“That is, on the other side of the bridge, apart from the Martial Spirit fragments, there may be other treasures. As long as we can get one or two, it’s worth a trip.”

After the noise, the crowd moved.


On the peak of Samsara, after Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch left, Willow Tree transformed into a green robe old man and Yang Xuan big eyes staring at small eyes.

Ming Lao saw all this in his eyes, and said with a look of suspicion: “Lao Liu, you and Yang Xuan…”

green robe old man hands behind ones back, I didn’t care about Ming Lao, and said indifferently at Yang Xuan: “You brat seems to have a deep hostility towards me, which makes me very incomprehensible.”

“I got the inheritance of Fengshen Langjun .”

Yang Xuan squinted.

“Fengshen Langjun?”

green robe old man raised his green eyebrows lightly, as if he had heard the name for the first time.

“Under the Earth Palace in the Land of Storms.”

Yang Xuan said again.

“So you are talking about the young man who comprehended the law of wind!”

The green robe old man suddenly realized.

“Young people?”

Yang Xuan is angry and funny. Although Fengshen Langjun is not as powerful as Willow Tree, he is a Supreme emperor at any rate, but when he reaches the opponent’s mouth, he has become A young man.

“An ordinary emperor, who is not an old monster cultivated thousands of over 10,000 years, but he is talented and has less than a thousand years of cultivation. Isn’t he a young man?”

green robe old man laughed blankly.

“What, Fengshen Langjun’s cultivation is less than a thousand years!”

Yang Xuan’s eyes widened, his face is incredible, everyone knows Fengshen Langjun’s strength connecting to heaven Penetrating the earth is Sacred Domain Great World Taikoo Number One Person, but no one knows how many years it is cultivated.

It’s just that the martial artist wants to be emperor. It’s too difficult. Looking at the entire All Heavens Myriad Realms, I’m afraid there are few people who can be emperor within a thousand years, as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

“Don’t be surprised, his talent is not much worse than when my master was young. With some chance, it is not surprising that he can step into the emperor within a thousand years.”

green robe old man smiled, and then changed the conversation, said without thinking: “You brat must think I killed him, right?”

“Isn’t it?”

Yang Xuan asked rhetorically, he clearly remembered that Willow Tree said at the time that he would keep a whole body of Fengshen Langjun.

“You were wrong. I didn’t do anything in the end. One is that he is a talent, and the other is that my lord asked me to let him go.”

“Then why?”

“Why died, right? It’s very simple. He forcibly went deep into the bridge of reincarnation. Divine Soul was hit hard. In addition to his unlovable life, he chose self-defense. I wanted to stop it. It’s too late.”

“Fengshen Langjun…he chose to solve his own soldiers…”

Yang Xuan was stunned. The news was so amazing. He absolutely didn’t expect, Fengshen Langjun did not die at the hands of others, but ended up by himself.

“No wonder I did not see any wounds on the remains of Fengshen Langjun.”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself.

“Do you understand now, no matter what your relationship with him, he was not killed by me.”

green robe old man smiled bitterly, he just felt puzzled Now, why Yang Xuan hates him so much? Unexpectedly, Yang Xuan has some relationship with that Fengshen Langjun.

“It’s the kid who blamed Senior, and I hope Senior Haihan.”

Yang Xuan cup one fist in the other hand said.

“It’s okay, you have a lot of fate with my Lord. Besides, it’s not guilty if you don’t know.”

“I don’t know what Senior is called?”

“I Its body is a Willow Tree. Just call me Lao Liu like Xiao Mingzi.”

Lao Liu laughed and said: “Sit down, I will help you next. I want to use your talents to survive Thunder Tribulation and enter the divine force state in one fell swoop.”

Speaking of this, one more sentence: “In the human world, divine force Martial artist is barely considered an expert, but in the Immortal World of vast and boundless, martial artist of divine force is nothing.”

“I don’t know the strength of Immortal World?”

Yang Xuan asked humbly, he now only knows that Immortal World has Martial Dao True Immortal, Immortal Monarch, Immortal Saint, and Immortal King, but under Martial Dao True Immortal, he doesn’t know much.

“In Immortal World, Grand Dao Law perfect and without blemish, Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is rich, a person can be absorbed into the body and temper the fleshy body at birth, and it will be easy to get through when you get older The whole body is meridian and the condense is innate. In short, in Immortal World, judging a person’s talent level depends on whether he can reach the divine force state before 18 years old.”

“18 years old divine force state !”

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