“The prices are too expensive?”

Wu Lingyan opened her mouth slightly, and said in surprise: “You have ten thousand lives, even if you spend thousands in the restaurant. Point, isn’t the remaining fate not enough for you to redeem a treasure.”

“There are countless treasures in the Destiny Temple. Some items can be redeemed with my fate, but they are not big to me. Use it.”

Yang Xuan said indifferently, and then greeted the three girls to leave.

Along the way, the crowd retreated.

Besides, because Yang Xuan didn’t deliberately lower his voice just now, they all fell into deep thought.

According to Yang Xuan’s words, there are indeed a lot of treasures in the Temple of Destiny, but most of these treasures are not cheap. If they want to get one of them, they may have to work hard to accumulate their lives.

“Killing in the city is not guilty, and it can still plunder the other’s lives. If we kill this child, wouldn’t we get rich in an instant?”

“It sounds good, you have the courage Go and kill him?”

“Uh, I don’t dare, and I don’t have the strength.”

Looking at Yang Xuan’s away back, some people moved crookedly, but Thinking of returning, no one dared to provoke Yang Xuan.

Through killings and plundering lives, now the city is not without doing anything, but before killing people have to make some selections, generally speaking will avoid some people who are better than themselves.

Of course, there is no shortage of people skipping grades to challenge and assassinate them.

If you kill one person, you can get the fate of the opponent. This temptation and confusion is not small. You need to know that many people have done some tasks, and the fate is not the same as when they first came.

As long as you kill more people, you can get a lot of lives. For some powerful fierce persons, the speed of getting lives is much faster than doing tasks and easy to come. Why not?

Chapter 978 Drum Tower

“Is that him?”

“Yes, it is him.”

“Except for the young Point, except for a good face, there is nothing peculiar about him, he is really as powerful as the rumors!?”

“singlehanded broke through the Yama Temple alone and successfully passed the Eighteen Levels of Yama Temple. Hell’s life and death test, and now there are three soulmates by his side. It is impossible to say that there is no ability.”

Along the way, there are countless people along the way, whispering to Yang Xuan pointing fingers.

As the first person to pass the Yan Luo Temple, Yang Xuan’s name and appearance have long been spread in the City of Destiny.

Many people see him out of the ordinary even when they see him for the first time.

One by one, without exception, they are just paying attention to them from afar, not too close.

Yang Xuan is frowning, as if there is no one else, he doesn’t care about the eyes of others.

Up to now, he is convinced that there is a Primal Chaos Stone in the dark world.

However, no matter how good the Primal Chaos Stone is, it must be fate.

The dark world is too mysterious and terrifying. Once inside, you may encounter unexpected events at any time.

In short, Yang Xuan is not prepared to take risks and go deep into the dark world before becoming stronger.

“What do you want, why is your face so ugly?”

Yan Ruyue looked at her words and expressions, her face was a little worried. Since she came out of the Temple of Destiny, she has found that Yang Xuan has something Something is wrong.

This kind of something is wrong, and I can’t say it specifically.

Yang Xuan feels like hiding his thoughts, making it difficult for him to calm down.

“hehe, it’s nothing, go, first accompany me to find someone.”

Yang Xuan slightly smiled, the original haze on his face was swept away.

Regardless of the Primal Chaos Stone or the dark world, it is a foreign matter to him. He just wants to increase his life with all his strength, in order to enter the cultivation of the universe.

One year in the universe, and the outside world is only a day, if you can enter the cultivation, you will definitely be able to step into the supreme as soon as possible, and only when you step into the supreme can he dare to enter the dark world and find out .

“Looking for someone? Who to look for?”

Yan Ruyue startedled.

“My big brother, Li Yunfei, Mu Qingyu, they are all in the city now.”

Yang Xuan said.

“Oh, do you know where they are?”

“Know, you only need to consume a certain number of lives in the Temple of Destiny to find anyone you want in the city. “

“Well, where are the big brothers now?”

“Not far, they will be there soon.”

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