The young man is a handsome young man in his twenties, slender figure, back carrying a long sword, and a red shirt with Feng Feiyang, giving a kind of valiant and formidable looking The feeling is extraordinary.

“Tianyu Sect Master Fang Henyun!”

“It turned out to be Tianyu Sect Master. No wonder he can tear the Void with his bare hands. By the way, he must be Qiu Shaoyang, right?”

“It was him. This child had mediocre talent in his early years and was not outstanding, but he was tenacious and came from behind. He was extremely strong. Of course, it was not worth mentioning compared to the enchanting Yang Xuan.”

“Speaking of Yang Xuan, I don’t know where the kid is now?”

“This is not clear. It is said that the kid disappeared after killing Chu out of the ordinary and Chu Yang. No one knows where he is.”

Many people whispered to each other, talking in a low voice while looking at Fang Henyun and Qiu Shaoyang.

Two of them, one is the famous Sect Master of the Sky Feather Sect, and the other is the first True Disciple of the Inner Sect of Sky Feather Sect. It is impossible for this combination to not attract attention.

At this moment, even Yan Luo, whose eyes were closed, opened his eyes, and while a pair of sharp eyes turned, he scanned Fang Henyun and Qiu Shaoyang unscrupulously.

Fortunately, Fang Henyun, as the Sect Master of the Sky Feather Sect, his cultivation base is Supreme Realm Peak.

This kind of cultivation base does not need to say much about the strength, and is not afraid of Yama.

Qiu Shaoyang was stared at by Yan Luo, and his scalp numb.

On the black liquid cliff, he witnessed Ji Changtian being possessed by Yan Luo body. He was very jealous of Yan Luo. If he hadn’t hated the cloud next to him, he would have escaped as far as he would have been.

“Hehe, this must be the Sect Master Fang of the Sky Feather Sect, right?”

Yan Luo ignored Qiu Shaoyang, and finally fixed his eyes on Fang Henyun. He naturally recognized Fang Henyun because of the memory of the sky.

“It is Fang.”

Fang Henyun’s face was unemotional, cupped the hands towards Yan Luo, and said casually: “Ji Family Two Great Supremes also came to this underground world, And your Excellency possessed Ji Family Young Master Ji Changtian, don’t you worry at all?”

“What are you worried about, I am Yan Luogui as Demon Sovereign, even though Longyou is in shallow water nowadays, the tiger falls in Pingyang, but Trifling is supreme, it can’t help me.”

Yan Luo laughed up to the sky, his voice was like billowing thunder, rumbling and deafening.

“This guy…”

Yang Xuan frowned, his eyes flickering.

A generation of Swire Demon Sovereign, how respected the identity, although the strength is not as good as before, but in the bones is always full of arrogance.

Yang Xuan believes that Yan Luo is definitely not joking, nor is he bluffing. Since he said that he is not afraid of the Supreme, he can’t be wrong.

“His strength is very terrifying, even if you try your best, you may not be able to kill him.”

The purgatory boy said solemnly.

Not to mention how many magical secrets Yan Luo body possession Ji Changtian cultivated, but a Great Success Realm sword dao Profound Truth alone can skip grades to kill supreme, and it is also the kind of effortless.

Unlike Yang Xuan, you have to use the Divine Sword spirit of the trump card and the heavenly demon Martial Spirit to kill someone out of the ordinary, and you will be weak for a few days afterwards.

There is still the Divine Refining Technique’s formation diagram, otherwise Yang Xuan two weeks will not be able to recover.

“Under normal circumstances, it is indeed difficult for me to fight him, but if it is on the bridge of reincarnation, it may be an opportunity.”

Yang Xuan whispered, with deep pupils At this point, murderous intention is looming.

“The bridge of reincarnation is not simple, the above Samsara Power can not only produce a horrible flood of memories, but also can easily wipe out any energy.”

The purgatory boy said.

“Doesn’t it mean that you can only rely on the fleshy body to wipe out any energy, and than the fleshy body, Yama absolutely cannot compete with me.”

Half an Undying Body , Yang Xuan is quite confident in his fleshy body. It is not that he is boasting. If he competes with fleshy body, Yan Luo has no chance of winning.

“That’s what I said, but the premise is that you have to endure the Samsara Power on the bridge of reincarnation. If you can’t bear it, let’s not say whether you can retreat from the battle with Yama on it. “

The purgatory boy is not as optimistic as Yang Xuan. He didn’t expect Yang Xuan to pass the bridge of reincarnation. Instead, he worried that Yang Xuan could return unharmed after he got on the bridge.

With Yang Xuan’s temperament, he will certainly not shrink back from this, but every step on the bridge of reincarnation is in crisis, and his life is in danger at every turn.

“Let’s watch the changes first. When Ji Family Two Great Supremes arrives, I may be able to take the opportunity to sneak attack. With the advantage of Purgatory Sword, it’s okay for Yama not to hit the sword. Once hit, he won’t die. I have to peel off the skin.”

After Yang Xuan said, the whole person was completely silent, there was no breath leaking out of his body, and his body was always hidden in the dark void.

Chapter 705 Supreme Qizhi

After practicing the complete Void Technique, Yang Xuan’s strength has greatly increased, and he is full of confidence, able to spend a small one hour in the dark void.

This is still a solid Underground World space. If it is outside, this time will be longer.

In addition, compared with the incomplete Void Technique, the complete Void Technique does not consume too much spirit strength.

This is the power of the Great Void Technique. Although it is not clear whether this magical power came from the Ancient Great Emperor, one thing is certain, the opponent has extremely high spatial attainments, otherwise It is also difficult to create a great Void Technique, such as shaking the old illuminating the new.

It is precisely with this magical power that Yang Xuan dares to come here alone.

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