Since Ming Lao has started, there is no possibility of escape from Heavenly Demon Emperor.

“Lord Demon Sovereign, please break the ban!”

In the distance, Three Sects Supreme Elder was surprised and delighted when he saw the arrival of the Emperor Heavenly Demon, and the Emperor Heavenly Demon took the lead. This world is bound to happen again. They cannot be imprisoned.


The emperor’s expression on heavenly demon looked terrifying, his whole body soared in an imposing manner, and he threw out nine punches in a row.

This is his fame stunt, World Exterminating Demon Fist. Using his cultivation base to activate this skill, he can break Exterminating All Living Things with one punch, not to mention that he still strikes nine punches regardless of consumption.

Nine punches came out together, and the formidable power exploded in a geometric multiple, enough to overwhelm the river and the sea, shatter the sky and the sun, and it was extremely strong.

bang bang bang!! !

Nine mountains of fist strength blasted one after another on the invisible barrier not far away, and the invisible barrier was trembling violently, and the violent noises one after another, shaking the earth.

One after another violent wind swept the weather and waves raged, the Three Sects Supreme Elder all regressed, and each expanded their domains to resist.

“So powerful…”

In Sword God Palace, many people were frightened by it, and they were shocked by the mighty power of Emperor Shi Heavenly Demon.

Here, Yang Xuan’s clothes are fluttering and his expression is indifferent, without the slightest worry.

He knew that Emperor Heavenly Demon couldn’t break through the old world.

Dongtian, similar to the Supreme Realm, can also be said to be an enhanced version of the realm.

In fact, the realm is the rudiment of martial artist within the body world, and the cave sky is the complete world. Not to mention other functions, the defensive power alone is extremely terrifying.

If a martial artist falls into someone’s cave, unless the strength is equal to or beyond the master of the cave, it is possible to break through.

On the contrary, we can only wait to die.

“Impossible, what kind of restriction is this, it contains such a powerful Space Power.”

At this moment, the emperor Shi Heavenly Demon roared, like didn’t. t expect I hit nine World Exterminating Demon fists and failed to break the ban.

“In front of absolute power, all means are vain, leave it to me!”

The old Ming voice is still there, and you can see the sky above the distant sky, a ripple of space It radiates out, and drowns the emperor Shi heavenly demon at an extremely fast speed, turning it into an invisible barrier, covering the emperor Shi heavenly demon entirely.


Release heavenly demon emperor complexion sank, punch after punch on the void in front of him, making the void roar loudly.

But no matter how strong he is, it is difficult to shake the invisible barriers around him.

Even, his range of activities has been reduced to several feet in a radius, just like a bird in a cage, with wings out.

“Many thanks, Ming Lao.”

Yang Xuan thanked him, took out the Purgatory Sword, and strode towards the Three Sects Supreme Elder.

This situation and situation are shocking. Just one person, one sword, dare to fight three and a half steps alone with the power of the world.

“Smell of mother’s milk not yet dried, you are too supercilious!”

Xue Yuankong saw Yang Xuan coming with a sword, and a pair of eyes were about to squirt The fire is coming.

“Come to fight.”

Yang Xuan roar towards the sky, like a rolling thunder, the sound was so loud that it shook countless people dizzy and unstable.

“Yang Xuan Senior Brother divine might be invincible!”

At the same time, there was also Sword God Palace disciple loudly said, and then many people shouted in excitement, and the sound soared for nine days and became more powerful .

One after another cheering, Yang Xuan’s eyes are piercing, and his heart is like iron. The death of the Master warlord has dealt a huge blow to him. He will never let go of Three Sects Supreme Elder and Shi heavenly demon. Emperor.

The four of them not only had to die, but they had to be tortured and killed by the cruelest means.

He keeps walking, and each step falls, throbbing like a heavenly drum, and the sky shakes as he steps on him. On him, the imposing manner will also improve by one point.

Although the cultivation time is still shallow, there is only the cultivation base of Divine Force Peak, but there is a kind of energy swallowing mountains and rivers in every gesture, and Only I Am Supreme is invincible.

“Zhuzi, don’t force me to kill you.”

Xueyuankong was surprised and angry, his face was ugly, but he didn’t dare to do it.

He is not afraid of Yang Xuan, but the Dao Protector behind Yang Xuan.

The opponent’s strength is too terrifying. It is not what he can compete with a martial artist like him. Once he acts blindly without thinking, I am afraid that Yang Xuan will have to be violent death.

“you think you can kill me, the first battle here is, if you don’t dare, then you can solve it yourself, so I might give you a chance to reincarnate.”

Yang Xuan The long whale drank like water, and its clanging sound was like an iron horse.

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