This is what Yang Xuan hopes to see, with a wicked smile on his lips from time to time, and sometimes dreaming about the scene of sleeping with the girls.

Chapter 815 Opening of Eternal Life Palace

The beautiful days are always so short, and in a blink of an eye it comes to the opening of Eternal Life Palace.

On this day, the whole world is surprisingly calm.

However, this is only an illusion.

The Great World, Sect Aristocratic Family, Dynasty Empire, and Small World, city towns, streets and alleys are crowded with spectacular scenes.

These people include Human Race, alien races, and even Divine Race and Demon Race, and even the reincarnation of immortals, or closed their own vitality, sleeping endless years, and extremely powerful peerless Heaven’s Chosen.

In general, most of them are young martial artists under 30 years old who have decided to enter the Eternal Life Palace and give it a go.

The news of the Eternal Life Palace once in millions of years has already spread. In order to have a breakthrough on Martial Dao and to pursue the legendary immortality, many people have forgotten life and death and left everything behind.

In the Sword God Palace, it is also quiet, no one speaks, even the mountain where Yang Xuan is, the women did not speak, but at this moment, everyone is worried and reluctant Looking at Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan wants to enter the Eternal Life Palace. This is as everyone knows. No one can stop it and can’t stop it. The girls only hope that he can return alive.

“Hehe, you can rest assured, it’s not Husband who is boasting. With my strength, not to mention that I can walk unhindered in the Eternal Life Palace, but there are really few people who can kill me. “

Yang Xuan laughed, and turned to Yang Heavenly Dao on the side: “Father, mother is worried, so child won’t say goodbye to her.”

“Go, you need Show yourself in a bigger world, remember, life is the most important thing, don’t act recklessly.”

Yang Tian warned repeatedly.

“Child understands.”

Yang Xuan is heavily nodded, this trip to the External Life Palace is nothing but Yellow Springs sacred fruit and Martial Spirit of destiny, the former is for the treatment of mother He Lianqian and Ming Lao, the latter is to resurrect the Master.

Regardless of the former or the latter, Yang Xuan has to get his hands on it. Anyone who stands in the way is an enemy, kill without mercy!

“The Eternal Life Palace will be opened soon. There is not much to say in this panel, only one sentence, that is, striving to survive.”

At this moment, Sword God Gu Tongxuan also spoke.

It is very simple in one sentence, but it makes many Sword God Palace disciple feel nervous.

Each one is wondering whether after entering the Eternal Life Palace with their own cultivation base and strength, they can come out intact.

Only being alive is the most real. If you lose your life, then everything becomes empty talk.

“This is my opportunity. Success or failure is in this fight.”

On a mountain, Shen Xingchen glanced at the high-spirited and vigorous Yang Xuan from a distance, secretly Gritted his teeth.

Shen Xingchen hates Yang Xuan, but he is also afraid of whether he can surpass Yang Xuan and put him under his feet, and he can be pinned to Eternal Life Palace.

And Xuantian Great World is the young master of the ancient invisible family, and it is unreasonable to burn with the young master of the Nether Great World, both of which hate Yang Xuan.

One of the main reasons why they are preparing to enter the Eternal Life Palace is that they want to meet Yang Xuan again and beheaded to vent their hatred.

“hong long long!!!”

At this moment, the general sound of heaven falls and earth rends came continuously, shaking Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Universe Great Desolate.

At this moment, the golden light is flaming, and the sky is full of brilliance, making between Heaven and Earth a golden-bright and dazzling.

Vaguely, everyone can see, an ancient and solemn, dark azure giant gate that traverses an unknown number of ten thousand li, flashes in the air, the giant gate all around, the blue mist is full of mist, a misty, mysterious, mysterious And deep.

As the giant gate appeared, it also dispelled the golden light between Heaven and Earth, which was very eye-catching.

“The Gate of Eternal Life!”

Everyone knows what this dark azure giant door represents, and quickly asked the young people around him to get ready.


After a while, the giant door opened wide, emitting a dazzling light from it, as if it had opened a door of laws, full of fatal attraction, and hidden great Dangerous.

Variously, there is also a force of suction. All martial artists who meet the requirements have a sense of eagerness to take the wind and have to go deeper.

“danger lurks within the riches and honour, spell it!”

“Go and go!!!”

Countless silhouettes jumped up , Rushing towards the giant gate like one after another beam.

“Everyone, I’ll go.”

a light shout, Yang Xuan did not hesitate at all, stepped on the same place with his feet, but after a short while, people rushed to the sky , Through the door of eternal life, into a strange world.

“Where is this?”

Yang Xuan looked around and found that all directions are dense and hazy, like a turbulent Chaos World, everything looks a little bit blurry.

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