Yang Xuan faintly sighed.

“Fengshen Langjun came at an untimely time. If he is about your age, he will be able to successfully break through.”

The Purgatory Boy said.

Yang Xuan was silent, he kept walking, striding forward all the way, no matter what Samsara Power was around him, he stayed still.

For so long, Divine Soul can hardly get tempering.

This was expected by Yang Xuan, because his Divine Soul is already very powerful, twice as much as before.

“This bridge is really big. I have been at least a hundred miles deep, but I still can’t see the end.”

Yang Xuan was deeply moved. On the bridge of reincarnation, he felt Being completely imprisoned is better than a purgatory boy, and Spiritual Consciousness cannot radiate away, so it is not clear how big the bridge of reincarnation is.

“It should be almost over.”

The purgatory boy suddenly said.

“How do you know?”

“Have you not noticed that Samsara Power is slowly declining?”

“It’s really like this, it seems that I am fast I have passed this bridge.”

Yang Xuan is both excited and looking forward to it. I don鈥檛 know if I can see the legendary Martial Spirit fragments on the other side of the bridge. I also don鈥檛 know if I can see the Martial Spirit fragments. Take it for your own use.

About a few minutes later, the Samsara Power on the bridge disappeared. Yang Xuan looked up and could vaguely see a huge lake in the distance.


Yang Xuan hurried over with a face full of shock.

“Wait, there is someone there.”

The purgatory boy stopped talking.

“What, someone!”

Yang Xuan was startled, and his steps stopped.

He originally thought that through the bridge of reincarnation, he would be able to see the fragments of Martial Spirit of reincarnation, didn’t expect there was someone on the opposite side of the bridge of reincarnation.

“It is not so much a human being, but a corpse puppet.”

The purgatory boy said solemnly.

“The corpse puppet!”

Yang Xuan was surprised again. A corpse puppet stood on the opposite side of the bridge of reincarnation. No matter how you looked at it, it was strange.

“I didn’t find the killing intent, please go over and take a look.”

The purgatory boy knew that Yang Xuan would not retreat here, so he could only secretly remind him.

“I got it.”

Yang Xuan took a step again, looked alert, and walked slowly.

Chapter 721 Lake of Reincarnation

There was no surprise and risk all the way, Yang Xuan quickly crossed the bridge of reincarnation.

This is a square, white jade paved, spotlessly clean, old and magnificent, almost thousands of square meters, at the end is a boundless lake.

On the shores of the lake, flowers are in full bloom and they are vying for beauty. Green and old trees are rising from the ground, and the crowns are horizontal. I don鈥檛 know how many years they have grown. They are all vigorous.

Yang Xuan swept his eyes, his eyes finally fixed on a small wharf by the lake.

There, a sturdy figure with a height of two meters, an old fur coat, a black hat, and a lifeless silhouette like a sculpture, motionless.

“Boy, how strong is that person?”

Yang Xuan stopped, knowing that the man in the clothes is the corpse puppet in the mouth of the purgatory boy.

“The Emperor!”

The purgatory boy blurted out.

“What, you mean he is a corpse puppet comparable to the emperor.”

Yang Xuan turn pale with fright, he almost didn’t bite off his tongue, he couldn’t Imagine a corpse puppet can contend with the emperor.

“Is it an emperor’s corpse?”

Yang Xuan’s heart was ups and downs.

“It is an emperor corpse, and it is still alive.”

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