Gu Tongxuan flew down and spoke to stabilize the hearts of the people. For a while, various voices in the Sword God Palace disappeared, and everyone’s eyes were focused on Yang Xuan.

White clothed like snow, black hair dancing wildly, seemingly young, but the golden light blooms all over, just standing there is like a Sun God mansion, making it difficult to look away.

“Oh my god, the divine force is in the Peak!”

“This is too fast, I remember Yang Xuan Senior Brother first entered the divine force when he just came back. !”

At this moment, many people saw Yang Xuan’s cultivation base clearly, which immediately caused an uproar. Didn’t expect that in just one month, Yang Xuan has been cultivated to the peak of divine force.

Martial artist cultivation, the more difficult it gets later, it takes a lot of time to upgrade a small realm.

And in one month, from entering the divine force environment to the divine force environment Peak, what an amazing speed of cultivation is incredible.

“very good!”

Fang Qingxue and Gu Qingying were too happy.

Su Ziyao, Yan Ruyue, Xia Yuwei, Shen Yuexin, and Yi Xiu’er are happy at all that doesn’t raise.

The women raised their heads and looked nervous, they all looked with worried eyes towards Yang Xuan standing proudly above.

“Boy, I have to say that your growth rate is really fast. If you give you another 3-5 years, I am afraid that you will not be your opponent.”

Gong Wudi stands with his hand holding his hand, looking down at Yang Xuan, cold and authentic.

“You are too high on yourself. With my talent, I can suppress and kill you in at least half a year, which is as easy as blowing off dust.”

Yang Xuan expression was cold, and looked at Gong Wudi without fear, thinking about how majestic Gong Wudi was when he was outside the Supreme Profound Palace. Under the pressure of his imposing manner, he had no resistance at all. force.

But today is different. Although he is still not the opponent of Gong Wudi, the gap between the two is already very weak.

“You are crazy, and you do have arrogant capital, but you are destined to die here today. Even Dao Protector behind you can’t save you.”

Gong Wudi icily said, his heart is deep, his emotions are not in expression, but when he hears Yang Xuan’s wild words, his anger is still difficult to hide.

Since his fame, no one has dared to speak to him like this for many years, making him angry.

“The outside of the Supreme Profound Palace could not kill me, and today it is even worse. Not only that, you will pay your life for it, and I will use the most cruel means in the world to kill me.”

Yang Xuan opened the mouth and said, the calm voice was filled with strong hatred and murderous intention.

Whenever he thinks of Master Warlord, he can’t restrain his anger, and there is no need to suppress it. What he has to do today is to kill Three Sects Supreme Elder to avenge Master Warlord.

“Really, let’s wait and see.”

Gong Wudi suddenly shot and took a strong palm.


A hundred zhang giant palm, surrounded by black air, is like a black mountain, with hundreds of thousands of force dropping from the sky, drawing the air continuously The scream was deafening.

This blow is not a powerful Divine Ability secret skill, but the power of a palm swallows the world with anger, stirring up all directions and changing colors, and the horror is extreme.

Chapter 799 explains heavenly demon emperor

“Is this the strength of the half-step heavenly power?”

Many Sword God Palace disciple look pale , Watching the huge black giant palm fall down, their fleshy body and Divine Soul are trembling, with a sense of fear that they are about to collapse.


The Mountain Protecting Great Array shook wildly, barely blocking the black giant palm, but naked eye can see the large array of light curtains, cracks like spiders Like the web, moved towards all directions spread.

In this situation, there are not many Sword God Palace disciples that can keep the scalp numb.

“Too weak, you only have this strength?”

Yang Xuan throws out a storage ring with disdain, rushing out of a large number of Spirit Stones, turning them into vast spiritual energy Pouring into the Mountain Protecting Great Array, the cracks on the large array of light curtains healed quickly, and they became intact in the blink of an eye.

“Your Spirit Stone is really enough. It seems that you went out to practice this time and harvested plentiful in Outland.”

Gong Wudi narrowed his eyes, cold and severe saying.

Yang Xuan didn’t answer, his whole killing intent went up wildly, and he roared: “The devil, since it’s here, get out of me and be killed.”

“smell of The mother’s milk not yet dried kid you are courting death!”

Along with the rage, there was a loud noise in the void.

next moment, a boundless magic cloud, like a tumbling tide, surges from afar, and incarnation becomes a black robe man standing high above the head of Three Sects Supreme Elder.

The black robe man is eight feet tall, his face is full of flesh, his eyes are scarlet, and he has a seductive shot of severe light. On him, a terrible and fierce might rages on, and the air is stopped. flow.

“The Demon!”

Countless people’s voices are trembling, feeling a bit of horror. Although I guessed that the demon is very likely to come, I saw him with my own eyes. They still felt trembling as they approached.

“This person, really came!”

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