At this moment, the Three Sects martial artist is completely desperate and can’t even leave. The next thing they can do is hide in Tibet and prevent Yang Xuan from catching it and killing him. .

But Yang Xuan is too strong, and appear and disappear unpredictably, they may die at any time.

“It is worthy of being the powerhouse of the cave, this must be its cave.”

Yang Xuan marveled in his heart, knowing that Ming Lao unfolded his cave, enveloped a side World, and let Three Sects The martial artist has nowhere to escape.

“Alright, I’ll kill him a Heaven and Earth turning upside down!”

Yang Xuan whispered, killing intents all over his body, coldly saying: “Since it’s here, just You have to be conscious of death. Today, none of you want to leave, all of you have to keep your lives here.”

The voice is still there, and the figure shuttles among the crowd, constantly waving swords and killing people. Under his tireless slaughter, those with weaker cultivation base all split up and in pieces directly, while those with higher cultivation base quickly went away and did not dare to stun them.

Chapter 778 Martial Spirit of the Black Sun

“the monk can run away, but the temple won’t run with him, you have no choice but to fight with me. ”

Yang Xuan walking on air, one step exploded, shocking countless people scared witless, in fear.


Many people can’t bear it, their mouths growl in pain, and the sound of these feet is too terrifying, making them feel that Divine Soul is about to collapse , Very uncomfortable.

Some people with a low cultivation base have red blood overflowing from the corners of their mouths, and they all howl and fly back, battered and exhausted.

“This child is terrifying!”

“Incorporating the three martial dao deep meanings into the pace, hurting people with sound, just by this ability, it shows how talented it is! “

“Ai, Sword God Palace has this discipline, it’s hard if you don’t want to rise!”

In the distance, the people are listening to each other, and they all admire Yang Xuan.

This young man is too terrifying. He is not so much a martial artist who has just entered the realm of divine force, but he is the reincarnation of a monster, showing invincible gestures.

Don’t say that they are Divine-Martial Continent. They look at the entire All Heavens Myriad Realms. Shocking and stunning geniuses like him can’t find a few, which is rare in the world.

“How could I…get such a evil star!”

In Divine City, Zhuge Yun looked pale, sitting on the ground, looking at Yang Xuan like Demon, and regretted it Once offended Yang Xuan.

With Yang Xuan’s current strength, killing him is like crushing an ant, as easy as blowing off dust.

Although Shen Xingchen didn’t speak, his naked eye could see that his body was trembling slightly, and he was terrified of Yang Xuan’s heartfelt fear.

Yes, as proud as he is, he also has fear of Yang Xuan, and the hatred in my heart has disappeared.

“Is he really my Junior Brother?”

Di Tian muttered to himself, looking in a trance, Yang Xuan’s strength has exceeded his imagination, he can’t believe it This is real.

I remember that before Yang Xuan came to Sword God Palace, he didn’t even have a cultivation base for Vientiane Realm. In a blink of an eye, a year later, his cultivation base was no more than his senior brother.

“Hehe, Xiao Xuanzi is not only your Junior Brother, but you personally brought it back to Sword God Palace.”

The concubine chuckled.

“Yes, Emperor Senior Brother Heavens is Yang Xuan’s guide. If it were not recommended by Emperor Senior Brother Heavens, Yang Xuan would not have today.”

Su Ziyao also laughed. beautiful eyes stared at Yang Xuan above without blinking. It was this young man who had never been serious in his mouth and had a bit of evil in his handsome eyes. He had stolen her heart and her person on Stars Island.

“Devil, this child is a demon!”

“Don’t kill, I am willing to break away from Unbounded Demon Sect. I only ask Young Hero Yang to give me a way to survive.”

“Yes, yes, I, and me, we are all willing to break away from Unbounded Demon Sect.”

At this time, many martial artists of Unbounded Demon Sect run wildly, some are begging for mercy and hope Yang Xuan can kill them, and there are even a few Unbounded Demon Sect Elder among these people.

This is human nature. Under the shadow of death, all identity and dignity can be discarded.

“It’s too late, you all have to die.”

Yang Xuan waved his sword, raising the sword in his hand, and a golden sword energy whizzed out, begging for mercy with a thud Most people are killed.

“little bastard, you are too cruel, you are absolutely extinct!”

“Everyone strikes out with all their strength, so maybe it has several points of survival.”

Some people who were lucky enough not to die yelled, and they all displayed their unique skills to kill Yang Xuan.

“The light of firefly dare to compete with Haoyue!”

Yang Xuan’s face is full of contempt, and his figure shuttles through the crowd coming from the culling, many people I can’t even see how he made the move, but can only vaguely see the black sword light flashes.

Immediately, the minced meat became pieces, and the blood rained down.


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