It didn’t take long to stay, relying on a strong will, he broke away all at once.

As Divine Soul returns, he is still standing on the 2nd floor of Samsara.

“Finally awoke, why is it so slow this time?”

Ming Lao did not leave. Seeing Yang Xuan wake up, he immediately stood up from the bow, concerned Meaning, exhibit one’s feelings in one’s speech.

“Some things have been delayed for some time, making Ming Lao worry.”

“Something has been delayed?”

Ming Lao was stunned, and did not Ask more, and he said: “Go ahead, and then remember not to stay too much in Samsara World, that will cause indelible damage to your Divine Soul.”

“Yes, Junior remembers Now.”

Yang Xuan nodded, adjusted his breath slightly in place, and stepped onto the 3rd floor of Samsara Stage. Since he could not find the answer in the previous Samsara World, he was going to continue the cycle, so he didn’t believe it. The mystery of life experience.


No one knows how big the vast universe and the endless starry sky are, let alone how many secrets there are.

This is a piece of Star Domain. In the deepest part of Star Domain, there are no stars. It seems to be isolated from the world, dark and lonely.

However, in the Star Domain of pitch-black as ink, a black sarcophagus floats and sinks here, which will last forever.

The black sarcophagus is two meters long and half a meter wide. It is extremely old. The whole body spreads a horrible and terrifying atmosphere. The space that stirs all directions 10,000,000 li is shaking, and it seems to be shattered. .

This is also a Death Forbidden Area. Once an emperor came in, he was wiped out instantly. Even a little fly ash was never left. After that, there was also a powerhouse that didn’t believe in evil. He propped up his own powerhouse and forcibly broke through. Come in, want to find out.

Unfortunately, he also lost his life, but relying on the guardian of the cave sky, he went deeper than the emperor, and faintly saw the black sarcophagus.

And the emperor powerhouse and the cave sky were suppressed and killed by the invisible force, and they were also shocked by all the powers. Since then, no one has dared to approach this Death Forbidden Area for half a step.

weng!! !

One day, in this Death Forbidden Area, the black sarcophagus vibrated violently.

Then the whole sarcophagus suddenly exploded, and then a black dome with the size of a millstone jumped out of it, and it was faintly visible that there was a white and fat baby boy curled up inside the dome.

Fortunately, this scene was not seen by anyone, otherwise it would definitely shake All Heavens Myriad Realms.

Everyone thought that there was a black dome deep in Death Forbidden Area, especially a baby boy inside the egg.

“A black dome?”

The baby boy was still awake, but in the boy’s mind, there was a shocked voice.

This is Yang Xuan’s voice. He cannot imagine that his previous life was actually an egg.

“Wait, baby boy, is this the little stone for the next life?”

Yang Xuan thought of something, and when he looked it up carefully, he found that the baby boy is really a little stone.

But what he puzzled was that his previous life was who in the end, and why he appeared in a black dome.

Everything, full of mysteries, always troubled his heart, making him a little upset.

For some time, the black dome disappeared.

Yang Xuan stared intently and found that all around white light was dazzling, and space and time became extremely chaotic.

“Where is this?”

Yang Xuan was shocked by a wave of waves in his heart.

He has a faint feeling that the black dome is like stepping into an endless time and space. It has to travel a long time here, and it may never reach its end.

Sure enough, as he had guessed, after a year of time, all around is still a vast expanse of whiteness.

“The bomb index has passed ten years, and the black dome has not yet flown out of this time and space. It seems that I can’t find the answer.”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself , Divine Soul broke free.


As Divine Soul returned to the fleshy body, Yang Xuan was shocked, his seven orifices hemorrhage, and he fell directly to the ground.

“What’s the matter?”

Ming Lao has been paying attention to Yang Xuan, and seeing him fall to the ground, the complexion changed suddenly.

“It’s okay, I just got hurt…”

Yang Xuan shook his head, slowly propped up his body, and adjusted his breath cross-legged.

After staying in that endless time and space for so long, his Divine Soul didn’t seem to be abnormal, but after he broke free, Divine Soul was hit hard.

This is also how powerful his Divine Soul is, otherwise he is dead and can’t die anymore.

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