“This is the path of eternal life, and it can also be called the path of eternal life. Only by crossing the path of eternal life can you enter the realm of immortality!”

An illusory, without emotion, and with There was a hoarse sound of metal rubbing, causing Yang Xuan to erupt one after another in exclamation.

“Under what circumstances, you have to go through the Eternal Life Road to enter the Eternal Life Palace.”

“There is no danger here, how do I think this is a trial field? “

Yang Xuan followed his reputation, and only then did he see that a large number of young martial artists had gathered around his body somehow. These people were all deeply shocked by the sound of the previous illusory. Arrived.

Yang Xuan is no exception. He looked up and saw a soft azure light emerging from the sky. It did not look big and its brilliance was restrained, but the whole body exuded a terror of suppressing everything. Power.

“Who is your Excellency?”

At this moment, someone boldly asked.

“I am one of the twelve envoys under the seat of the Lord Eternal Life Palace. I am in charge of the road of eternal life. If you don’t understand, please speak.”

azure light flashes , Make a grand voice.

“One of the twelve spiritual envoys under the Eternal Life Palace!”

Everyone was shocked, but Yang Xuan was taken aback, and then asked loudly, “Dare Ask the ambassador, how can we pass the road of eternal life?”

This is a question that other people care about. Everyone pricked their ears, listened carefully, and missed any details beside them.

The road to eternal life will definitely not be peaceful. If you are not careful, you don’t know how to die, so no one dares to care.

“Choose any direction and go all the way forward. Whenever encounters blocking creatures, you can kill or avoid them. As long as you can walk to the end alive, you can successfully pass the road of eternal life.”

Hearing the words of the spirit messenger, everyone was surprised and inwardly shiver. However, they understood that this path of eternal life was definitely not simple, and those creatures that blocked the way may not be able to deal with them.

Immediately someone asked: “Lord Spirit, I don’t know what those creatures are and what are their strengths?”

“You have to experience this by yourself. Okay, I will say everything. Here, please ask for more blessings.”

The voice is still there, azure light disappears without a trace, leaving a bunch of people waiting looking at each other in blank dismay, what is this, it makes them feel Please be blessed, isn’t this a disguised description of the great horror hidden in this road to immortality?

“no no no, I don’t want to die yet, I want to go out.”

Some people become more and more scared and can’t help but scream, but it’s easy to get in, but it’s hard to get out, no one Able to break free.

“hmph, I would like to see what is so peculiar about this road of immortality.”

If you come, you will be at ease. Yang Xuan does not blame the gods and accuse others, Randomly chose a direction, and the whole person rushed out like an arrow from the string.

PS explain, it’s not that I want Court Eunuch for more than a year, nor that I don’t want to update, but that the book is blocked, but I can’t update if I want to update, and I haven’t written a book for more than a year. I have forgotten the plot and characters, so I still have to sort out my thoughts, so I write very slowly.

Chapter 816 Eternal Life Road

On the road, rocks stand in great numbers, and vegetation is withered.

Some once majestic palaces, palaces, etc., all collapsed.

The whole world, seemingly vast, is always filled with a breath of vicissitudes and ancient times.


On the long road, a white clothed youth fast as lightning rushed to the distance by himself, rolling up dust and sand on the floor.

The appearance of a young boy 17-18 years old, dashing eyebrows, black hair flying, shaped like a Flood Dragon, and like a tiger, while traveling, like a meteor rushing to the moon, cutting through the air, emitting a series of rumbling sounds, Deafening.

“It’s him, I’ll say who is so fast!”

Someone exclaimed, with a stunned look, looking towards the white clothed youth, the distant back, full of Deep respect and fear.

“Who is he? Do you know him?”

Nearby, someone asked, and many people stopped moving towards the person who had spoken before. Obviously everyone is going away quickly The white clothed youth aroused a strong curiosity.

Not to mention the cultivation base of white clothed youth, just because of the speed he shows right now, let them blushed with shame.

Furthermore, this place is the road to eternal life.

This road is bound to be full of crises. Anyone who is careless will have to lose their lives. Few people dare to be like a white clothed youth.

“Uh, don’t you know him?”

The person who spoke before was taken aback, then he thought of something, and said in surprise: “Aren’t you from Divine-Martial Continent?”

“Divine-Martial Continent, what place? I have never heard of it.”

“Quickly tell, who are you after all, there is a divine at a young age Peak’s cultivation base in force environment, I really don’t know how he cultivation.”

“His name is Yang Xuan, from our Divine-Martial Continent, and he is the Number One Person in the younger generation of our mainland. The cultivation base of the divine force environment, skipping grades to kill the Three Great Supremes.”

hearing this, everyone was surprised.

Someone said with emotion: “No wonder it is so powerful. It turned out to have killed the Supreme, but it is not uncommon to kill the Supreme with divine force in our mainland.”

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