“I am a Magice of Life and Death. You can come here to show that you are out of the ordinary, but when you meet me, you have no way to survive except death. “

“The tone is not small, I’m afraid you don’t have the ability.”

“Humans are really arrogant, no matter what, I will let you see my Absolute Art life and death mark.”


Seventeenth Layer of Yan Luo Temple, a tall, middle-aged man in official uniform stands alone.

This person is the guardian of Seventeenth Layer-Magicrate of Life and Death.

“hong long long…”

Yang Xuan fought with it and soon fell into a passive state.

I have to say that the strength of Life and Death Magistrate is very strong, especially the death mark of its ultimate student, which makes Yang Xuan feel deeply pressured.

“Life and death mark, reverse life and death, turn yin and yang, change something rotten into something magical, no matter how fierce your moves, I will be resolved into invisible.”

Magistrate the more fights the more brave is, the palms suddenly become pitch black and pure white, making one after another huge palm print.

Under the seal of palm covering the whole sky, Yang Xuan can only choose to avoid its edge.

Just as Magistrate said, his mark of life and death can reverse life and death and turn yin and yang. Any attack that hits his palm print will be wiped out by the palm print.

This is similar to Divine Sword, but it is different.

If Divine Sword qi is to wipe out everything, the mark of life and death is to reverse yin and yang and turn everything into nothingness.

“this Majesty’s mark of life and death, advancing, attacking, retreating, and defending, unless you can destroy both body and soul with a single blow, otherwise you can never win me.”

A Divine Sword swept through, and Magistrate retreated, and then stretched out his hand to wipe his injured arm, and then a white light flashed across, and the injury instantly recovered completely.

“Let’s admit defeat, you won’t have any chance of winning if you continue to fight.”

Life and death Magice shouted, bursting out a strong white light, opening the life and death seal.

As soon as the seal of life is opened, Magicrate of Life and Death also enters an invincible state. All Yang Xuan’s attacks fall on him, and it is difficult to cause him any harm.

“In my Yang Xuan’s dictionary, I have never confessed.”

Yang Xuan is not discouraged, using both hands, one after another ying white light Hua is such a sharp sword Generally shot.

whiz whiz whiz……

Ying white light is the Samsara Power of Martial Spirit of Samsara.

“You actually mastered Samsara Power.”

Life and Death Magistrate’s face changed drastically, and even a touch of fear appeared in his eyes.

He shook his body and didn’t dare to pick up these white light.

On the other hand, Yang Xuan has continued to make troubles. It is necessary to use Samsara Power to suppress and kill the life and death of Magistrate.

“Enough, your strength has been recognized by me, now you can go to the Eighteenth Layer to challenge the Lord Yama.”

Life and death Magistrate shouted.

“Are you admitting defeat?”

Yang Xuan stared at Magistrate and asked.


Life and death Magistrate was furious, but in order to survive, he had to admit it, gnashing teeth said: “Yes, I gave up.”


“Very well, open the space-time channel and let me go to the Eighteenth Layer.”

“Human, since you are in a hurry to find death, then I will send you a ride and see if you can How long does the Master of Yan Luo stay under his hands.”

Magistrate coldly snorted, open the space channel at will.

“Palace Master Yan Luo? I want to see how good you are!”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself, and did not go to Magistrate, each minding their own The business stepped into the space channel and entered the Eighteenth Layer of the Yan Luo Temple.

“Too terrifying, we have arrived at the Eighteenth Layer!”

“Yam Luodian Eighteenth Layer, it is definitely a huge test. I don’t know if this child will survive.”

Outside, the crowd was in an uproar. They all clearly saw that seventeen beads had been lit up on the top of the Yan Luo Temple, which meant that Yang Xuan had already reached the Eighteen Levels of Hell.

Chapter 971 Palace Lord Yan Luo

“Two elder sisters, Yang Xuan will be fine, right?”

Wu Lingyan clenched her fist tightly, nervous Does not work.

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