This young man from Xuanhuang World not only condenses the golden core of the sun, but also possesses a powerful mysterious technique. This fleshy body is also terrifying.

If you compete with fleshy body alone, there are definitely few rivals among younger generation.

Pengfei doesn’t know how Yang Xuan is cultivation. Fleshy body is so powerful, it is much stronger than their Monster Race.

“Brother Peng has a good reputation.”

Yang Xuan body moved, came to Pengfei’s side, and asked casually: “Brother Peng knows the origin of the god son in this group of people? “

Pengfei said: “Every tens or hundreds of years, Heaven Smiting Sect will select nine of the most outstanding people from Direct Disciple to focus on training, and these nine people are all of Smiting Sect. Son of God, everyone has a unique cultivation of Jietianjiao, and his strength should not be underestimated.”

“Hehe, Brother Peng is not simple, and will never be inferior to these gods.”


Yang Xuan is very accurate when looking at people, not to mention that he also has Martial Dao Heavenly Eye. He knows that Pengfei is definitely not an ordinary Monster Race, and his strength can never be judged by his cultivation base.

“The opening of the Eternal Life Palace once in millions of years really attracted the super genius of all races!”

Yang Xuan thought secretly, but his face did not show fear.

Peng Fei didn’t know what Yang Xuan thought, said with a smile: “Yang Xuan lifted it up. With my strength, it’s okay to make a gesture with a Heaven Smiting Sect, but if the opponent has two people, Then I can only turn around and leave.”

After that, he said: “Let’s go, staying here will definitely cause trouble.”


Yang Xuan nodded, start with Pengfei and pull away.

Both of them are not weak and are not afraid of tingling, but unnecessary troubles can be avoided. After all, they are here for Longevity Fruit.


In the empty Long Life Temple, you can see the silhouettes of martial artists from time to time. These people are male and female, dressed in myriad, and you can see from different perspectives. Of the region.

But everyone has one thing in common, that is, the cultivation base is high and all have reached the divine force state.

Eternal Life Palace is open. Only people under 30 years old and whose cultivation base does not exceed the divine force can enter.

With the cultivation base of the divine force environment, it is not difficult to go deep underground.

The arrival of so many people made Yang Xuan a little surprised. It seems that so many people didn’t expect the existence of Long Life Temple.

But then I think about it, the universe is too big, and there are many strong Big Sect, ancient Aristocratic Family, big family.

These Great Influences have a long inheritance and a strong background. Some of them must have entered the Eternal Life Palace. Therefore, it is not surprising that the latecomers know the existence of Long Life Temple.

“Xuanhuang World, I also know something about it. I don’t know where Brother Yang has learned from?”

“Ashamed, I just come from a Small World affiliated with Xuanhuang World. As for where is Brother Yang I don’t want to mention it.”

“Small World!?”

Pengfei was surprised when he heard Yang Xuan’s words. He thought that Yang Xuan was extraordinary, and he never wanted to be around This boy actually came from a Small World.

Small World is Small World after all. Although there are geniuses born, both quantity and quality are far behind the geniuses of Great World.

If what Yang Xuan said is true, then he is really an alien. Even if his strength is placed in any Great World, it is also an outstanding existence.

“Brother Yang is serious about this?”

Peng Fei still doesn’t believe it.

“Between friends, the most important thing is to have a heart-to-heart relationship. If I deliberately conceal it, I can say that I am from XX Great Sect.”

Yang Xuan laughed and said, “Where is Peng brother, It must be from a certain Boss Gu clan!”

Peng Fei said: “Brother Yang thinks of me so much and treats me as a friend, so I don’t have to hide it, I’m from Kunpeng Clan.”


“Kunpeng Clan.”

Flashes through a bright light in the eyes of Yang Xuan.

There was a record in the ancient book: There is a fish in the North Ming, its name is Kun, Kun is so big, I don’t know how many miles, it turns into a bird, its name is Peng, Peng’s back, I don’t know Thousands of miles, it flies in anger, and its wings are like clouds hanging down from the sky…

This is the origin of Kunpeng, a Divine Bird of strong as an ox in ancient times.

As Kunpeng Clan, Pengfei has a bloodline flowing through Kunpeng Clan within the body, and his strength is very terrifying.

Yang Xuan didn’t expect Eternal Life Palace and his party. The first friend I made was a young Heaven’s Chosen from Kunpeng Clan.

“Since ancient times, heroes don’t ask where they come from. Although I am from Kunpeng Clan, I have never looked down upon other species.”

Peng Fei said.

“Hehe, being able to meet Brother Peng is a great blessing in my younger brother’s life.” Yang Xuan said with a smile.


While speaking, there was a loud noise in the distance, faintly mixed with the screams of many people dying.

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