Yang Xuan rushed out of the blood in the sky, his big sleeve suddenly flicked, a disaster of air rushed out like a black ferocious python, and a group of not far away fled in haste The people swallowed and collapsed, completely wiped out.

However, this was not over yet, I saw golden flames raging all over him, striding towards the moved towards the crowded place in front of him.

hong long long! ! !

In a series of violent noises, hundreds of people were blown to pieces. Some people were wiped out by the aftermath. Although they were not killed on the spot, their hair and robes were all set ablaze. A Fireball, fell from the sky.

“puff puff puff!!!”

Yang Xuan remain unmoved, once again shot, the Purgatory Sword in his hand swept away, the huge sword energy surged out like a golden Star River, Dozens of people were beheaded in front of them, and the blood rushed into the sky like a fountain, turning into a scarlet blood mist with a pungent smell.

This is an extremely bloody picture, which makes people daunting and cannot bear to look directly at it.

Facing such a ferocious Yang Xuan, the crowds on the cliffs in the distance were all sweating. Many people were secretly grateful that they were not Three Sects martial artists, otherwise they would be dead by this time. Can’t die anymore.

“Yang Xuan Senior Brother divine might be invincible, sweeping across all directions!”

At the same time, there was a boil in Sword God Palace, up to Inner Disciple, down to Outer Disciple, overwhelming Most people were all beaten up and cried out excitedly.

For them, Three Sects martial artist is a foreign enemy. The more people Yang Xuan kills, the more exciting they are. If it were not for their weak strength, they would have rushed out of the Mountain Protecting Great Array. The Sects martial artist is killing it.

“Kill well, it’s better to kill that pretty boy named Yuan Shaozong too. This guy even showed off one’s military strength a few days ago, saying that after breaking the formation, he will be Zi Yao Junior Sister. They were taken away, damn it.”

Shi Yu said with a loud voice.

“You are courting death!”

Yuan Shaozong’s eyes are red, and his murderous intention is exposed. He can’t wait to chop up Shi Yu to feed the dog. This guy is clearly drawing hatred on him.

“What is it called, have ability, come down and bite me!”

Shi Yu yelled, provocative, and blocked by Mountain Protecting Great Array. He was not afraid of Yuan Shaozong at all.

“If you dare to hit my woman, I have to say that you are very courageous. Don’t bark there anymore. Come and fight me quickly.”

Yang Xuan’s sword flashed like electricity, rushing forward while killing, while the cold pupil light through the silhouette of the crowd locked on a young man who was constantly flying backwards in the distance.

The young man disheveled hair, expressing fear, who is not Yuan Shaozong?

He has long been stunned by Yang Xuan’s terrifying power and very ruthless means. Now that he has no time to escape, how dare he fight Yang Xuan.

“Those who stand against me die!”

Yang Xuan yelled and unfolded the Free Spirit Step, galloping forward quickly, walking through the sky full of silhouettes.


He glowed all over, like a flame god’s mansion, majestic and invincible.

shua~ shua~ shua~! ! !

One sword after another, one sword is faster than the other, and there is no half-weapon. Every sword uses fierce sword energy to kill people who dodge in succession, blood-staining the sky.

“Don’t run away, let’s go together and kill him!”

Yuan Shaozong turned pale, and yelled as he withdrew.

Unfortunately, none of them are fleeing.

“I said, let you come and fight with me, maybe I can keep you a whole body.”

Yang Xuan’s cold voice is like a sword, and the Profound of the wind is moved. Truth, photographed countless people from the air.

“Die all!”

A dazzling golden sword energy charged up, and dozens of people in front of him stopped at the waist and broke, uttering heart-piercing screams.

“Yang Xuan, are you really trying to kill me?”

Yuan Shaozong roared, speeding back.

“You must die!”

Yang Xuan moved his feet and stepped out of the air in nine consecutive steps. The speed suddenly soared to the extreme, and his body was full of golden flames burning wildly. Like a Golden Crow Divine Bird bathed in the sun, it rushed towards Yuan Shaozong.

Along the way, I don’t know how many people died tragically. Under the power of the surging Sun God, no one can resist.

Even if it was the divine force that took out the body, it couldn’t stand the terrifying high temperature and was burned into a mass of ashes.

“This is crushing!”

“This child is really a killer, vicious and merciless, unmatched, Three Great Sects really kicked the iron plate this time !”

“Ai, there is a mysterious heaven-sweeping realm to block the heaven and the earth, and the Three Sects martial artist can’t escape. Today I am afraid that the whole army will be wiped out.”

On the cliff, the crowd all sucked in cold air, just staring blankly at the almost rampant massacre of Yang Xuan among the massive silhouettes.

“In front of absolute speed, you can’t escape!”

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