At the same time, the aquiline nose man was killed and slammed a palm on Yang Xuan’s vest.

“Brother Yang, be careful.”

As soon as Peng Fei blurted out, he was stunned, and saw the aquiline nose man with an angry blow, but he didn’t even shake Yang Xuan by half.

Yang Xuan’s whole person is like a rock, standing upright without any signs of injury.

It was the palm of the man with aquiline nose, which seemed to hit a piece of golden stone, making a muffled sound of “peng”, and was flew out by fiercely’s shock.

“Do you only have this ability?”

Yang Xuan turned around and walked towards the aquiline nose man without any delay.

“Who the hell are you!?”

The man with aquiline nose was in horror. He only felt that there was something stuck in his chest, making it difficult to breathe.

Does it matter who I am? All you need to know is that I am the one who takes your life.”

Yang Xuan pointed it into a sword and swept across the air.


A golden sword energy pierced the aquiline nose man’s throat with one blow with its peerless and sharp power.

This is the Divine Sword spirit. Under the impetus of Sun God, the lethality cannot be resisted by the divine force martial artist.

No, let alone resist, the aquiline nose man fell softly in a pool of blood before he even reacted.

Chapter 819 Kunpeng Clan

“Dead, Senior Brother Gao is dead.”

“It is better than Senior Brother Gao, but he can’t walk in his hands. One trick, how can we be the enemy?”

A crowd of martial artists look pale, trembling all over, and completely terrified.

As Jietianjiao’s discipline, they are not unheard of before.

But this is the first time I have seen a person like Yang Xuan with amazing strength and such a cruel attack.

“Quickly retreat and inform the son of God, only the son of God is the opponent of this person.”

Without the slightest hesitation, everyone chose to flee, and it was just like A group of like stray dogs are in a panic.

At the same time, a group of people are also very aggrieved. You must know that in their continent, their Heaven Smiting Sect people have never been treated like this before. It can be called extraordinary shame and humiliation.

“Will you wait?”

Yang Xuan didn’t care about the gods or gods. With a cold and severe arc hanging from the corner of his mouth, he strode up and chased up.

This is his way of doing things. Once enemies are met, they are bound to be killed.


Although he couldn’t use the Void Technique, the speed at which he burst out was almost to the extreme, but in the blink of an eye, a group of people were stopped by him and escaped. Can escape.

“Damn it, we can’t escape.”

“Everything is dead, fight with him.”


Seven or eight martial artists of Heaven Smiting Sect, seeing that they can’t escape, and forgetting their fears, they each wielded their swords, fiercely thinking that Yang Xuan would kill them.

These people not only have a high cultivation base and strong fleshy body, but they are also good at Combined Assault Technique.

Seven or eight people work together, and the ordinary divine force martial artist can breathe one’s last in minutes.

The person whose cultivation base reaches the peak of the divine force environment may not be able to stop it.

But unfortunately, they met Yang Xuan.

With Yang Xuan’s current strength, even if he stood still, these people would never want to break his defenses. The gap was so big that it was no longer on the same level.

“A group of clay chickens and pottery dogs.”

Yang Xuan’s robe creaked and burst into golden light. As long as he hits a person, his flesh and blood will explode, bloody and cruel.

He did not defend himself, and slayed a lot. As a result, these martial artists of Heaven Smiting Cult did not hurt him and did not say anything. Instead, he was screamed and wailed.

This place danced in blood and water, Yang Xuan was like a killer god, his actions were swift and fierce, but when the rabbits got up and fell, they killed everyone thoroughly.

Looking around, no one was able to complete the body.

“Awesome, Brother Yang really is deeply hidden. With the displayed strength, the average supreme is not your opponent.”

Peng Fei’s patted hand, surprisingly found that he was still Underestimated Yang Xuan.

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