Gong Wudi shouted , and I don’t know when there was a black long sword in his hand.

This is the treasure of their Unbounded Demon Sect’s protective sect, a high grade Divine Sword that no stronghold one cannot overcome.


Xueyuankong and Yu Chifeng both agreed with Gong Wudi’s proposal, each took out a scarlet sword and a jet black long knife, both swords It is the protecting sect Divine Item of each sect.

weng! weng! weng!

Void roars, shaking violently like a major earthquake.

For a time, the rocks in the mountains below collapsed and the giant tree collapsed. Only the Sword God Palace, which was shrouded by the Mountain Protecting Great Array, was quiet.

But this is only on the surface, everyone’s mind is trembling.

At this moment, everyone felt three unimaginable pressures, as if they could destroy the world. If it weren’t for the Mountain Protecting Great Array to resist, would they be able to survive under these three pressures? Hard to say.

“Divine might!”

Everyone understands that this is the divine might, and it is triggered by three and a half-step divine powers. divine might.

Yang Xuan expression remains the same, as if he is completely unaffected by the three coercions, just standing in place, looking at the three people in the distance with a mocking expression.

In front of a Paradise Realm power, even the emperor, there’s no resistance, let alone three older martial artists who don’t even have a heavenly realm, no matter how hard the three of them struggle, it’s hard to shake Got the old cave sky.


Three Sects Supreme Elder didn’t know about this, and completed the momentum in an instant, each playing a divine might.

However, they failed. The invisible barrier in front was like a sky wall. It was hard beyond imagination and could not be broken by humans.

The three great divine might slammed on it, and disappeared invisible without even splashing.

“Why…this way, do I have to wait today…to die here!”

Yu Chifeng’s lips were shaking, desperately roaring.

Gong Wudi and Xueyuankong gasped, neither speaking, nor speechless, naked eye, it can be seen that their bodies are trembling.

With their three people’s cultivation base, they joined forces to mobilize Divine might. Even a powerhouse in the world-sweeping state was seriously injured or even killed. Who knows that there is no such thing as an invisible barrier.

Based on this, we can see that the person who placed this ban is definitely not a powerhouse of the heaven-sweeping realm. On the contrary, it is most likely a powerful Heavenspan emperor. Only the existence of this level can let the emperor release the heavenly demon. All helpless.

“Yang Xuan child, you dare to yin me!”

At this moment, Gong Wudi seemed to have thought of something, and turned to Yang Xuan angrily roared.

“haha, it’s not that I yin you, but that you are too stupid. Although I said that my Dao Protector is a powerhouse in the world, but that’s all, who knows you? The old fogey took it seriously.”

Yang Xuan laughed.

“It turns out that Yang Xuan Senior Brother lied!”

“This trick is ruthless!”

Many people in the Sword God Palace stared blankly Looking at Yang Xuan, I remember that on the day Yang Xuan returned, he once said that his Dao Protector was a great power in the world, but no one doubted it at that time.

But now it seems that Yang Xuan did it on purpose.

Doing this is not for anything else, it is to lead Three Sects Supreme Elder to die.

“Zhuzi, you are so scheming.”

Xueyuankong was so angry that he hated Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan didn’t answer, but looked towards the expression of a gloomy heavenly demon not far away.

“This time you brat will be fatal. See you next time. I will take your life.”

Leave a cruel remark, let the emperor turn around and leave heavenly demon. I was timid, just want to leave here as soon as possible.

Chapter 802 Killing the heart is like iron

“Also ask the veteran demon to suppress it.”

Yang Xuan hugged the cup one fist in the other hand. He didn’t mean to chase the heavenly demon emperor at all. With his current cultivation base, he couldn’t catch up even if he chased him, so he could only ask Ming Lao to take action.

“If you want to suppress me, it is absolutely impossible.”

The emperor let out a thunderbolt roar from heavenly demon, and he waved his backhand without looking back, a cold feeling Demonic energy rises against the storm and turns into a pitch-black as ink giant palm, with Supreme fierce might, attacking Yang Xuan through the air.

This blow was not to kill Yang Xuan, but to stop Ming Lao. After all, it was an Ancient Devil emperor cultivated for a long time. If he didn’t even have this trick, he would not survive now.


in an instant, the sky-shielding giant palm was torn to pieces by invisible force. When the sky exploded, the billowing black air spread out, covering a sky.

Under the dark air, Yang Xuan pupil light is like electricity, unscathed, he sneered at the distant emperor Shi Heavenly Demon.

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