The goddess of Tianshu, Goddess of shaking light, and the remaining gods of five peaks, all express grave.

Lian Zhan King Yi Wuya failed to kill the demon in the ancient times, so he can only choose to seal him off, which shows that the opponent’s strength is more terrifying.

“Sister Ziyao, my big brother will be fine, right?”

Gu Qingying was so anxious that her throat came up with her heart.

Su Ziyao, Shen Yuexin, Xia Yuwei, Fang Qingxue, Yi Xiu’er are also pretty faces pale and nervous.

Only Yan Ruyue is still calm, she said: “Don’t worry, Yang Xuan is so calm and composed, I must have its own countermeasures.”

“Heavenly demon emperor!”

Gu Tongxuan vision freezes, on the day the demon was born, he fought the Remnant Soul of the warlord in the depths of the silent mountain range, claiming to be the emperor of heavenly demon.

“Palace Master, Yang Xuan will be fine, right?”

The God Lord Tianshu came to Gu Tongxuan’s side and asked worriedly.

“Don’t panic, Yang Xuan is okay.”

Gu Tongxuan whispered, he knows what level of Ming Lao is behind Yang Xuan, even if the heavenly demon emperor’s strength No matter how strong it is, it is hard to avoid calamity today.

“pay respects to Lord Demon Sovereign.”

Gong Wudi, Yuchifeng, and Xueyuankong all bowed to salute, and the attitude is not respectful, just like a courtier worshiping The king, dare not show the slightest disrespect.

In front of a Demon Sovereign who is capable of connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, their cultivation base is not worth mentioning. In fact, they dare to kill the Sword God Palace because of the heavenly demon emperor behind them.

“You are Yang Xuan, and Yi Wuya is your Master?”

Above the sky, Shi heavenly demon Huang slightly lowered his head and looked down at Yang Xuan condescendingly.

“Yes, my Master is the King of War.”

Yang Xuan was cold and nodded.

“haha, well, wait for you to be captured, and I will surely get the Eight Sects of life and death from you.”

The emperor of heavenly demon laughed wildly, so excited that he could not wait to roar towards the sky.

The reason why he came to Sword God Palace to kill Yang Xuan was just incidental. The most important purpose was to win the technique of cultivation of the Eight Sects of life and death from Yang Xuan.

Eight Sects of Life and Death, the body refinement supernatural powers passed down from the last Chaos Cycle Yuan, can be called one of the strongest supernatural powers of All Heavens Myriad Realms. It is practiced to the extreme, and the fleshy body is sanctified and immortal.

“You actually know Eight Sects of life and death?”

Yang Xuan squinted his eyes, and the surprised look deep in his pupils disappeared.

“What do you know, the emperor and Yi Wuya entered somewhere in the ancient vestige to hunt for treasure. They fought desperately to fight for the Eight Sects of life and death. If it weren’t for my injury, Yi Wuya would How can I get me.”

The emperor said heavenly demon coldly.

“I still believe the words in front, but don’t you feel ashamed when you say them?”

Yang Xuan coldly smiled, saying every word: “My Master fights Wang, what a generational character, during his at the peak period, let alone your wounds, you are in good health and not the enemy of my Master.”

“What do you know, rest. Talk nonsense there.”

Release heavenly demon the emperor’s anger.

“Why, I got it right, or why are you so angry?”

Yang Xuan stood tall, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

“nonsense, let your Dao Protector come out!”

The emperor released the Divine Consciousness while releasing the heavenly demon, trying to find out the dark old man.

However, what surprised him was that no matter how strong his Divine Consciousness was, he could not capture the trace of Ming Lao, let alone the trace, even a little breath fluctuation could not be detected.

A generation of Ancient Devil emperor could not find someone. No one believed it.

“What’s the matter, is it cultivated some kind of powerful breath-holding magical power?”

The emperor was stunned to release heavenly demon, and browse tightly frowns.

“You don’t need to look for it, you can’t find it. Besides, you could have lived for a while, but you are eager to come to your house to beg for death. Then I will use your blood sacrifice today to offer me The Master is in the Spirit of Heaven.”

Yang Xuan coldly shouted.

“The emperor doesn’t believe in this evil, the curtain of darkness!”

The emperor roared at heavenly demon, his hands quickly sealed, a burst of pitch-black as ink demonic energy It rushed out from above his head and turned into a magic cloud covering several hundred li sky at the place of Qianzhang high.

At this moment, the night falls, and Sun, Moon and Stars are not seen,

“What is this?”

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