In fact, when he first came to the Drum Tower, Yang Xuan heard that someone went up to the 7th floor and beat the 7th floor bronze drum.

Originally, he thought that the other party was a good young Heaven’s Chosen, and he might even have a Heavenly Book with a Life Source.

Yang Xuan was completely stunned when he really saw him, his eyes almost staring out.

“Why are you…”

He opened his mouth and asked, with a face of disbelief, as if he didn’t expect, the person who broke into the 8th floor would be Cao Qiuyu .

Drum Tower’s breakthrough depends entirely on fleshly body strength. Yang Xuan didn’t know that Cao Qiuyu, this seemingly weak girl, was so hardworking.

“Why can’t it be me? Hmph, don’t look down on our women. Whether we women are innate talent or martial heart, they are not inferior to your men.”

Cao Qiuyu is petite. , With a standard baby face, as cute as it is, but the cute girl in his eyes shocked Yang Xuan fiercely.

He had a bitter smile on his face and said apologetically: “Sorry, I didn’t mean to look down on you, let alone all the women in the world.”

“No need to apologize, it’s me So excited.”

Cao Qiuyu waved her small hand.

“You haven’t reached the 8th floor yet?”

Yang Xuan changed the subject and asked.

“No, the power required for the 8th floor is too strong, and my cultivation time is not enough to beat the bronze drum in front of me.”

“Depending on your age It’s quite good to be able to reach the 8th floor. By the way, I remember that there is a body tempering Baodan called Great Power Divine Pill in the Temple of Destiny. If you have enough life, you can go to the Temple of Destiny to exchange this pill. As long as you take this pill, you can get past the 8th floor or even the 9th floor.”

“How many lives does this Great Power Divine Pill need?”

“Not much, ten thousand Point.”

“What, ten thousand points is not too much, you really count the radish and cabbage all over the floor, can you pick it up everywhere?”

“cough cough, It’s a lot, um, but I believe that with your ability, you can accumulate enough lives to redeem the Great Power Divine Pill in just a few moments.”

While speaking, Yang Xuan came to Cao Next to Qiu Yu, he grabbed the copper hammer and struck it hard on the drum.

When there was a loud noise, Cao Qiuyu was a little dizzy from the shock. She opened her mouth and said in a daze, “What kind of monster are you!”

Cao Qiuyu I couldn’t believe everything I saw in front of me. For a teenager who was similar to her age, his fleshly body strength had reached such a terrifying level.

Playing the bronze drum on the 8th floor means that Yang Xuan’s fleshly body strength has reached 170,000 jin.

This kind of power is enough to raze a small mountain to the ground, which can be called a giant beast!

“hehe, if I were a monster, then what are you?”

Yang Xuan was amused. Cao Qiuyu was able to come to the 8th floor, and his fleshly body strength was at least 150,000 jin. , And a girl with such a weird power, I don’t know how many people will startled to fall the chin if it spreads out.

“I…I am innate talent. I have a kind of treasure, so I have such a strong power. And you, do you also have a treasure?”

” I don’t have any treasures. My strong fleshy body is obtained through hard cultivation.”

“You are great, if I guess right, you must be cultivated a rare body in the world refinement divine technique, otherwise it’s hard to develop such a strong body by hard practice alone.”

“The little girl is very smart, much better than your big brother, but unfortunately you are not a man. Otherwise, your Cao Family Patriarch will be inherited by you sooner or later.”

“I am not interested in power, until now I only like cultivation, and constantly breakthrough my own limits.”

“Well said, how about let’s make friends?”

“Aren’t we friends?”

“haha, it was me who made this extra effort, yes, we are friends .”

“Hehe, friends should help each other, can you do me a favor?”

“What’s up?”

“Help I have crossed the 8th floor.”

“Uh, do you think too much? Gulou can only rely on yourself to pass through the barriers, not external forces. Even if I am willing to help you, I will not be recognized by Gulou.”

“Just leave it alone, you just need to answer me, can you help me?”

“What should I do?”

“Very Simple, let me possess my body, borrow your hand and beat the drum. I know this is a bit difficult for the strong, but the 8th floor rewards a lot of lives, and I need them.”

hearing this, Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered, solemnly asked: “Are you sure you can do it?”

“Don’t worry, I cultivated a secret technique that can perform Divine Soul out of the body for a short time, as long as Divine Soul returns within a certain period of time There will be nothing in the body, of course, provided that you are not afraid of my intentions.”

“haha, your radical method is useless to me, I Yang Xuan fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, how can I be afraid A little girl? Come on, don’t say you don’t have the ability to hurt me, even if you do, I’m not afraid of it.”

Yang Xuan laughed, with a refinement format Ion diagram Guard, he didn’t worry that Cao Qiuyu would be disadvantageous to him.

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