At this time, she couldn’t help but start to worry, deeply afraid that Yang Xuan might have an accident.

Although I’m a newcomer and still don’t know much about Yan Luo Temple, Wu Lingyan also knows that Yan Luo Temple is not simple and is one of the three top missions released by the Temple of Destiny.

This kind of task is frightening and dangerous at every step, and a careless one will be consigned to eternal damnation.

even more how Yang Xuan has now come to the Eighteenth Layer of Yan Luo Temple. This layer can be called the most difficult level in the entire Yan Luo Temple.

Once you can’t get through, the consequences will be disastrous.

Wu Lingyan only hopes that Yang Xuan will be able to turn a good fortune and come out in peace.

“good person doesn’t live long, bad person lasts for a thousand years, don’t worry, that kid will definitely be fine.”

Yi Qingwu said lightly, His face was ancient well without ripples, as if he was not worried about Yang Xuan’s safety at all.

Yi Qingwu can’t understand Yang Xuan any more. He knows that Yang Xuan is deeply hidden and powerful, and since Yang Xuan dares to enter the Yan Luo Temple alone, he must be fully prepared.

Knowing that it is death, it is by no means Yang Xuan’s usual style to enter the palace to break through.

“good person doesn’t live long, bad person lasts for a thousand years?”

Yan Ruyue lightly recites this sentence, and looks towards Yi Qingwu with his eyes Kind of strange color.

Listening to Yi Qingwu’s tone, I was afraid that I was bullied by Yang Xuan.

As for how Yang Xuan bullied Yi Qingwu, this is worth pondering.

From Yan Ruyue’s point of view, facing Yi Qingwu, such a rare beauty in this world, Yang Xuan will definitely not let it go.

“Asshole, you know to recruit bees and butterflies everywhere.”

The more and more Yan Ruyue wanted to, she cursed secretly.

On the side, Wu Lingyan heard Yi Qingwu’s words, put down a hanging heart slightly, smiled hehe authentically: “Qingwu’s elder sister’s mouth is wrong, she is worried in her heart, but her mouth is always Say bad things about Yang Xuan.”

Wu Lingyan has been to Holy City. This time I met Yi Qingwu in the City of Destiny. This is not the first time I met. I know the relationship between Yi Qingwu and Yi Xiuer.

That’s why she decided to go with Yi Qingwu together and came to the City of Destiny together, only to find Yang Xuan.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I don’t worry about him. In fact, I wish he had to suffer in Yan Luodian.”

Yi Qingwu frowned and hummed, always thinking of himself being occupied by Yang Xuan. Try it cheaply, and she can’t help but feel angry.

Wu Lingyan smiled without saying a word, but a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

Wu Lingyan is sixteen, at the age of the first awakening of love. After acquainting with Yang Xuan, she has an unusual affection for Yang Xuan.

Wu Lingyan understands that this is like, she is in love with this man.

No matter how many women he has in the future, no matter whether his family is prominent or not, she will never give up.

“In such a short time, I can break into the 18th Layer of Yan Luo Temple. I really look down on the world.”

Far away, a silhouette flashed past. , Disappeared without a trace, so fast, it seemed that he had never appeared before, and no one had discovered his existence, like a ghost.

At the same time, in a restaurant outside the Yan Luo Temple, several young Heaven’s Chosen who had been given a Life Source transported Heavenly Book gathered here and talked in a low voice.

“If this child can come out alive, it must be my enemy, not to be underestimated.”

“Leave him alone, I’m very curious, who has made it through ten Fangdian, it is reasonable to say that the difficulty of Shifangdian is not inferior to Yanluodian, and the opponent can pass this hall in such a short period of time, the strength is really terrifying!”

“This person is very mysterious, nor can it be Ignore.”

Among the few people, the handsome young man who has been in the dust for a long time and the young man who was enveloped in a mysterious halo are all present, and through their conversations, it can be known that there are others who pass the pass in the Shifang Temple.

This person may not have gotten the Heavenly Book of Destiny, but relying on his ability to break through the Temple of Ten Fangs alone, his strength is no worse than any one of them, or even worse.


The Hall of Yan Luo, the Eighteen Levels of Hell!

This is also a square with huge sculptures erected around it.

The sculptures are all human beings, all tall and mighty, fierce and evil, like a demonic weapon in the depths of hell, breathtaking.

“Humans, you are not the first to come here, but you have to say that you are the most powerful person.”

At this moment, a hoarse and thick voice The ringing sounded clearly into Yang Xuan’s ears.

Yang Xuan’s expression remained unchanged, and he said: “Palace Lord Yama has praised him, the kid is not ashamed of it.”

“You don’t have to be humble, just rely on you to get to the Eighteenth Layer. The time you go is enough to explain your out of the ordinary.”

The voice is still there. A few meters away in front of Yang Xuan, a robust man with a stalwart figure and a coat of animal skin appeared. .

Robust man has a strong body with an open coat and a terrifying tattoo on his chest.

Tattoo is a lifelike Black Dragon. The Black Dragon flutters its wings and flies, terrifying and terrifying.

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