Three years later, his father Yang Tian also left, leaving Yang Family alone to find He Lianqian, leaving Yang Fu to take care of the young Yang Xuan.

When the young Yang Xuan was eight years old, Yang Tian returned from a serious injury. Not only did he lose his cultivation base, he was also dismissed as the head of the family by several Elders from the Yang Family, and his residence was moved from the original main hall of the inner palace to the outside. In a remote part of the mansion, I built a thatched house.

Whenever it rains or winds, water drips on the top of the hut, muddy below, and the cold wind inside the house makes Yang Xuan shiver coldly.


“little bastard, your dad had sex with a wild woman outside, and privately took away our Yang Family鈥檚 Nine Revolutions Revival Pill, which deserves to be a Waste.”

“Listen well, we Yang Family don’t raise waste. You, father and son, hurry up and roll up the bedding. Get out.”

“Get out, or I will scold you once. Once.”

As Yang Tian lost his position as the head of the Yang Family, he became a waste person who only spent his time drinking sorrows and wasted his time. Even the life with Yang Xuan became difficult. , Will be insulted by clansman from time to time throughout the day.

“My father is not a waste, and my mother is not a wild woman. If you talk nonsense, I will be anxious with you.”

At this moment, on the Yang Family Martial Practice Stage, Little Yang Xuan waved his fist and shouted at the children who were all around.

“It’s ridiculous, just for you, a sick child who is tired after walking for a few steps, I can shoot you out with a slap.”

“Yes, don’t spread Take a urine photo, do you think that cultivation is enough? Tell you, it鈥檚 useless at all. A sick seed is always a sick seed, and it鈥檚 hard to achieve anything in a lifetime.”

“I dare to stare at me, Are you looking for a fight?”

“Forget it, although his father has lost power now, he was once the head of the family anyway. If we beat him, we will inevitably be punished.”

” Everyone, let鈥檚 go, don鈥檛 care about this bastard.”

“Walk around and look at this kid.”

Soon, a group of children dispersed.

Little Yang Xuan is dressed in a shabby padded jacket, his face is dirty, standing alone, panting with rage said: “You bastards, one day, I will step on you all Under the feet.”

Time passed day by day, a certain day, in the depths of Xiao Yang Xuan’s mind, a faint voice was emitted.

“Returning to this life, nothing has changed. Although there are many unpleasant memories in it, I finally met my mother when I was young and deeply felt the mother’s meticulous care.”

“This life, I have no regrets, I’m almost here, open for me.”


With a loud bang, Yang Xuan was shocked, and Opening his eyes, he found himself still standing on the step of reincarnation on the 1st floor.

“Dare to ask Ming Lao, how long has it been since Junior’s meal?”

Yang Xuan turned his head and moved towards Ming Lao on the boat and asked.

“Soon, it will take 5 minutes, much faster than mine.”

Ming Lao Dao.

“That’s fine.”

Yang Xuan was relaxed, he was afraid that he would wake up, dozens of hundreds of years have passed since the outside world.

“On the stage of reincarnation, reincarnation in this life is the most dangerous, and you will fall into it at every turn. You can wake up so quickly, it shows that your will is unbreakable, and the next Samsara World will be difficult to trap you.”

Ming Lao said with a smile.

He used to ascend the Reincarnation Stage, and he is very familiar with the Reincarnation Stage. He understands that Yang Xuan can wake up so quickly, and the Samsara World behind it will only become easier.

Yang Xuan did not answer, he looked up towards the 2nd floor of the reincarnation stage, and thought: “This 2nd floor reincarnation stage must be my previous life. It just so happens that my previous life is full of mysteries. This opportunity, to figure out what I have not understood.”

Thinking of this, I took a step forward, without the slightest hesitation.


Divine-Martial Continent, the Small World of Xuanhuang World, and such a Small World, the area is not too small.

Not to mention the vastness of the Sea Territory, the land is divided into Zhong Prefecture, Qianzhou, Kunzhou, Bazhou and other Great Prefectures, with a vast area.

Tianxuan Mountain, a small mountain range on the Western border of Qianzhou, where Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth is scarce, and spiritual medicine is scarce. Therefore, there are very few martial artists in the realm, and there are few martial artists from outside. artist patronizes.

However, in this mountain range of several hundred li, there are many small villages.

In the early morning of this day, with the cool breeze and the fragrant soil, a red sun rose slowly from the east, illuminating the entire Tianxuan Mountain.

At this moment, in the peripheral zone of Tianxuan Mountain, a small village with a population of less than a thousand people, on the open space outside a small village surrounded by sharp bamboos and fences, almost the whole village gathers here.

“The village chief, we’ll set off now.”

“Go, be careful on the road, and try to take a detour when you encounter Demonic beast.”

“Ergou Dad, you have to listen to Big Brother Shi this time. If you are as reckless as last time, see if I fiercely teach you a lesson.”

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