The little stone lifts the head to the road.

“Haha, good, good.”

Moyun Shenjun smiled from ear to ear, touched the head of the little stone with his hand and said: “You just woke up, just rested in bed, and waited. In a few days, your two Senior Brothers will come here to coach you in your cultivation.”

“Two Senior Brothers?”

“Well, one is named Jiang Chen and the other is Lin Feng. Jiang Chen is your First Senior Brother and has the cultivation base of Vientiane Realm 6 Heavenly Layer. Lin Feng is your Second Senior Brother and has the cultivation base of Vientiane Realm 5 Heavenly Layer. You have to listen to them carefully.”

“Yes, I remembered the discipline.”

The little stone is nodded.

“Just remember, there is still something to do for the teacher, so let’s go first.”

Moyun Shenjun laughed and strode out of the little stone room.

“Moyun Shenjun!”

The little stone watched Moyun Shenjun go away, his big eyes narrowed slightly.

For some reason, he always felt that the demon cloud god looked at him wrong, like a hungry wolf with stomach rumbling with hunger, staring at a prey, he might rush to swallow him at any time .

“This old man must harbor malicious intentions against me.”

Little Stone has been smart since he was a child. He has guessed something, and he has become wary.


Time flies, and years have passed.

This year, Little Stone was just 13 years old. From a little boy to a handsome young official like a jade tree, his cultivation base also reached Vientiane Realm.

13 years old Vientiane Realm martial artist, which is extremely rare in the entire Divine-Martial Continent, as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

It has never appeared in Qianzhou. Once the news came out, it immediately caused an uproar in Ten Thousand Demons Sect. Almost everyone was talking about it.

Even the Ten Thousand Demons Sect Sect Master, who has been in closed-door cultivation all year round, was shocked. Not only did he break through, he also came to see the little stone in person, and gave the little stone ten thousand dollars. Magic pill.

Chapter 728 The Mystery of Life Experience

Ten Thousand Demons Sect is one of the three highest medicine pills in the collection. It is extremely famous throughout Divine-Martial Continent. It took hundreds of years to refine one furnace, and one furnace only has three pellets. It is extremely precious, and one pellet can greatly tempering fleshy body.

After learning that the little stone got a pill of ten thousand magic pill, the god of magic cloud suddenly lost his joy.

Old Guy’s life essence is not much, and Divine Soul suffered an unimaginable damage due to its failure to hit the Supreme a few years ago. If it hadn’t been maintained by the Spiritual Pill, it would have been breathe one’s feet. last.

But spiritual medicine is limited after all, too much can cause resistance, so in the past six months, I often cough up blood, not far from death.

In order to survive, he is already sharpening his sword in private, preparing to take the Ten Thousand Demon Pill in a small stone and then take his body possession.

No one knows about this, except for the two Senior Brothers Jiang Chen and Lin Feng from Xiao Shitou.

On a dark night with high winds, God Monarch Moyun finally couldn’t bear it, and showed his hideous fangs toward the small stone.

“Good discipline, don’t blame being a teacher, if you blame it, blame your bad luck and excellent talent. You don’t have to be afraid, I promise to give you a happy one for the teacher.”

In a room with flickering lights, God Monarch Moyun appeared silently and gloomily.

Little Stone is sitting on the bed, his face is very calm, as if he knew that there would be such a day, expressionless authentically: “Do it, just see if the person who dies is you or me this time.”

“hehe, although the teacher is hurt, Divine Soul is weak, but it is not something you can resist. If you don’t resist, it’s okay, resisting will only find yourself guilty.”

The Devil Cloud God smiled sensibly, and Divine Soul went directly out of his body, and fell into the eyebrows of the little stone. Divine Soul, who wanted to swallow the little stone, took its fleshy body as his own.

Unfortunately, human’s calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation. He failed and failed to body possession. Don’t say that he succeeded. Instead, his Divine Soul was hit by a black light from the little stone’s Divine Soul. Off.

Even Jiang Chen and Lin Feng who came later were bombarded and killed by Xiao Shishi with lightning speed.

The strength of the little stone is too strong. It seems that only the cultivation base of Vientiane Realm is the first to enter the Vientiane Realm, but the fleshy body is unmatched and cultivated by several powerful secret skills taught by the demon cloud god, making it the first to enter Celestial Realm Jiang Chen and Lin Feng are effortless.

It was inevitable that the incident was revealed, and the little stone did not stay in the residence after destroying the corpse and evidence. Under the cover of night, he was like a ghost, and quietly slipped out of Ten Thousand Demons Sect, and went to the world alone.

Several years later, the martial artist who died in the hands of Little Stone did not know how many martial artists, and they made a huge reputation in Qianzhou, known as Blood Asura.

It’s just that no one knows who the little stone is or where he comes from, only that this is a vicious and merciless young murderer. If a martial artist below the divine force provokes him, he will be unforgettable. , Can’t sleep at night.


“History has not changed. In a few years, the world will appear a Asura demon.”

“After so many years, the mystery It’s still a mystery, and I’m sure it’s hard to get the answer if I continue like this. I can still leave.”

As an outsider, Yang Xuan, he couldn’t help but see his past life, that is, the growth experience of Little Stone in his eyes. faintly sighed.

He wanted to use the reincarnation of his previous life to find out his identity in his previous life, but the sky was not as expected. Apart from knowing that his previous life was abandoned in the Tianxuan Mountain, he had nothing to gain.

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