Pengfei said with a smile.

“What if someone wakes it up?” Yang Xuan squinted.


Peng Fei was asked, but opened his mouth but didn’t know how to answer.

In fact, he knew about the existence of Long Life Temple and Longevity Fruit. He also heard from the elders of the clan. This was the first time he came to Long Life Temple.

As Yang Xuan said, someone will wake up the Longevity Tree, and then the fruit will be unimaginable.

Thinking about this, Pengfei hesitantly said: “Brother Yang, look, let’s go…”

Yang Xuan thought for a while and said: “Into Baoshan Naturally, you can’t come back empty-handed. What’s more, even if these Longevity Trees wake up, they may not really dare to do it.”


“Brother Peng did not forget, here is What place?”

“Long Life Temple, oh, no, this is the Eternal Life Palace. There is also the Eternal Life Palace guarded by the temple spirits. It is better than the Immortal Monarch and immortal spirit trees. Terrifying existence must be terrifying.”

“This is the reason. In my opinion, these Longevity Trees are now under the control of the Eternal Life Palace Temple Spirit, and the Eternal Life Palace Temple Spirit sets the path to eternal life. It’s nothing more than to choose the master, and it won’t let Longevity Tree come easily. Of course, this trip is hidden danger, we can’t take it lightly.”

“So, let’s go now.”

“No hurry, someone is coming, there is more than one.”

While speaking, Yang Xuan looked up and moved towards the front, and he saw a line of dozens of people wearing uniform black clothed on their chests. The black clothed person embroidered with silver skull patterns broke the wind.

These people are all divine force martial artists, a grim-faced aquiline nose man with the highest cultivation base, and the cultivation base is even like Yang Xuan and Pengfei, and they have reached the divine force state. Peak.

“Heaven Smiting Cult!”

Peng Fei whispered.

“Smiting Heaven?”

Yang Xuan glanced at Pengfei.

“Heaven Smiting Sect, set up Sect has been millions of years, it is the Great World demonic path number one Great Sect, Direct Disciple has always been brave, commiting any imaginable misdeed.”


hearing this, Yang Xuan screamed, and then the aquiline nose man in the head coldly shouted: “This way is nowhere, please go back where you two come from.”

” Why?”

Yang Xuan’s voice is not loud, but with a bit of coldness. He is not a fledgling yellow-haired boy now, and he is scared witless when he is scolded by someone.

“haha, for nothing, just rely on the three words of our Heaven Smiting Sect. By the way, you may not know the strength of our Smiting Sect, I will tell you…”

Before speaking, I was interrupted by Pengfei, “What do you do with so much nonsense, get out of the way, or don’t blame yourself for being polite.”

“To have no shame.”

The aquiline nose man was furious, but he didn’t do anything. After all, Pengfei and Yang Xuan both have the cultivation base of Divine Force Peak.

Although their number is dominant, he is the only one who can match Yang Xuan and Pengfei in the cultivation base.

It’s really going to go to war, he may be fine, but these comrades behind him will definitely not end well.

“Fight if you want to fight, and roll if you don’t fight.”

Yang Xuan is lightly snorted, just a few words, revealing endless killing intents, although he is still a weaker champion, but His words and deeds are not anger and prestige, domineering, giving a strong oppression.

“Little ghost, you are courting death.”

“Senior Brother, let’s fight, we are crowded and cultivated Combined Assault Technique, can’t help but these two Eye-opener guy.”

“Yes, yes!”

When a crowd of martial artists to get really angry, Yang Xuan moved, he was like It was a sharp sword out of its sheath, killing it with a swish.

“Brother Yang……”

Pengfei didn’t expect Yang Xuan to suddenly kill the killer, and when he came back to his senses, he would see two martial artists Yang Xuan unscrewed his head alive with his hands, the blood spray was so coquettish.

“Stop, you dare to kill my Heaven Smiting Cult!”

The aquiline nose man reacted unpleasantly, and rushed towards Yang Xuan with a roar.

Yang Xuan didn’t care and continued to attack. His moves were simple and rude. He broke through the air with two punches, and beat the two martial artists to pieces.

“Retire, we are not the opponent of this child!”

The martial artist of Jietianjiao who is still alive came back to his senses, all of them are cold, which is too terrifying , Killed four of their companions in an instant.

At this moment, everyone was terrified and stepped back one after another.

“Boy, you die for me.”

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