Countless people have a chill in their hearts, and they all understand that the Demon Sovereign, Yan Luo, has moved True Fire, and he is absolutely merciless in his shots, and wants to put Yang Xuan to death.

It’s just anger, or you have to hit it well.

Like this blind shot regardless of consumption, Yang Xuan can’t hurt half of Yang Xuan’s vellus hair, but he will fall into a weak state instead.

“This guy…”

In a clearing, Ji Hailin and Ji Haifeng looked at each other, but did not move. After all, the most important purpose of their trip was to grab Back to Ji Changtian’s fleshy body.

And the more violent Yan Luo is, the more advantageous it is for them. They only need to wait until Yan Luo runs out of divine force, then they can take the opportunity to take it down in one fell swoop.

“Get out.”

Yan Luo Yangtian shouted, and he didn’t attack indiscriminately.

As the Swire Demon Sovereign, he has experienced countless battles in his life. It can be said that he fought out of blood and fire. How can he not think of what sly plan Yang Xuan is playing.

Just seeing Yang Xuan couldn’t hide, he was still very angry.

“This child won’t run away, right?”

Shen Yulong couldn’t help but change color when he thought of something.

With the big Void Technique here, Yang Xuan is fine if he doesn’t leave. If he really wants to leave, I am afraid I no longer know how many miles he has escaped.

“If you think too much, he will never leave.”

Aside, Qiu Shaoyang shook the head with a very positive tone.


Shen Yulong and Shang Jie were surprised.

“If you think about why he came, it will be clear.”

Qiu Shaoyang said.

“Martial Spirit Fragments of Reincarnation!”

Shen Yulong and Shang Jie’s eyes flashed, in unison.


Qiu Shaoyang was nodded, looking towards the ancient and magnificent bridge of reincarnation in the distance, and said: “He came to our deserted ancient continent alone, facing the Martial Spirit of reincarnation. The fragments are determined to be won. Now that you have not even gone up the bridge of reincarnation, how can you leave it willingly?”

“It is reasonable, but the bridge of reincarnation is not trivial. The Samsara Power on the bridge is pervasive and extremely dangerous. Does that kid dare to climb The bridge won’t make it?”

Shang Jie looked surprised and authentic.

“Standing alone in Longtan, fighting alone with Ji Family, despising Demon Sovereign Yama, how can such a person be so courageous, in my opinion, this bridge of reincarnation cannot scare him No matter whether he can cross this bridge or not, he has to go up and try it.”

After seeing Yang Xuan again, Qiu Shaoyang has a better understanding of Yang Xuan, knowing that Yang Xuan’s temperament , Will definitely board the bridge of reincarnation.

“Didn’t you listen to this Majesty’s words, let you get out and die.”

At this moment, Yan Luo shouted again, and the powerful spirit strength gushed out and turned into Qiansi Wanlv, rooted in the world of all directions, tried to capture Yang Xuan’s position from the dark void.

Unfortunately, let him down.

His spirit strength found nothing. Except for the turbulence of the void, everything in the dark void is as usual, calm and tranquil.

Different from the outside world, the space in the dark void is larger. For example, the world around the outside world of thousands zhang, in the dark void, the area will explode hundreds of times.

Especially under the interference of the turbulence of the void, it is very difficult to find someone from the spirit strength.

Of course, the reason why Yan Luo couldn’t find Yang Xuan was because the Void Technique was too strong, so Yang Xuan’s body was completely integrated into the darkness, and there was no breath.

“I haven’t come out for so long, is it really gone.”

An old supreme whispered.

“Big brother, this child…”

Ji Haifeng looked towards Ji Hailin, obviously holding the same idea.

“No, although I don’t know where he is, he will never leave here.”

Ji Hailin shook his head flatly.

“Well, if you refuse to come out, then let me go in and get you out.”

The spirit strength can’t catch Yang Xuan, and I see Yang Xuan never again Ken showed up, Yan Luo face turned cold, and he wanted to Tearing the Void.


At this moment, Yang Xuan appeared, his figure turned into a flash of lightning, and he rushed towards Yama and shot out a Spiritual Storm.

Spiritual Storm, a Divine Soul secret technique recorded in Divine Refining Technique.

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