The result is not bad. After consuming a full 3000 lives, Yang Xuan finally learned from the azure clothed old man the whereabouts of the three men, Li Yunfei and Mu Qingyu. .

As for the others, they have not yet entered the city of destiny, and their lives are unknown.

“The world of immortality is huge, and chances are everywhere. Even if some people can’t come to the city of destiny, they can find good fortune from everywhere and change.”

hearing this, Yang Xuan nodded, he wanted to leave.


The azure clothed old man suddenly spoke and called him.

“What else is Senior?”

Yang Xuan paused and looked at the azure clothed old man.

The azure clothed old man, as the envoy of the Temple of Destiny, is in charge of all matters, big and small, and it must be a major event to leave himself. Yang Xuan knows this very well.

“You should know the existence of the dark world, right?”

azure clothed old man solemnly asked.

“Knowing is knowing, but not knowing. Junior only knows that you can enter the dark world through the spring at the bottom of the river of darkness.”

Yang Xuan said truthfully.

“Hehe, you know a lot, yes, spring is the passage into the dark world, and this passage until now is under seal.”

Speaking of this, the azure clothed old man faintly sighed, “But since the god of fate fell asleep, the seal of spring has gradually loosened.”

“The god of fate is asleep? How is this possible!”

Yang Xuan startled, if the god of destiny is asleep, what is the sound that comes from within?

“That voice was made by the Palace Lord of the Temple of Destiny. It did not originate from the God of Destiny. It doesn’t hurt to tell you the truth. The God of Destiny fell asleep 100,000 years ago and has never been awake.”

“Junior knows, the spring seal is supposed to be placed by the god of fate himself.”

“As you said, it was the god of fate that sealed spring, and now, From as little as half a month to as long as a year, the seal will disappear completely. At that time, the city of destiny and even the entire immortal world will suffer a great disaster.”

“What’s the answer to this?”


“The dark world, which can also be called the Dark World, belongs to an independent and eternal world, where darkness covers the earth all year round, and time does not pass.”

“Time does not It will pass!”

“Surprised, think about it, a world where time will not pass, coupled with the pervasive rich Yin Qi, will give rise to many terrifying creatures.”

“Senior told me this, do you want me to do anything?”

“It’s very simple, I want you to enter the dark world and find the Primal Chaos Stone.”

“Why is it Primal Chaos Stone again.”

Yang Xuan was stunned, and thought for a while: “This matter is not easy, let Junior think about it again.”

“Time is not and the others, you still need to make a decision as soon as possible. In fact, entering the dark world is also a secret mission issued by the temple of my destiny. Only a few people know this mission, but soon, the temple will make this mission public. .”


“Why haven’t we come out yet, will something happen?”

Outside the Temple of Destiny, Wu Lingyan is a little worried, counting time , Yang Xuan has been in the temple for a long time.

“Although the Destiny Temple is heavily guarded, it is definitely not a vicious place. It will be fine if you want to.”

While Yan Ruyue spoke, I saw a silhouette from the Destiny Temple. Inside slowly walked out, who is not Yang Xuan?

Yang Xuan was dressed in white clothed, with a high spirit, and when he came out, he attracted the attention of the crowd.

“Come out, this child doesn’t know what was exchanged in the temple!?”

“Just a temple of Yama, let him get a full 10,000 points of life , And so many lives are enough to exchange for a good treasure.”

“No one has entered the Temple of Destiny. Who knows what is going on inside? Ten thousand lives are astronomical to me. Numbers, but in the Temple of Destiny, this fate may not be exchanged for too powerful treasures.”

People have different opinions, and without exception, they all focus on Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan entered the Temple of Destiny alone, and stayed in the Temple for so long, except for him, no one outside could know what he got from it.

One after another, eyes gathered, Yang Xuan’s face remained unchanged, with a smile at the corners of his mouth, each minding their own business came to Yan Ruyue’s three daughters.

“Yang Xuan, what did you redeem for?”

Wu Lingyan asked curiously.

“Nothing was exchanged.”

Yang Xuan shrugged, and added, “The price is too expensive, and I don’t have enough fate at all.”

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