“Don’t talk, keep your mind fast, your Divine Soul is powerful, and there is a formation diagram, you may not die.”

The purgatory boy shouted.

“You are right, my Divine Soul has been greatly strengthened on the bridge of reincarnation, and there is a formation diagram to absorb Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth to repair Divine Soul. There is no need to be so panicked.”

Yang Xuan secretly thought, immediately sit cross-legged, and respond calmly.

hong long long! ! !

At the same time, one after another white mist surged in, completely submerging the boat.

It is strange to say that the boat seems to be in disrepair for a long time, and it is dilapidated, but under the continuous impact of the white fog, there is no shaking.

Even the man in dress standing on the bow of the boat stood still, completely unaffected by the white fog.

The white mist is Samsara Power, the vast and amazing Samsara Power, which is many times deeper than the bridge of reincarnation, making Yang Xuan Divine Soul tremble and under great pressure.

“It hurts!”

There is a god of refinement formation diagram repairing Divine Soul, Yang Xuan still feels that Divine Soul is painful and unbearable, as if it will collapse at any time.

“Soul Surgery!”

Yang Xuan had to use all Soul Surgery, so he felt a little better, but he was happy at all, does not raise.

I just entered the Lake of Samsara, heaven knows whether Samsara Power will increase if it continues to move forward. If it continues to increase, the situation will be extremely bad, and life will be at risk at every turn.

“It is not forbidden to fly here. Would you like to go back?”

The purgatory boy said.


Still not refunding?

Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered, and he hesitated.

“Don’t even want to escape, you got on my boat, you either live across the Samsara Lake, or die on the boat.”

Suddenly, Yan Yiren coldly said, the voice filled Brutal murderous intention.

Yang Xuan feels cold in his heart. He has no doubt that if he dared to escape from the boat, he would be suppressed and killed instantly by the man. With the strength of the man, killing him is definitely like pinching an ant. So simple.

Yang Xuan wants to cry without tears, this is really a thief ship.

“Don’t worry, even if I run out of spirit strength and sleep for a long time, I will help you get through this tribulation.”

The purgatory boy resolutely said.

“Thanks, but I can bear it now, don’t rush to waste spirit strength.”

Yang Xuan moved his thanks and closed his eyes. , No longer pay attention to everything outside.

He has been on the thief ship, and now he can’t escape. What he can do is to persevere, and do his best to resist the continuous flood of Samsara Power.

Relying on the formation diagram and soul fixation, Samsara Power is strong, but it is not enough to destroy his Divine Soul.

In addition, what made him a little delighted was that under the continuous impact of Samsara Power, his Divine Soul was first severely damaged, and then he was repaired by the formation diagram of Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth. Coming to Divine Soul is also growing at a speed visible to naked eye.

The growth of Divine Soul means that Samsara Power’s threat to him is gradually reduced.

Of course, this is under the condition that the strength of Samsara Power has not yet changed. Presumably, the deeper the lake of Samsara, the more and more terrifying Samsara Power will be. When the time comes, can it be resisted? Do your best and obey the fate.

“Funny kid, it’s no wonder that you can cross the bridge of reincarnation.”

Yin Yiren secretly said in one’s heart, as if he knew everything about Yang Xuan, but he said Did not say much, just kept paddling the bamboo poles to let the boat break through the water quickly.

bang bang bang!! !

On the Lake of Samsara, the white mist surging, making the sound of ten thousand horses galloping, one after another white mist is like a wave, wave after wave, wave after wave, wave after wave, slapped towards the boat .

I don’t know what kind of material the boat is made of. It’s strong beyond imagination, and it’s always stable.

But Yang Xuan on the ship didn’t feel very well. With the increase in Samsara Power, even with the formation diagram and soul fixation, he was hovered between life and death in pain, almost screaming Speak out.

“Ho ho ho…”

Yang Xuan has a distorted face, corner of the mouth flow blood, his upper and lower teeth clenching tightly, and he forbade himself to make a noise.

Once this breath is vented, it will be difficult to find it back. The only thing he can do is to hold on, hold on to death.

“You are very good!”

Yin Yiren unprecedented praised.

“Senior is over.”

Yang Xuan sweats on his forehead, very hard and authentic.

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