Yan Luo was shouted, and pupil light contains severe murderous intention.

“What a big tone, do you try to kill my brother and brother?”

Ji Haifeng roared, his figure shook, and he quickly came to stand beside Ji Hailin.

“Are there going to war!?”

Far away, many martial artists were frightened.

“Hey, look, everyone, the white mist on the bridge has disappeared!”

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Including Yan Luo and Ji Family Double Sovereigns, all the people looked towards the bridge of reincarnation, and they realized that the white mist that permeated the bridge was rapidly diminishing until it disappeared.

“What’s the situation, why is Samsara Power gone!?”

“Samsara Power is derived from the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragments. Could it be that Yang Xuan has obtained the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragments?”

“It is possible, otherwise, well, why the Samsara Power on the bridge will disperse by itself.”

“This kid is really a monster, he has a half-step Divine Sword. Needless to say, even Martial Spirit fragments such as the reincarnation Martial Spirit can be taken as their own.”

At this moment, the bridge is boiling, no one can maintain calmness, and all kinds of voices cannot be heard. Absolutely, one after another.

No one didn’t expect that the Samsara Power on the bridge would dissipate, especially this change must have nothing to do with Yang Xuan.

“How could this happen!?”

Shen Yulong trembled all over, unable to accept the result, his face was ugly to the extreme.

“This kid…”

Shang Jie cursed secretly, his envy and jealousy almost went crazy.

Qiu Shaoyang looks calm on the face, but not at the bottom of his heart.

He has a faint hunch that Yang Xuan has not only obtained the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragments, but I am afraid that he has already given the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragments to refining.

“Master, that little bastard won’t be real…”

The corpse puppet robust man hesitated and stopped, his face was shocked, and even faintly in the depths of his eyes With a bit of fear.

Yang Xuan’s strength has been very terrifying. If the Reincarnation Martial Spirit fragment is really refining, its strength will definitely become more terrifying.

“Follow me on the bridge.”

Yan Luo waved his hand and jumped onto the bridge of reincarnation.

Regardless of whether Yang Xuan has refining Martial Spirit fragments, he must remove them at all costs, otherwise he will feel uneasy.

robust man came back to his senses, hurriedly followed along, because there was no Samsara Power on the bridge, the two were extremely fast and fleeting.

Swipe twice, the Ji Family doubles are not slow, and they fly on the bridge of reincarnation together, chasing Robust Man and Yan Luo all the way fast as lightning.

“Everyone, do you want to follow me and see?”

“Will it be dangerous?”

The eyes of the crowd are flickering, all hesitating Determined, Heaven knows Samsara Power will not appear, if it suddenly appears, they will all have to finish playing with martial artists below the supreme.

“Sect Master, shall we?”

Qiu Shaoyang looked towards Fang Henyun.

“Let’s take a look.”

Fang Henyun hesitated and made a decision. He grabbed Qiu Shaoyang with his hands and swept across the bridge of reincarnation.

“Old Ancestor…”

Shen Yulong and Shang Jie looked towards their Old Ancestor respectively.

“Will you go?”

Shen Hongtao and Shang Taixu looked at each other, and they both had a little uncertainty in their eyes.

“It’s not too late, let’s go to the bridge.”

“Go, the Martial Spirit fragments of reincarnation are rare treasures, Yang Xuan may not be able to refining, we may still have a chance. “

All around, some of the older masters moved.

Seeing this scene, Shen Hongtao and Shang Taixu became fierce, and successively rolled up Shen Yulong and Shang Jie, and rushed to the bridge with the supreme parties.

“if one doesn’t enter the tiger’s cave, how will one catch a tiger cub, let’s go!”

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