After a short fight, the young black robe knew that Yang Xuan was not easy to deal with, and immediately took out the killer move, carrying the tide of Yin Qi in one palm, spouting out.


Among these Yin Qi, lightning flashes and thunder, and the destructive power is amazing.


Yang Xuan’s robes are bulging, and the golden light all over his body is flaming. As soon as all Yin Qi approaches, they are dispersed by the golden light.

No, it’s better to be burned than to disperse.

“This is…Sun God power, you actually condensed the legendary sun Golden Core.”

black robe young people turn pale with fright.

Sun Golden Core, the first class in the Grade 9 inner core, is hard to find in the world, and it is unmatched.

In contrast, although he cultivated a demonic path, but within the body, it only condenses a lower grade 9 inner core.

The lower and lower Grade 9 inner core versus the upper and higher Sun Golden Core, no one knows stronger and weaker.

Especially the Sun Golden Core contains Supreme-Yang True Fire, which is the absolute nemesis of their demonic path cultivation technique.

“It’s really bad luck, how come I have encountered such an evildoer.”

The word genius is no longer enough to describe Yang Xuan.

This mysterious young boy is too terrifying. If it is not for a prominent family background, he must have expert help, otherwise, how to condense the golden core of the sun is basically impossible.

“For the current plan, only fleeing is the best.”

Black robe is a young man who has retired and is not ready to entangle with Yang Xuan anymore. He body moved, Just want to escape the other side.

“Leave it to me?”

Yang Xuan shouted wildly, used “dragon’s cry tiger’s roar”, and made the young black robe shake his body, on the verge of collapse.

“Boy, don’t bully intolerably.”

The black robe young man was both shocked and angry, struggling to stabilize his body.

“The weak can only be bullied by others, just like you previously bullied these Rising Cloud Sect martial artists.”

Yang Xuan threw himself up and didn’t want to let it go. Black robe means young people.

No matter where this person comes from, he will not be soft.

“Xuanyin transforms snakes, explode for me!”

The black robe young man went mad, with hundreds of black snakes condensed entirely from Yin Qi on his body, and opened his mouth. The black glow, turned into rain, shoots towards Yang Xuan hiding the sky and covering the earth, the scene is scary.

“Young Hero, watch out!”

The blue clothed youth from Raising Cloud Sword Sect cried out in silence.

“It doesn’t matter, this little trick can’t hurt me.”

Yang Xuan remain unmoved, raising his hand is a punch.

“hong long long…”

The deafening sound is endless, and all the black light rain is like a lightning glow.

“Go to die, die to me.”

The black robe young man danced with his hands, driving the black snake around him, and continuing to spray black light.

“hmph, it’s not over yet.”

Yang Xuan has golden flames on his body, the whole person is like a golden Fireball, with the momentum of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, He beat the black light all over the sky all the way to the black robe young man.

“Boy, don’t force me, or you will die without a burial site.”

The young black robe roared again and again, and had to use all his strength to fight Yang Xuan. .

However, no matter how strong he is, he is far from being Yang Xuan’s opponent. He was defeated by Yang Xuan.

Without mentioning Sun God’s power, Yang Xuan’s melee fighting skills alone are not what he can resist.

Yang Xuan’s body flickers, and he makes continuous attacks without wasting a trace of strength.

His movements were sharp and violent, and he attacked the young black robe.

The black robe young man was quickly lost, blood gushing from the corner of his mouth from time to time, and suffered serious internal injuries.

“If the skill stops here, then you can go to death.”

Yang Xuan fists and feet together, every time he makes a move, he is strong as an ox, Shenguang IV Shoot.

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