Among them, a seven-year-old child is particularly outstanding.

Although I grew up from snacks with coarse grains and wore worn clothes, the long one is white and tender and beautiful, with a pair of big black eyes, and the spinning room is full of crafty, like a porcelain doll.

This child is not someone else, but the demon infant in the depths of the mountain, and the son of the stone forest tiger.

Stone forest Tiger can be literate and martial, and gave him a more elegant name-Shi Xuan, but people in the village rarely call him by his name, but call him little stone.

“Little Stone, has Uncle Shi taught you any battle skills recently?”

At this moment, a child leaned up next to Little Stone and asked in a low voice, Stone Forest Tiger is not only their peaceful village Number one expert, or morning exercise master Instructor, occasionally teaches these children one or two battle skills.

“No, Adoptive Father said to teach me when I get older.”

Little Stone shook his head.


“Why do you lie to you.”

The little stone rolled the eyes, rushing into the forest with great speed.

A group of children are speechless when they see this place. It stands to reason that they are older than the little stone, but they are not as fast as him, and even weaker than him.

“I really don’t know how this guy has small arms and legs. With such great strength, he doesn’t get tired all day long.”

He has child twitched his lips.

The mountain forest is very quiet, a group of children hopped around and came to one big tree one after another.

The big tree has thick thighs for adults, with a height of more than ten feet, with luxuriant branches and leaves. On the top branch, there is a bird’s nest as big as a human head, looking through the grass. It was faintly visible that there were several white bird eggs inside.

“So high, how do we get up?”

Some children complained.

“What is the height of this point, you are waiting for me below, and I will come as soon as I go.”

The little stone moved, he rolled up his sleeves and grabbed The tree climbed up quickly with both hands and feet, and reached the top of the tree within a few breaths, grabbed the bird’s nest and slid down the trunk of the tree.

All around, a group of children looked dumbfounded. Although this is not the first time they have seen a small stone dig out a bird’s egg on a tree, compared to before, the small stone’s hands and feet are obviously more agile. Vigorous and flexible.

“Little Stone, you didn’t change from a monkey?”

“Yes, we used to practice boxing seriously in front of morning exercises. You are good, every time I snooze and slacken in the back. Normally I don’t see how you cultivation.”

“Let’s say, after the morning exercise, Uncle Shi gave you a small stove alone.”

Child you say a word to me, looking at the little stone’s eyes is like looking at a monster.

“What do you want to do? My Adoptive Father said that my physique is different from ordinary people. Even if I don’t practice, I will become stronger and stronger. After another two years, I can I went hunting in the mountains, when the time comes, I will hunt you a saber-toothed tiger and come back.”

Small stone with his hands on his hips and his head slightly tilted up, very bullish and authentic.

A group of child speechless, at their age, don’t know anything about talent.

In their opinion, it is difficult to become stronger if you don’t work diligently to practice boxing. Everyone wonders if the stone forest tiger uses some precious medicinal liquid to wash the marrow and cut the bones of the small stones.

The spiritual medicine in Tianxuan Mountain is rare, but it is in the outer area. In fact, in the depths of the mountain, spiritual medicine is not too small, and it is based on the cultivation of the stone forest 4 Heavenly Layer. The base and strength are enough to go into the mountain to gather medicine and toughen the flesh for the little stone.

“Uncle Shi really didn’t open a small stove for you?”

A young boy of about ten years old, wearing a coat of animal skin, asked suspiciously.

“Really not.”

The little stone spreads out. The Adoptive Father stone forest tiger is very good to him. He has also used medicinal liquid to soak his body, but that is already It happened three or four years ago. In recent years, after discovering his special physique, he went deep into the mountains without risking any further.

“Then what kind of cultivation base are you now?”

A child asked, this is also what other people are curious about. To be honest, they don’t know what level the little stone has cultivated to.

“Body Tempering Realm 4th layer bone training, um, I have gotten some tricks recently. It is estimated that a meridian will be opened in a few days and enter the Body Tempering Realm 5th layer pulse.”

Little Stone is not shy about being authentic.

“This is impossible!”

“Damn it, Tie Zhu is the oldest, and his cultivation is the hardest. He just reached the Body Tempering Realm 2nd layer a few days ago. How did you cultivation? Of?”

“Little Stone, honestly, have you ever eaten any body tempering spiritual medicine?”

Many children are not calm, looking up and down with wide-eyed eyes Little Stone, Body Tempering Realm has a total of 5th layer, one is more difficult than the other. In the history of their Anle Village, no child can reach the Body Tempering Realm 4th layer at the age of seven.

It is said that the stone forest tiger is seven eight years old, but the Body Tempering Realm 2nd layer.

“Don’t look at me, I will be shy.”

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