“It’s over, I send you off”

The voice is still there, and the Purgatory Sword has already passed through Yuan Shaozong’s throat.


A chubby head flew down, blood rushing up several meters high, and a young Heaven’s Chosen died.


Yang Xuan raised a big hand, a golden flame roared out, burning Yuan Shaozong’s head and headless corpse to ashes.

“Good killing, this despicable villain is finally dead.”

Shi Yu was very excited, and Su Ziyao and other women were all relaxed. They didn’t care about the lives of others. I just hope that Yang Xuan doesn’t have any trouble.

“Yuan Shaozong is dead, it’s your turn next, Grand Sun Yan!”

Yang Xuan’s cold gaze looked into the distance and locked a handsome man in the 4 Heavenly Layer of divine force. Man, killed with a sword.

“Not good, this child is coming to us!”

“Go away, go away.”

“Venerable Ghost, save me !”

In the distance, many Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artists jumped up and down, and among them was the exclamation of the grandson Yan.

“The person I Yang Xuan wants to kill, I can’t save you when the king of heaven comes.”

Yang Xuan screamed, and the person has shuttling through the void and has come to Changsun Yan In front of him, he grabbed his neck and twisted vigorously.


Long Sun Yan’s head tilted, his neck was broken and he died. Before he died, he had not even said a word, and his wide eyes were filled with Strong unwillingness and despair.


Yang Xuan’s palm gushed out of golden flames, burning the corpse of the grandson Yan alive to ashes.

Geniuses like Chang Sunyan and Yuan Shaozong, if they are not allowed to destroy both body and soul, it is entirely possible to use the secret technique Seize Body For Rebirth, so Yang Xuan hates them very much.

“Yuan Shaozong is dead, and the grandson is also dead!”

“Ai, the two great geniuses have fallen one after another, and the deaths are so miserable, it is so sad!”

Many people sigh, the two Super Sect Inner Sect True Disciple, originally have a limitless future, sooner or later they will make a name in All Heavens Myriad Realms, but today they have come to the end of their lives, and they are ruthless by Yang Xuan. Obliterate.

It can be expected that after the news spreads, it is destined to cause a big wave!

“A beast, a beast, you crime deserving ten thousand deaths.”

Gui Wushuang has red eyes and endless hatred.

“Nonsense, come here for a fight.”

Yang Xuan is coldly snorted, not loud, but full of sharp murderous intention.

“Give me to die!”

Gui Wushuang body moved, rushing over like crazy, killing the army and Xue Wutian are not idle, the two are in shape Flashing, and moved towards Yang Xuan together.

“It is just right, I will send you to the west.”

Yang Xuan directly inspired the heavenly demon Martial Spirit without dodge.


A horrible demonic energy, like a volcanic eruption, gushes out of him and condenses behind him into two pairs of dark heavenly demon. wing.

“haha, strength, this is strength, you and the other three, die.”

Yang Xuan laughed wildly, her black hair danced wildly, and her eyes were scarlet and bloody. Come, breathtaking.

On the skin of his whole body, strips of hideous and terrifying magic patterns flashed, revealing a cold luster and suffocating magical power.

This is heavenly demon Martial Spirit. It is not mad or demon. It can stimulate its own demon nature, and make the fleshy body and Divine Soul greatly expand. Even the divine force in the sea of ​​Qi will also undergo qualitative changes and become more Pure and strong magic.

What makes Yang Xuan most delighted is that he now has four wings heavenly demon. In other words, his battle strength will soar fourfold, which means that he can crush those below the world Any martial artist is unimaginable powerful.

“What’s this!?”

Slay the army, Xue Wutian, Gui Wushuang, all of them stopped, afraid to approach Yang Xuan.

At this moment, Yang Xuan’s temperament changed drastically, and his breath rose wildly.

This aura is full of indifference, resentment, anger, bloodthirsty, destruction, destruction and other negative forces, making people feel trembling with fear.

“Oh my god, this child is a man or a ghost, and he has such power!”

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