“haha, don’t worry, Ergou’s mother, I will help you watch Dagui this kid, if he dares not listen to Big Brother Shi’s command this time, wait until he comes back. Just let him kneel on the washboard.”

“Talk nonsense something, when you find a wife, you will know that the days are sad.”

“Okay, everyone follow me.”

“Big brother Uncle, goodbye, when you come back, we will have meat to eat.”


In many old people, women and children Amidst the cheers of the children, a group of dozens of men carrying long bows, iron forks, or swords in their hands strode forward and marched towards the distant mountains and forests.

This is hunting, like these villages in Tianxuan Mountain, every two weeks, there will be a team of dozens of hundreds of adult men going out in groups to hunt wild beasts in the mountains.

This is the so-called “backing on mountains to eat mountains,” relying on water to draw water.

If there is not enough food, the elderly, women and children in the village will not say that the child who is growing up will have to be hungry first. It is not good for growth or cultivation.

In Tianxuan Mountain, the jungle is dense, dark and damp, and there are countless snakes, insects, rats and ants. From time to time in the distance, there are fierce roars of beasts coming from the front, making people dare not care.

A group of dozens of people took care of each other, stopped and went, and hunted down some wild beasts one after another, but did not see Demonic beasts.

Demonic beast spiritual wisdom is not weak, and I already know cultivation. Most of them live in places rich in Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth. As long as they don’t go deep into the mountains, it is difficult to encounter generally speaking.

“Big Brother Shi, let’s hunt around here, and don’t go too deep.”

About an hour later, the entire group went on several dozen li, one Wearing a short coat of animal skins, a tall, thin young man came to the headed middle-aged man and said.

Middle-aged man, named stone forest tiger, looks about three 15-16 years old, with thick black hair, strong body, and bright eyes.

In him, Origin Qi fluctuates strongly and has the cultivation base of Ning Yuan Jing Peak.

In Qianzhou, there are martial artists in Ningyuan realm everywhere, and martial artists in real Gang realm are as big as a feather, but most of them are concentrated in those places where Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth is rich.

In small places like Tianxuan Mountain, martial artists of Ningyuan realm are rare, let alone the martial artists of Ningyuan realm Peak.

“Also, let’s hunt around here.”

Stone forest Tiger thought for a while, nodded and said.

“This is not good. Looking at the remaining footprints on the ground, people from other villages must have swept this mountain forest in recent days.”

Someone frowns said.

Tianxuan Mountain is only 700-800 li in radius, and there are no less than a hundred small villages in the peripheral zone. Therefore, the wild beasts in the periphery of the mountain are almost hunted down. Some, they will find it hard to gain anything from this hunt.

Chapter 725 Demon Infant

“There is not much food left in the village. This time we should hunt more wild beasts and go back. We will have to enter the mountains in a few days. .”

“What a few days later, it seems that winter is coming soon. When the snow covers the mountain, we can only dig roots when we enter the mountain.”

“What should I do? Without sufficient food, many lonely old people and children in the village may find it hard to survive this cold winter.”

Everyone spoke one after another, and most of them looked worried.

They are all grown-up men in the village. Many of them have wives and a few of them are children. Even if they are not considered for other villagers, they have to consider their wives and children. .

“The depths of the mountains are dangerous, but compared with the cold winter, they are nothing. We must not let the old people and children in the village go hungry and cold.”

“Go, Continue into the mountain.”

“Big Brother Shi, you can say something!”

Many people looked towards the stone forest tiger, waiting for his decision.

The stone forest tiger browses tightly knit. He grew up in the village and he knew the terrifying of the cold winter. A touch of determination flashed in his eyes and said: “Follow me, let’s go deeper.”

“Big Brother Shi, it seems that the depths of Tianxuan Mountain are not very peaceful recently, let’s…”

The lanky young man in a short coat of animal skin hesitated.

“make a fuss about nothing, isn’t it that there was an earthquake in the last few days and nights, and I didn’t see Demonic beasts rushing out from the depths of the mountain in droves, what’s the problem? “

Some people don’t care, carefree and authentic.

“Skinny monkey, if you are scared, go back to the village and sleep in the pit with your mother-in-law now.”

A strong and strong arm, shirtless The upper body man said to the thin young man.

This immediately caused many people to burst into laughter.

This young man’s name is Sun Dabao. He has always wanted a child since he got married, but he doesn’t know what’s going on. No matter how he tossed in the pit, his mother-in-law couldn’t get pregnant.

Instead, he has changed from his original strong body to today’s skinny, and he was also nicknamed a lean monkey.

“Smile, what’s so funny?”

Sun Dabao jumped with anger, his face flushed.

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