Due to the recent opening of the door and the growth of Divine Soul, the lethality of this Divine Soul secret skill is also as the tide rises, the boat floats, which is not comparable to the past.

It is no exaggeration to say that an ordinary divine force martial artist who received such a blow would have suffered violent death on the spot.


An invisible storm rushes out at great speed, with a radius of seventy-eighty feet, and the dust and rubble that roll up the ground, like a hurricane of extinction, and like a stormy sea, surging forward Yan Luo, want to strangle his fleshy body and even Divine Soul to pieces.

“The secret skill of trifling Divine Soul wants to hurt me, do you think it is possible?”

Yan Luo’s face is full of disdain, and two spirit strengths shoot out from his eyes, wu wu wu Turned into hundreds of spiritual blades, an invisible storm struck hard.

Apparently, he also cultivated Divine Soul secret skills.

This is also normal, dignified Taikoo Demon Sovereign, if there is not even a Divine Soul secret skill, then it is too unreasonable.


Thousands of knives joined together, and they collided with the storm in an instant. The shock wave generated was so strong that it instantly flattened the earth in the radius of several ten zhang. A few feet, smoke and dust were everywhere, and rubble flew everywhere.


Many people are hairy. Among them are young geniuses who are talented out of the ordinary, and there are more cultivation old powerhouses in the divine force environment. No one can Keep calm.

This is the secret skill of legendary Divine Soul, invisible and intangible, but the formidable power is destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

It is hard to imagine whether they would survive if they were in the center of the explosion.

The answer is self-evident. None of these martial artists below the supreme can survive the terrifying explosion.

“Interesting, and then receive my move.”

Among the billowing smoke and dust, Yang Xuan fighting intent is high, and a dazzling black light suddenly shoots out from the center of his eyebrows, sinking into Yan Luo at an incomparable speed body of.

This is the magic light of the Heart Demon mirror. When the magic light comes out, it is as fast as a ghost and it is difficult to avoid.

“What magical power is this, it can lead to my Heart Demon!”

Yan Luo opened his mouth and let out a low cry, as if he was shocked, naked eye can see his face is full One white.

“What, there is still Heart Demon Divine Ability in the world.”

Every supreme is moved. Although the world is supernatural, it can bring out the Heart Demon of martial artist. They saw Divine Ability for the first time.

Chapter 714 Sharpening Oneself

A martial artist will face various difficulties and obstacles on the way to cultivation.

For example, Heart Demon is definitely one of the most terrifying and unavoidable killings. Many martial artists have died because they could not stop the attack of Heart Demon.

Fortunately, whenever Heart Demon appears, there will be a warning beforehand. Therefore, the overwhelming majority martial artist will find a quiet room to meditate and adjust his breath to resolve the Heart Demon disaster.

Like Yan Luo, it is absolutely extremely dangerous to be led out of Heart Demon suddenly, and the soul flew away and scattered, consigned to eternal damnation at every turn.

“hmph, a little Heart Demon can do anything to me, and destroy all of them.”

Yan Luo’s expression cold, thunderous, a tyrannical imposing manner Remnant Soul erupted from the depths, and the various illusions in his mind suddenly collapsed and disappeared completely.

How to say it is a Taikoo Demon Sovereign. If you can’t deal with Heart Demon even a little bit of Heart Demon, then it’s the name of Demon Sovereign.

This was to Yang Xuan’s expectation. In fact, he didn’t think that he could deal with Yama just by trifling and a Heart Demon mirror.

For him, Yan Luo is definitely a strong enemy. He wants to kill him unless he steps into the divine force state.

While his thoughts turned, his fighting intent was unabated. Using the big Void Technique shuttling through the void, the ghost-like appeared behind Yan Luo and pierced with a fierce sword.

This is a sneak attack, but also a lore.

Under the blessing of the three martial dao deep meanings and the strong Sun Zhenyuan, Purgatory Sword is extremely sharp and penetrates everything.

Yan Luo will not be hit by the sword. Once hit by the sword, his body will inevitably be punched out of a hole, either dead or injured.

“Fuck me.”

Yan Luo is very sensitive to crisis, and his response is also swift and violent. He immediately urged the Great Success Realm sword dao Profound Truth to the extreme, with a backhand sword. It can stop Yang Xuan’s lightning-fast sword.


Two Divine Weapons fought fiercely, sparks splattered, and the sound shook the sky, making the place boil, the rays of light blazing, a wave of extreme cold and Extreme Hot The vigor of the city raged like a stormy sea, setting off a cloud of smoke and dust.

In the distance, many people see their scalp numb.

These powerful collisions, the aftermath alone made them panic from the bottom of their hearts.

“Dang” “Dang” “Dang” ……

There are endless sounds of gold and iron, no matter it is Yang Xuan or Yan Luo, they don’t mean to stop, they are almost in the same Time wielded the sword and launched a big showdown.

These two people are too strong!

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