The purgatory boy pondered then said.

“It can’t be wrong, and only the emperor powerhouse can go deep into the bridge of reincarnation.”

“Not to mention this, if he is correct, then your brat’s luck is really good. .”

“good luck?”

“On the bridge of reincarnation, the higher the cultivation realm, the stronger the impact of Samsara Power, and you brat is now just home. Peak’s cultivation base, but whether it’s Fleshy body or Divine Soul, it’s only strong or not weak compared to a half-step supreme.”

The purgatory boy didn’t say it funny: “You said, is this good? Luck?”

“Hehe, it’s really like this.”

Yang Xuan’s lips raised lightly and couldn’t help laughing.

As the purgatory boy said, his cultivation base is too low, so that Samsara Power will not have a big impact on him, so he can go all the way to this point.

“Don’t be too overwhelmed. I have now determined that the bridge of reincarnation is a trial site. When you pass this bridge, there may be other tests.”

The purgatory boy reminded.

“bang! ”

Yang Xuan didn’t have time to answer, and there was a sudden shock in his mind, and a complete image appeared again, in which there was also a person walking on the bridge of reincarnation .

That is an old man, his body is like a tiger and leopard, his head is full of curly red hair, the whole person is like a fire lion, and the dragon walk tiger steps is full of domineering spirit.

“Really strong, both the emperor, but this person’s cultivation base is obviously higher than the previous middle-aged man.”

Yang Xuan was shocked.

“haha, I thought how dangerous it is on the bridge of reincarnation, didn’t expect it so easy.”

“Come on, trifling this Samsara Power, but I can’t help it. .”

The old man laughed wildly, moving faster and faster, striding forward with the meteor.

But the good times didn’t last long. Before he came back to his senses, he was vomited blood by a surge of Samsara Power.

Needless to say, the old man failed and retreated from his injuries.

This situation and situation made Yang Xuan extremely uneasy.

This is the bridge of reincarnation, let you run wild, domineering and unruly, let you be rebellious, regardless of the law and of natural morality, as long as you continue to deepen, you may be hit hard at any time.

Here, no matter how high the cultivation base is, it is useless. It depends on the will, and it is difficult for those who are not determined to pass.


In the following time, images appeared in Yang Xuan’s mind from time to time.

These men, women and children, martial artists of all races, are Supreme Emperors, but without exception, they all went back to their homes. Two of them were seriously injured and Divine Soul almost collapsed.

Yang Xuan saw seven images in total.


At this moment, another image appeared in my mind.

Yang Xuan held his breath and watched intently, and found that the other party was a young man with a slender figure and black hair like a waterfall. Although he did not have a powerful imposing manner, Yang Xuan knew that this was the Supreme Emperor. The cultivation base is much higher than the previous seven.

“Samsara Power on the bridge is pervasive, imprisoning the void, and can only walk on foot, making my big Void Technique useless. It seems that I have to stop here.”

Hearing this, Yang Xuan’s body was shocked, and his heart was fluctuating. It seemed that this young man was the Ancient Great Emperor who created the Void Technique.

“I’m leaving, I’ll go back to my Void God to teach me to be happy.”

The young man turned around and left, and he disappeared without a trace.

“Void God teach!”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself, remembering the name deeply, if this teaching still exists in the world, he will find a chance in the future In return, after all, he got the big Void Technique from the opponent.

As his thoughts flashed, an image appeared in his mind again.

In the video, a stalwart azure robe man walks like the wind and walks steadily.

“This is… Fengshen Langjun!”

Yang Xuan’s heart could not stop violently fluctuating, although only the back of the azure robe man could be seen, he still Recognized at a glance.

Deserving to be a Sacred Domain Great World, Fengshen Langjun not only has a high cultivation base, but also uses the law of wind to weaken the invasion of Samsara Power. Each step is stepped forward, his posture is upright, and the pace is consistent. No effort.

After walking like this for a long time, Samsara Power skyrocketed in vain, making Fengshen Langjun’s footsteps involuntarily slowed down.

Waiting for him to move on several li again, it was hard to hold on, and he had to retreat with injuries.

“Ai, Fengshen Langjun can accomplish all the good fortune, means Heavenspan, and his will is stronger than the previous ones, but he still failed to pass the bridge of reincarnation!”

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