it is useless to let your will be as strong as gold and iron. It can be said that both are indispensable.

“My Divine Soul is not weak, and my will is good, but I don’t know if I can successfully pass the bridge of reincarnation?”

Yang Xuan expression is uncertain, the bridge of reincarnation is too big Now, heaven knows how long it will take to reach the other side of the bridge.

And in his opinion, the further forward, the Samsara Power on the bridge of reincarnation is bound to become stronger and stronger, and it may be fatal at any time.

No one is afraid of death, and Yang Xuan is no exception.

Besides, he has concerns and cannot die.

“In any case, I have to go up and give it a try. If I go back home like this, how can I be worthy of the Master war king who preached to me.”

Yang Xuan double fists clenched Tight, there is a firmness between the eyebrows.

“Try it, but remember to do what you can. Also, if you really can’t hold on, I will use all means to take you away.”


“Boy, I won’t say much to thank you. It’s nice to be with you.”

Yang Xuan is very touched. He has been with the purgatory boy for so long, how can he Can’t hear the worries and concerns in this brat’s words.

“Don’t worry, unless you brat belch, or I will stay with you forever.”

The purgatory boy drowsily said.

Yang Xuan smiled without saying a word, pupil light passed through the void and swept outside the bridge of reincarnation, his eyes condensed suddenly, and fell on a silhouette.

That is a purple clothed man, black hair draping over the shoulders, handsome, cold breath, with a cultivation base of Divine Force Peak, who is not possessed by Ji Changtian’s Yama?

On the side, the corpse puppet Robust man stood upright, not moving, and there were hundreds of people gathered in the open space behind the two people outside the hundred zhang.

These people are old and young, and the cultivation base ranges from the first entry into the divine force realm to the Supreme Realm 6 Heavenly Layer.

Yang Xuan took a closer look and found that there were eight Supremes in the crowd.

Eight Great Paragons, the three of them stand alone, either by Loose Cultivator or by themselves.

The other five people, each of them have 3 or 5 people around their bodies. Although they are not very old, they are all brocade flowery clothed, and their appearance is out of the ordinary. I want to be these supreme descendants. .

As for the remaining people, there are martial artists from Martial Dao Aristocratic Family and scattered martial cultivators. Everyone is a good cultivation base.

This is also normal. How can the cultivation base be bad if we can get here?


Suddenly, a void outside the bridge of reincarnation suddenly vibrated.

next moment, that piece of void is like rags, torn apart by a pair of big hands, then two figures jumped out of it and landed steadily on the ground.

That is a combination of one old and one young.

The old man wears a red robe, a majestic body, white hair and youthful face, and a strong spirit.

Although there is no imposing manner on his body, the whole person is standing there like a sword that has been covered in dust for a long time. Once it is out of its sheath, it is bound to be shocking and unstoppable.

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