“I said, you can’t escape.”

Almost at the same time as the Wind Cage collapsed, Yang Xuan broke through the air and burst out with a sword. .

“bully intolerably!”

Yuan Shaozong’s eye socket cracked, with fierce and crazy rays of light shining deep in his pupils, suddenly he took out a black bead from the storage ring.

“Yin Thunder Pearl, explode for me!”


With a loud noise of heaven falls and earth rends, this world is boiling, Within the hundred zhang, countless black lightning raged, and the scene was terrifying.

“This is…Unbounded Demon Sect’s Yin Thunder Pearl!”

“Yin Thunder Pearl contains extremely terrifying thunder, which is said to suppress and kill the ordinary supreme. I know if Yang Xuan can resist it.”

“Yuan Shaozong is really cruel enough to detonate Yin Thunder Pearl in front of him. This is all about fighting either the fish dies or the Yang Xuan. net splits.”

The crowd recognized something and their faces were amazed.


At this moment, a silhouette rushed out of the black lightning in the sky. It was Yuan Shaozong. I didn’t know when, he was already wearing it. Put on a set of bright silver metal armor.

“This is…Unbounded Demon Sect’s silver puppet!”

The crowd was surprised again.

Unbounded Demon Sect, in addition to many magical secrets, there are three secret treasures, namely Yin Thunder Pearl, Soul Demon Needle, and Silver War Puppet.

War puppets are made by the great wisdom of ancient sages. They are divided into Ordinary Level, Spirit Level, King Level, Sovereign Level, and Divine Grade from low to high.

The silver war puppet on Yuan Shaozong is exactly a king-level war puppet.

These war puppets not only have hard materials, but they can also greatly improve the defense, strength, speed, etc. of the martial artist, and the effect can be called sky-defying.

If a martial artist can obtain a king-level battle puppet, the battle strength can at least double.

In the entire Unbounded Demon Sect, there is only one king-level battle puppet, but now it appears in Yuan Shaozong, which shows how high Unbounded Demon Sect expects Yuan Shaozong.

“ka ka ka…”

Suddenly, people were shocked to find that the silver war puppet on Yuan Shaozong’s body was cracked, and the cracks spread like spider webs. Instantly exploded to pieces.


At this moment, I don’t know how many people are taking a cold breath, as if didn’t expect even the king-level battle puppets could not stop the explosion of Yin Thunder Pearl The terrifying thunder.

“Little Thief!”

“Big Brother Yang!”

“Brother Yang!”

Su Ziyao and other women and bullies and the others came back to his senses, all complexion greatly changed, I don’t know whether Yang Xuan is alive or dead among the densely packed black lightning.

“Very powerful formidable power, but unfortunately you seem to forget that I know Space Secret Technique.”


A silhouette flashes out of thin air, not Yang Xuan Who is it? He stood on top of a void, his face was neither red nor short of breath, and he didn’t seem to be hurt at all.

“Damn it!”

Yuan Shaozong was both shocked and angry, and he didn’t dare to stay for a long time. He rushed towards the distant place where the bloodless army and Gui Wushuang were.

For the present plan, only by fleeing to Three Great Supremes can we escape Yang Xuan’s pursuit.

“Your speed is too slow, you are destined to be killed by me!”

Yang Xuan stepped on both feet and shot out like an arrow from the string.

Yuan Shaozong turned his head and looked, seeing Yang Xuan getting closer and closer to him, he was so scared to death, he escaped and yelled: “Kill the Lord, save me!”

I’m going to die!”

The Killing Army was imprisoned by the old Ming’s cave, with fear and anger in his heart. He was suffocated with fire. After hearing Yuan Shaozong’s cry for help, he immediately cut through. In the sky, with a palm wrapped in monstrous black energy, fiercely moved towards Yang Xuan suppress and kill.


Yang Xuan had been prepared for a long time, and went straight into the void. When he appeared again, people had already arrived in front of Yuan Shaozong and swept out with a sword. .

“The Supreme Profound Palace let you escape and take your life today!”

“You…can’t kill me…”

Yuan Shaozong’s face is as gray as death, Terribly scared.

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