” Really strong Space Divine Ability!”

Everyone is secretly surprised. No wonder Yang Xuan is so calm and dare to be afraid of the Supreme Realm.

In other words, he may not be able to kill Ji Family Shuangzun and Yan Luo, but if he really wants to leave, neither Ji Family Shuangzun nor Yan Luo can keep him.

“Big Void Technique!”

Many people’s eyes flickered, expressions all are hot.

In their deserted ancient continent, Space Secret Technique since ancient times is extremely rare, as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, not to mention the Space Secret Technique as powerful as the Void Technique, which is unique.

These secret techniques are born, and everyone wants to take it for themselves.

At this moment, even the eyes of many elder Supremes are full of greed.

But they quickly became discouraged again, because Yang Xuan was pregnant with Void Technique, no one of them could hurt him, and if he offended him, they didn’t leave him behind. They might just To follow in the footsteps of Chu out of the ordinary.

Yang Xuan is no more than the cultivation base of the Peak of Guiyi Realm, so he can kill Chu out of the ordinary with a single sword. If you give him some more time, wait for his cultivation progress to come up, then they will be the supreme elders. I am afraid that no one is the enemy of the one.

“Why, why is this?”

Shen Yulong could not accept this result. A handsome face was almost distorted and his expression was scary.

“Not to mention the strength of this child, there is a big Void Technique, no one can help him.”

Shang Jie gloomy face said, he is in the black giant coffin I was almost put to death by Yang Xuan, so why not hate Yang Xuan, I wish Yang Xuan died here.

But even the fusion field of the Ji Family double respect can’t suppress Yang Xuan, who can kill Yang Xuan?

“His perception is too strong. If any magical secret technique is in his hands, I am afraid it will not take too much time to master it.”

Qiu Shaoyang muttered to himself It’s true that the Big Void Technique is powerful, but the more powerful the secret technique, the more difficult it is to practice. Even more how the Big Void Technique is a rare Space Secret Technique in the world.

In other words, Yang Xuan must have a strong perception and a high level of attainments in space, so that he can understand the Profound Mystery of Space and master the Void Technique.

Compared with perception and attainments in space, no matter Shang Jie, Shen Yulong, or Qiu Shaoyang, they are all far behind.

Don’t talk about perception, fleshy body, Divine Soul, magic skills, combat experience, etc., none of them can compare to Yang Xuan.

In fact, they have a higher cultivation base than Yang Xuan, but no matter how high the cultivation base, their three people are not the enemy of Yang Xuan.

Chapter 712 Showdown with Yan Luo

“Big Void Technique?”

Yan Luo contemplates, trying to find something from it, but after searching in his mind for a long time I found that I had never heard of this magical power.

There are countless magical powers in the world, no one can guarantee that they know all of them, especially the extremely rare Space Secret Technique.

“Understand now, there is a big Void Technique, all the supreme realms are useless to me.”

Yang Xuan gave a chuckle, aloof and remote looking down at Ji below Family Double Master and Yama.

Ji Family Double Sovereigns are furious, with blue veins on their foreheads violently, but it is difficult to refute, even the most powerful fusion domain has failed to return, what can they say?

“Go ahead and let the world see you, Demon Sovereign struggling on whilst at death’s door. So far, how much ability is left.”

Yang Xuan dashing eyebrows 1 Yang, his gaze was fixed on Yan Luo, and his words were sonorous and powerful.

“courting death.”

Yan Luo was angry and embarrassed, a spirit strength gushing from him, revealing a monstrous killing intent, making many people like an ice pit, With cold head and feet, the fleshy body and even Divine Soul seemed to collapse.

“It deserves to be Demon Sovereign, even if there is only a strand of Remnant Soul left, the spirit strength is not to be underestimated!”

The merchant’s old ancestor Shang was too empty and said with emotion. This breathtaking and magical spirit strength knows that Yama’s Remnant Soul is still very powerful.

“Divine might be pressed?”

Yang Xuan remain unmoved, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“It’s more than a divine might, this is this Majesty’s fame, called Asura purgatory.”

Yam Luo coldly snorted, the spirit strength released suddenly bloomed out of Heavenspan The blood light flew out like a big blood-colored net, and in just an instant, it turned into a blood-colored cage with the size of several feet, confining Yang Xuan in it.

“Are you trapped?”

Everyone looked towards Yang Xuan in the scarlet cage, not knowing if he could break free this time.


Yang Xuan had a shock in his head, and suddenly all around the scene changed drastically.

This is a boundless space, the sky looks like a fascinating scarlet, the ground is full of ravines, potholes, and mountain bones can be seen everywhere.

The whole world, the wind and the wind scream, wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, there seems to be endless ghosts roaring and roaring, tormenting people’s minds, making people panic and uneasy.

Yang Xuan felt cold all over, just as if there were countless Resentful Souls around him.

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