Eternal Life Palace is opened, Barbarian , Shi Yu and the others have also come in. However, the cultivation base of several people is not high, and they don’t know where they are now and whether they have encountered What a danger.

Even Yang Xuan still has a strong hunch that a few of them may have encountered an accident and will sleep in the realm of immortality.

Martial Dao cultivation, you may face catastrophe at any time, a carelessness will kill you.

“Since most people are still alive…”

Yang Xuan has no other choice. He is always impossible to find Tuobayun and let him figure out where everyone is. Go find one.

Don’t say he doesn’t have time, even if he has time, he can’t leave the city of destiny right now.

The city of Destiny is easy to enter and difficult to exit. According to Ming Lao, once anyone enters the City of Destiny, they can only stay in it for nearly a hundred years, which is the day when the Eternal Life Palace is closed.

At that time, Eternal Life Palace will be closed and all of them will be teleported out.

“One hundred years in the industry, one month outside, during this time, I have to improve my strength.”

During thoughts, Yang Xuan took three daughters on countless lines Under the gaze of sight, he came to the gate of the Temple of Destiny.

There are two black armored puppets guarding the gate. Seeing Yang Xuan’s arrival, one of the black armored puppets stepped out and said: “Only those who have more than a thousand lives can Entering the hall, the three of you can’t go in.”

“We can’t go in?” Yan Ruyue, Yi Qingwu, Wu Lingyan frowned.

“Forget it, you just wait for me here, and I will come as soon as I go.”

Yang Xuan greeted him, walked through the gate alone, and entered the Temple of Destiny.

The Temple of Destiny occupies a large area, but when it is inside, Yang Xuan suddenly finds that the space inside the temple is much larger than the outside.

On the equivalent to storage ring, it looks small, but the inside is huge.

Obviously, this is a spatially extended array.

Yang Xuan’s eyes turned, scanning the surrounding environment. As far as his eyes were, there were all kinds of antique furnishings. In the center of the temple, an old man sit cross-legged On the futon, close your eyes and rest your mind.

The old man is over the past few years, very old, wearing an azure long dress, just when he first arrived outside the temple of destiny, everyone saw the azure clothed old man who claimed to be the god of the temple of destiny .

“The young man chosen by fate, are you here to redeem treasure?”

At this moment, the azure clothed old man slowly opened his eyes and asked Yang Xuan, looking up and down.

“Junior Yang Xuan, I have seen Senior Divine Envoy.”

Yang Xuan bowed first, and then walked over, with a respectful expression on his face: “Don’t hide Senior, Junior I’m not here to exchange treasure, but to understand what can be exchanged for fate.”

“Well, then you have to consume 1,000 points of life first. Well, this is the destiny of fate. According to the rules, anyone who wants to get news from me has to spend a certain amount of life.”

azure clothed old man expressionless authentic.

“A thousand lives…”

Yang Xuan brows slightly wrinkle, then gritted his teeth and said: “Yes, please also Senior to inform in detail.”

Still, Yang Xuan felt that a large number of fatalities were lost from the fire on his head.

At the same time, the azure clothed old man stood up and each minding their own business said: “In the Temple of Destiny, you can exchange everything you need, from an ordinary medicine pill to a half-step Spirit Transformation device, there is everything here, even if you have enough lives, you can exchange time.”

“Exchange time?”

“Cultivation depends on talent and hard practice. And penance takes time. You only need to spend 50,000 points of life to enter the cultivation of the universe for one day, and one year for the universe is equal to one day for the outside world.”

” , The outside world for one day!”

“Not only that, in the universe, you can better enter the sudden enlightenment state. Like you, if you can enter the universe for a year of cultivation, you will be able to Step into the Supreme Realm in one fell swoop.”

“It’s really attractive, but it’s a pity that Junior has just arrived and hasn’t saved many lives yet.”

“It’s okay, with your ability, just do more It’s not a difficult task to accumulate 50,000 lives.”

Chapter 977 Finding People

PS: Some readers responded that it was wrong. I saw that it was indeed wrong. It is one day outside, one year inside the universe.

The Temple of Destiny, which has existed for a long time, is ancient and majestic, and can be called the world’s first treasure.

There are countless priceless and unique rare treasures here.

Many treasures, both tangible and intangible.

Such as time, such as finding people.

As long as the number of lives is enough, they can be exchanged.

It is exchange, it is better to say that it is a transaction, equivalent transaction, and you are not deceived.

Compared with transaction time, the number of lives spent to find people is not much.

Yang Xuan reported the names and appearance characteristics of the bully and the others after learning that he could find people, to find out where the people were, but he was slightly disappointed that the tracing was limited In the City of Destiny, if you leave the City of Destiny, you will not know it.

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