The purgatory boy said: “Are you afraid? If you are afraid, go back now. To be honest, I don’t know if the other party will be against you.”

When I got here, how could I go back to the house?”

Yang Xuan took a deep breath and boldly went deep into the square, all the way to the pier, which was less than a few meters away from Linyiren.

“Since ancient times, you are the first person to come here. Congratulations on passing the first test. Now, let me get on the boat.”

Just now , The man in clothes standing on his back spoke, his voice was old and hoarse.

“I was the first person to come here!”

Yang Xuan was surprised, only to find that there was a ship docked under the dock, which looked a little broken Rotten boat.

“Junior Yang Xuan, I don’t know what Senior is called?”

Yang Xuan stepped forward, bowed and gave a salute, with a respectful attitude.

Regardless of whether the person is a corpse puppet or not, the other party is an existence with spiritual wisdom and strength comparable to that of the emperor. This existence deserves him to lower his profile.

“Get on the boat.”

This is the answer of Yin Yiren, without any emotion in his voice.

“Get on the boat?”

Yang Xuan’s eyelids twitched slightly, and he always felt like he was on a thief on the boat, and he hesitated for a while.

“Since the other party said that you passed the first test, there will definitely be a second test. You have to think carefully about whether to retreat or board the ship?”

The purgatory boy said .

“If you come, you will be at ease, or I will follow him on the boat to find out.”

Yang Xuan gritted his teeth, his eyes suddenly became firm, without the slightest hesitation Step forward came to the side of Yin Yiren.


A big hand reached, before Yang Xuan came back to his senses, he was grabbed by the man in the dress and jumped off the dock, and landed steadily On the boat below.

The whole body of the boat is pitch black, about a few meters in size, although it is in bad condition, it is not leaking.

“Senior, where are we going to?”

Yang Xuan found a place to sit down in an orderly manner, and moved towards standing at the bow, using Asked the person in clothes who was rowing with a bamboo pole.

“If you can cross the Lake of Samsara safely, you will know everything.”

The Yin Yiren never looked back.

“Reincarnation Lake?”

Yang Xuan raised his brows and looked around all around, only to see that the lake was clear and sparkling, and everything seemed very calm.

“As you can see, this is the lake of reincarnation, and it is also the second test.”

Hu Yi humanity.

“second test!”

Yang Xuan was very nervous. Having learned from the first test of the bridge of reincarnation, he didn’t think the lake of reincarnation would be as calm as the surface.

“Yes, the lake of reincarnation is the second test.”

“In this way, the bridge of reincarnation is the first test?”

Although I have guessed it What, but Yang Xuan couldn’t help but ask.


Yinyiren is slightly nodded, cherish words like gold.

“Dare to ask Senior, if Junior crosses the Lake of Reincarnation, will there be a third test afterwards?”

Yang Xuan asked again.

“Let’s talk about it when you pass this level.”

After Yin Yiren finished speaking, he looked up and said indifferently: “It’s foggy, you have to be careful.”

“It’s foggy?”

Yang Xuan stayed in a daze, looking up, eyes suddenly shrank.

In his eyes, there is a thick white mist in the distance, rolling and roaring violently, the scene is terrifying.

“Samsara Power so terrifying!”

Yang Xuan’s scalp was numb and his voice trembled.

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