“Regardless of whether he can be invisible or not, under the fusion field of the Ji Family, his range of activities is limited, and sooner or later he will be caught.”

Qiu Shaoyang said.

“That’s fine, I don’t believe this child can escape alive from Yan Luo in front of one’s eyes like last time.”

Shen Yulong sneered nodded.

“Little devil, you get the old man out and die.”

Seeing Yang Xuan not coming out for a long time, Ji Haifeng was flustered and exasperated, almost crazy.

“Funny, dignified Ji Family supreme, let me come out if you don’t catch me, don’t you feel ashamed?”

Yang Xuan laughed, his voice echoed, but It is difficult to find the source of the sound.

“Since you refuse to come out, then never come out.”

Ji Hailin coldly said, using his mind to control the red and blue light curtain to shrink rapidly, only In an instant, the light curtain became a sphere of light in several meters.

In this situation, many people’s eyelids jumped wildly, knowing that Yang Xuan must be confined in that ball of light.

The imprisoned world of the Supreme Realm is not the world in the ordinary sense, but also includes the dark void.

And unless Yang Xuan can break through the fusion realm of the Ji Family, he can only stay in a small dark in the sky and wait to die.

“Old Ancestor, was that kid taken down?”

Although he had guessed it, Shen Yulong couldn’t help but asked Shen Hongtao who moved towards before him.

“hard to avoid calamity.”

Shen Hongtao said.

Ji Hailin obviously didn’t think Yang Xuan could escape. He tilted his head and said to Yan Luo not far away: “Okay, the man has been captured by the two of me, now you can fulfill your promise.”

Yan Luo browses tightly knit, without saying a word, as if he hadn’t heard Ji Hailin’s words.

This made Ji Hai’s atmosphere so fragile that he roared: “Everyone helped you catch it, don’t you want to regret it?”

“Combine my great-grandson’s fleshy body with The Dragon Mark cold ice sword is left, and the grievances between my Ji Family and you have been wiped out.”

Ji Hailin’s chest rises and falls, holding back his anger Fire Dao.

He knows that Yan Luo is very strong. If he can retrieve Ji Changtian’s fleshy body and their Ji Family Divine Sword, he doesn’t want to fight with Yan Luo.

“Big brother told him what happened, this guy obviously regretted it, and it looks like there is still a fight today.”

Ji Haifeng said angrily, all over his killing intent with awe.

“Are you two so sure that you have taken him?”

Finally, Yan Luo spoke, his voice extremely cold.

“What do you mean, can he still fly away from the fusion field of the two of me?”

Ji Haifeng tone barely fell, a burst of laughter roared Come, “You’re right, I really flew away.”

“Damn, how did this child get out of trouble?”

“Unbelievable, even the Supreme Realm is imprisoned Can’t stop him!”

The audience was in an uproar, and almost everyone turned around and looked towards the distant void.

There, a silhouette stood in the air, unharmed, who is not Yang Xuan?

“This impossible, how did he do it?”

Shen Yulong exclaimed, can’t believe that all this is true, the fusion field of dignified Ji Family double veneration is ordinary The supreme also has to be obediently surrender, let alone Yang Xuan, a Guiyijing kid.

What’s even more bizarre is that the fusion realm of the Ji Family twins is clearly still there, and there has not been any abnormality just now, that means Yang Xuan not at all attacked the fusion realm, so how did he come out? of?

“It came out!”

Qiu Shaoyang’s eyes widened. This scene was so unreal that he even wondered if he had hallucinations.

He is like this, and so are many young martial artists and older powerhouses.

Everyone looked up at Yang Xuan, their faces were full of shock and disbelief.

“Little beast, you honestly explain, what Space Secret Technique have you cultivated?”

Yan Luo asked.

This is also an issue that other people care about. Everyone knows that the Space Secret Technique of Yang Xuan cultivation is definitely not simple.

Yang Xuan calm and composed, took out a shirt, and put it on each minding their own business. This opened the mouth and said:

“Since you are so I want to know, then I’ll tell you. My Space Secret Technique is called the Void Technique. In addition to restraining aura fluctuations and blending the body into the dark void, it can also penetrate all spiritual barriers, including the supreme realm.”

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