Yes, he died suddenly, and fell to the ground from mid-air with a bang, splashing mud, rocks and dead leaves all over the floor.

This is so, but there is no mud, rock or dead leaves that can get close to the baby. How weird this scene is, it makes Sun Dabao and the others a little hairy.

In a short silence, Sun Dabao stepped back and shouted: “My mother, that baby must be a Demon!”

“Don’t come close, or it might attract Unexpectedly.”

Others were equally scared.

“Talk nonsense, there is no Demon in the world, then the child must have a prominent family background and have some secret treasure to protect him.”

The stone forest tiger yelled and walked over.

“Big Brother Shi is absolutely impossible.”

Someone changed his color and said that a ferocious one-horned wolf was killed by a baby in a blink of an eye. If the stone forest tiger approaches, something may happen. .

Stone forest tiger step one stopped, to be honest, he was also somewhat dreaded.

“Big Brother Shi, go back, the baby is by no means a kind of kind, and the consequences are unpredictable once it gets close.”

Sun Dabao was anxious.

Stone forest tigers are good at everything. They are born with daring, fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth. When they were young, they dared to go deep into the mountains alone to pick spiritual medicine.


Still not saved?

Stone forest Tiger’s eyes flickered, but seeing the baby’s white tender face and innocent big eyes, he finally strode over and picked up the baby with the swaddling.

“Huh, it’s okay.”

Sun Dabao and the others relaxed together.

“Sure enough, it is a treasure of body protection. As long as I am not malicious, I will not be killed.”

Stone forest tiger muttered to himself, he looked down at the baby ‘S baby, said with a smile: “No matter who you are, Little Brat’s parents, since I met, I will adopt you kindly. If your parents come to find you in the future, you can let them go.”

hearing this, the baby is just yiyiyaya, but unable to speak, those big black and bright eyes turning, with strong spirituality, made Stone Forest Tiger secretly admired: “What a smart baby!”


Thinking about this, he swaddled up and took a look, said with a big smile: “I’m still a big smile. I must grow up to be a good man who can support both heaven and earth.”

After finishing speaking, he turned around and said: “This hunting is a good harvest, we don’t need to go deeper, let’s go back to the village.”

“Big Brother Shi, you, you Do you really want to adopt this child?” Sun Dabao asked hesitantly. He always felt that the baby boy in the tiger’s arms in the stone forest was very serious. If he was brought back to the village, he might cause some disaster.

“I am devoted to cultivation, and I don’t even have a mother-in-law now, so I might as well accept this child as a righteous son.”

The stone forest tiger laughed loudly and strode towards the mountains. .

The others stayed there, and hurriedly chased them.

About two hours later, everyone returned to the village. The name of the village is Anle Village, which means peace and happiness without disaster.

And learned that the stone forest tiger brought back a baby boy, this baby boy also unfathomable mystery killed a one-horned wolf, many villagers avoided the baby boy and secretly called it a The Devil Infant will bring uncertainty to the village.

Chapter 726 Little Stones

Time flies, and dazzling years have passed. Except for the sharp bamboos and fences that have expanded a bit, Anle Village is still the quiet and peaceful village in the past. In the village, the simple villagers never mentioned the magic infant.

“Little Stone, there is a bird’s nest in the forest outside the village, can you go and pick out the bird eggs?”

“He is still young, so don’t call him.”


“Who is young, I am already seven years old this year, and if I don’t go, who of you can climb the tree to get the bird eggs?”

“Too small, Isn’t it just climbing a tree, when we can’t do it.”

“Che, I don’t know who slipped and fell to the sky last time.”

” You…”

“What me, do you want me to also shake out the embarrassment of the last time I went to fish in the river.”

“Don’t say it, don’t say it, You have to say, I…I’m anxious with you.”

“Okay, well, let him follow if Little Stone wants to go.”

“Go, let’s go quietly Go out, don’t let the adults find out this time, or you will have to touch the board.”

“Walk around!”

This evening, the sunset glows the sky. , A group of children crept out of the village under the shelter of the house, and ran all the way to the distant mountains and forests.

A total of more than a dozen children, ranging in age from seven to eight years old to eleven-twelve, are all mischievous children in the village, and they belong to the kind that can’t be free for a moment.

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