One is a young evildoer from Outland. Although he is not very old and his cultivation base is not high, he has a variety of faculties and opened the Martial Dao Heavenly Eye and comprehended the three major martial dao deep. meaning, and holding a half-step fortune Divine Sword, the strength does not need to be said.

The other is Taigu Demon Sovereign, mastering the Great Success Realm sword dao Profound Truth, although now there is only a ray of Remnant Soul left, Ji Changtian was reborn with body possession, but Ji Changtian was a famous move before his death. The young Heaven’s Chosen in the midfield is not weak.

It can be said that Yan Luopossessed Ji Changtian, the strength will only be stronger.

“Be dead, Extinguishing God Finger!”

attack for a long time without any success, a fierce color flashed in Yan Luo’s eyes, and a chilly finger came out between his fingers , Which is also full of violent Spiritual Fluctuation, whether it is to the fleshy body or to the Divine Soul, it will cause huge damage.


The shatter void is dazzling, brilliant like a meteor, and it shoots straight at Yang Xuan’s throat, swiftly and violently.


Yang Xuan flicked his long arm, and the golden sword energy on Purgatory Sword rose up against the storm, like a blazing sun, facing the coming fingers. Hacked past.

Only listening to pu’ sound, Zhijin actually penetrated the golden sword energy, blasted on the Purgatory Sword body, wiping out a string of gorgeous sparks, but it was difficult to cause any damage to the Purgatory Sword.

Half-step creation of Divine Sword, how hard the material is, even when Yama is at its peak, it is difficult to shake.

But this Extinguishing God Finger is also very strong. At the moment when Zhijin collided with Purgatory Sword, Yang Xuan suffered a strong impact. Fleshy body and Divine Soul were shaking, and the whole person stopped. Flew away without restraint.

Fortunately, his fleshy body and Divine Soul are very strong, and he didn’t suffer any injuries. However, he was shocked by Yan Luo and caused all the spectators to be shocked.

Such a sharp force, the formidable power is so amazing, an ordinary supreme may not be able to follow without any problems, and the martial artist below the supreme will never survive such a blow.

“This guy is really amazing!”

Someone trembled, you know that Yan Luo only has a ray of Remnant Soul left, and the fleshy body belongs to Ji Changtian, if not In this way, its strength is dozens or hundreds of times stronger than it is now.

“Eat my finger again.”

One hit is profitable, Yama has the power and is not forgiving, and sends out an Extinguishing God Finger.

This is one of his killing move, which extremely depletes divine force and spirit strength.

In his current situation, he can only send out seven or eight at most.


The ear-piercing sound came, making Yang Xuan heart shivered with cold and hurriedly used the big Void Technique to avoid it.

Extinguishing God Finger is extremely fast, and there is even a Great Success Realm space mood. It is difficult to avoid it with Free Spirit Step alone. If you are not good, you will get a blood hole. , Immortality must be disabled.

Yang Xuan didn’t want to take risks with his body, so he flees directly into the void. When he reappears, people have already come to Yan Luo.

This immediately made Yan Luo startled. He thought that Yang Xuan would launch a sneak attack from behind or beside him like last time. Didn’t expect this child to be so courageous, so he chose Frontal raid.


Yang Xuan’s attack is extremely ruthless, and the speed is also very fast. With a sword with a golden sword energy that no stronghold one cannot overcome, he cuts his head towards Yan Luo. .

“If the tiger does not show its might, you would treat me as a sick cat!”

Yan Luo gave a loud roar, which implies endless anger, hiding The profound ice energy of the sky and covering the earth surges up to the Dragon Mark. The ice sword turns into sharp sword energy, slashing out with the fierce power of decomposing all things.

“Be careful, this kind of big cracking technique is the Great Divine Ability of the famous All Heavens Myriad Realms, it’s invincible!”

The purgatory boy anxiously said, this is Yang Xuan and Yan Luo He has spoken for the first time since the battle, which shows the power of this big fragmentation technique.

“Big Void Technique!”

Yang Xuan not even think, his body shape disappeared.

At the same time, where he disappeared, the crackle sounded endlessly. The space with a radius of more than ten feet was like broken glass, which broke directly, and a dark hole appeared.

Smash the void with one sword!

Everyone who saw this scene felt that they have one’s hair stand on end.

“What is the magical power of this big cracking technique, the formidable power is so horrible!”

There are seniors who suck in cold air.

The others did not speak, but they are better than Fang Henyun and Ji Family, their faces are full of look of dreading.

A sword smashed the void into nothingness. If they hit this sword, both the fleshy body and Divine Soul would have to be turned into fly ash.


Just as everyone was watching the battle, Yang Xuan appeared out of thin air.

This time he shot faster, swiping a sword fiercely, trying to take advantage of Yama’s unpreparedness to kill him in one fell swoop.


Yam Luo is coldly snorted, as if he had expected Yang Xuan to start the attack, he stepped on his feet, bounced up and avoided.

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