” Just kidding that’s all, where is such a big rage?”

“Yes, you brat is too sensitive.”

Some people have mouths It kept making Sun Dabao more angry, he almost roared and roared: “Shut up, didn’t you do that with your wife?”

“Do it, but we are all At night, it’s like you brat, and it’s doing it in broad daylight. The voice is so loud that you can hear it from far away.”

Someone said this, and it immediately caused many people to laugh. .

“Bullly intolerably, you can use me to get rid of, I’ll give you an rush.”

Sun Dabao flustered and exasperated authentic.

“Okay, pipe down all of them. If any powerful Demonic beast is attracted, we will all die.”

Stone forest tiger frowns shouted.

hearing this, everyone immediately silenced. The Stone Forest Tiger is the one with the highest cultivation base and the strongest among them. Everyone is very convinced of him.

“Everyone follow me, let’s go forward 30 li.”

The stone forest tiger did not delay, and took off the iron sword hanging from his waist while holding it. The sword moved forward on guard.

Others did not speak, and followed along.

Along the way, the sun shines through the tree canopy, leaving spots on the ground.

At the same time, wolves, tigers and leopards occasionally appear in the mountains and forests, but none of them pose a threat to everyone. Instead, they are plentiful harvest. Many people have a wild beast corpse on their shoulders.

In the entire group, in addition to the stone forest tigers, there are also several martial artists in the Ning Yuan realm, but the highest cultivation base is also the 5 Heavenly Layer in the Ning Yuan realm.

As for the remaining people, they are all martial artists of Body Tempering Realm 4-5 layers. Due to the hard work of cultivation, coupled with the relationship between hunting and various wild beasts for many years, the fleshy body is very strong. The corpse with the wild beast on its shoulders does not feel hard either.

“Thanks to Big Brother Shi this time, if we hadn’t led the team by Big Brother Shi, we would definitely not have such a rich harvest.”

“Yes, Big Brother Shi is our village. A well-deserved number one expert. Although other villages also have a few experts of Ningyuan Realm Peak, none of them are Big Brother Shi’s opponents.”

“Ai, if not for staying to take care of the people in the village Now, the Big Brother Shi is probably already a great expert in the realm and even Vientiane Realm.”

At this moment, everyone is very excited and very grateful to the stone forest tiger.

In the past few years, although the stone forest tigers yearned for the outside world, they never left the village, which made them highly respect.

“Hush, everyone, don’t talk.”

Suddenly, the stone forest tiger turned his head and made a silent gesture.

“Big Brother Shi, is there a danger ahead?”

Sun Dabao’s face changed all of a sudden. Demonic beast is a very dangerous existence in Tianxuan Mountain. It is getting harder and harder to hunt wild beasts in the outlying areas. Adult men in their villages have to go deeper into the mountains to hunt, so people die from the mouth of Demonic beasts from time to time.

“It’s okay, it’s a low-level Demonic beast, come slowly, I will kill it first.”

Leave a word, the stone forest tiger stands up, Leaping out like a cheetah, his figure rose and fell a few times before disappearing into the jungle ahead.

“Let’s go, let’s rush over to help Big Brother Shi.”

“Yes, we have a lot of people, plus it’s just a demonic beast, we should be able to I can help.”

After a while, everyone speeded up their pace and chased the tiger in the stone forest.

After about a dozen breaths, a group of people spotted the stone forest tiger in front of them. What made them feel strange and puzzled was that the stone forest tiger stood still and motionless, like It’s like being scared by something.

“What happened?”

“Go, go and take a look.”

A group of people held their breath, cautiously came to the stone forest tiger, Looking forward, I saw that under the steep cliffs outside several dozen meters, a horned wolf full of monster qi was hovering there, turning around a baby wrapped in a swaddling, but he still didn’t dare to say anything. .

“What’s the situation…?”

“Damn it, aren’t unihorned wolves a well-known bloodthirsty, they dare not eat that baby?”

“Let’s not talk about this, what happened to the child, he was cruelly abandoned in the deserted mountain.”

“Big Brother Shi, what shall we do now?”

After a short whisper, everyone turned their eyes to the stone forest tiger.

The unicorn wolf is a low-level Demonic beast, yes, but it is a very cruel existence among them. Not to mention the sharp minions, just the sharp unicorn on the head can be with no difficulty. Wearing the body protection vitality of a martial artist in the Ning Yuan realm is extremely difficult to deal with.

“Go back, I will kill the beast first.”

The stone forest tiger waved his hand and saw that the one-horned wolf could not bear it. Then, with a kick on his strong hind legs, he opened his fangs and mouth, and leaped at the baby in the swaddle.

“Beast, you are courting death.”

The stone forest tiger both shocked and angry, rushing forward like flying, but before he gets close, let him and Sun Dabao and the A shocking scene appeared, only to see the black light flashed on the baby’s eyebrows, and then the vicious one-horned wolf died.

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