“This child is simply not a human being, everyone, run away.”

The remaining seven or eight bandits were panicked and all ran away desperately.


The little stone strode and pursued it like a cannonball. After a muffled sound of pēng pēng pēng, none of the bandits escaped, all corpses were on the spot.

“Dead, all dead, thoroughly killed by a small stone alone!”

“Magic Infant, he really is a Demon Infant!”

“Wu wu, my parents are dead, and I’m the only one left.”

“It’s all his fault, Big Brother Shi shouldn’t have brought him back to the village.”

Until this time, the villagers in the yard came back to his senses one after another. For a while, some people exclaimed, some cried, and some yelled that the little stone was a magic baby, and he brought the unknown.

“It’s not me, it’s not me…”

Little Stone is weeping bitter tears, shaking his head continuously.

“It’s you, it’s you. You are born an unknown person. You can’t help but ruin our village and kill your Adoptive Father stone forest tiger.”

Yelled at the little stone nose.

“Nonsense, nonsense, I didn’t kill Adoptive Father.”

Little Stone screamed and turned mad and rushed out of Anle Village.

Running all the way, the ground is billowing with smoke and dust, flying sand running stone, pieces of forest collapsed and shattered, the scene is terrifying.

“It’s not me, I didn’t kill the Adoptive Father, and I’m not a demon infant…”

The little stone muttered to himself, tears streaming down his face, the aimless ones are in the mountains In the rampage.

On the way, all the wild beasts retreated, and some of them were slow to hide, and they were directly killed by small rocks.

I don’t know how far I ran. A turbulent river appeared in front of me. The small stones fell into the cold water with a plop and were swept away along the river.


Qianzhou, Dazhou City, Yunlai Inn.

In a guest room, two handsome young men wearing black clothed clothes are sitting at the table while drinking wine and talking in a low voice.

“This child has reached the Body Tempering Realm 4th layer at a young age, and his talent is unimaginable, but the Senior Brother will save him and bring him back to the mountain gate in a few years. Maybe it will ride on our heads.”

“Ai, Junior Brother don’t know, Master, he failed to hit the Supreme half a year ago, Divine Soul was damaged, and it has been a few years to live, so I desperately need a fleshy body furnace cauldron.”

“What, the Master wants body possession!?”

“Yes, the appearance of this child can be regarded as indirectly saving you and me. Ruuo Otherwise, the Master will definitely choose one between you and me as the fleshy body furnace cauldron.”

“We are here to treat him with respect and courtesy. This old bastard actually wants to take possession of us. It’s really hateful.”

“It’s really hateful, but we have tens of thousands of Ten Thousand Demons Sect Direct Disciple, and there are a few good people among them. We will dedicate this child to the old ghost this time. The reward is absolutely indispensable. Yes.”

“What reward is not important. The old bastard won’t die in a day. We may be killed by him anytime.”

“Then let’s do it first. To be strong.”

“This…the old ghost is a half-step supreme after all. Even if Divine Soul is damaged now, it is definitely not something we can deal with.”

” It’s okay, when he is in possession of the kid on the bed, we will take this opportunity and we will surely suppress and kill him in one fell swoop.”

“Okay, that’s it.”

… …

Ten Thousand Demons Sect, the demonic path of Qianzhou, set up Sect has been over 10,000 years.

The whole family, both men and women, are both vicious and merciless. Many martial artists in Qianzhou become terror-stricken at the news.

When Little Stone woke up, he suddenly found himself in Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

At this time, an ugly old man with a short stature and wrinkles wearing a black robe was grinning at him lying on the bed said with a smile: “Child, your talent is out of the Ordinary, would you like to worship me as a teacher?”

After that, the smile on his face is even greater and self-introduced: “I am Ten Thousand Demons Sect Inner Sect Great Elder, known as the Demon Cloud God, you just need to be My discipline, under my guidance, the student surpasses the master will definitely become the expert of name shakes the whole world.”

The little stone hangs his head and is absent-minded, as if he has not heard the devil cloud god if.

At this moment, he is still sad for the death of the villagers in Anle Village and the tiger in the Adoptive Father Stone Forest. Unconsciously tears are filled in his eyes.

“Don’t cry, there is a teacher, no one can bully you, and no one dares to bully you.”

Moyun Shenjun is comfortable, but there is a flash of greed in his eyes The color.

“many thanks Master.”

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