“Don’t look for it, I am here.”

Yang Xuan came across the sky, white clothes lightly, but several meters away from the black robe young man.

“So fast!”

The black robe young man’s pupils are shrinking, not to mention how high Yang Xuan’s cultivation base is. Just the speed at which he shows up right now makes people feel uncomfortable. Dare to despise.


a ray of magnificent light flashed, and another person appeared beside Yang Xuan, it was Pengfei.

He said: “Brother Yang is there any relationship with this Raising Cloud Sword Sect?”

“Well, some relationship.”

Yang Xuan nodded, Regardless of the reason, since he met the Raising Cloud Sword Sect, he couldn’t stand by.

“Many thanks Young Hero, I don’t know what is the relationship between Young Hero and my Raising Cloud Sword Sect?”

Below, there is a tall, handsome face whose cultivation base has reached a divine force. The blue clothed youth of the 7 Heavenly Layer barely got up and asked when moved towards Yang Xuan cup one fist in the other hand.

Yang Xuan looked down at the other person, and said casually: “Your sect’s nineteenth head teacher, is kind to me.”

“What, Young Hero knows us Raising The nineteenth head teacher of Cloud Sword Sect?”

“haha, very good, really very good, the original head teacher is still alive, my Raising Cloud Sword Sect revival is expected.”

Hearing Yang Xuan’s words, the blue clothed youth and the rest of the group of Raising Cloud Sword Sect martial artists were all excited.

Time has passed too long, and their Raising Cloud Sword Sect is no longer the famous Great prestigious families back then.

All of this is due to the sudden disappearance of the 19th head teacher Zhuang Wuming. If not, their Raising Cloud Sword Sect’s most powerful Punishing God Sword Array would not be lost.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as the ancestor of the head teacher is still alive, their Raising Cloud Sword Sect can make a comeback and rebuild their glory.

Thinking of this, the blue clothed youth hurriedly asked: “Dare to ask Young Hero, where is my ancestor ancestor now?”



Yang Xuan lightly sighed.

“Dead! This is impossible!?”

The blue clothed youth and the others only felt that the world was spinning.

Yang Xuan didn’t care about these people either, he looked up towards the black robe young man, indifferently said: “You have two choices.”

“Two choices?”


black robe frowned, the young man was very unhappy with Yang Xuan’s aloof and remote, and his tone of winning.

“First, sorrow yourself, second, be killed by me.”

Yang Xuan coldly said.

“What did you say!?”

The black robe young man has long hair upside down, he is already out of anger, but he sees another person beside Yang Xuan. Pengfei of monster qi, he is somewhat afraid to act blindly without thinking.

“Isn’t what I said clearly enough?”

Yang Xuan smiled and walked towards the young black robe.

“Brother Yang needs help?” Pengfei opened the mouth and said.

“No, I can deal with a sinister person.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand while walking.

“hmph, if you two join forces, I would be somewhat afraid, but you alone cannot help me.”

black robe young man coldly snorted and said.

“Really, let’s see the real chapter under our hands.”

Yang Xuan moves as soon as he speaks, his figure flashes like a Floating Light Sweeping Shadow, kills past.

Chapter 821 sword array destroying the enemy

“Boy, you will pay the price for your arrogance.”

Black robe young man killing intent soaring, Waving both palms, he fought with Yang Xuan.

bang bang bang!!

This piece of void trembles endlessly, and the waves are rolling.

“Die to death, the palm of the thunder.”

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