“You can do it well.”

Cao Qiuyu rolled the eyes, and immediately said: “Relax your spirit and don’t resist. My Divine Soul will enter your body. “


Yang Xuan did what he said, letting Cao Qiuyu’s Astral Projection fall into the Sea of ​​Consciousness between his eyebrows.

“Oh my God, what secret technique are you cultivated? Divine Soul is guarded by such a formation diagram. With this formation diagram, you don’t have to worry about someone being able to take possession of you.”

As soon as he entered Yang Xuan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, Cao Qiuyu, transformed into Divine Soul, couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“Hurry up. Also, remember not to tell outsiders my secrets, including your big brother.”

“Don’t worry, I am not a talkative.”

Cao Qiuyu twitched his lips, controlled Yang Xuan’s body, grabbed the copper hammer in front of him, and beat the drum with all his strength.


There was a loud noise, and everyone outside the Drum Tower heard it. For a while, except for a few people such as Yan Ruyue, they were all caught in Sluggish.

No one didn’t expect that the bronze drums on the 8th floor were beaten strongly one after another.

“Hehe, such a big battle must have been made by this guy Yang Xuan.”

Wu Lingyan smiled.

“Next is the 9th floor…”

Li Yunfei spoke lightly, not at all thinking that the bronze drums on the 9th floor of the Drum Tower could hardly beat Yang Xuan.

At this time, the tyrant has already come out, just listen to him: “I haven’t seen you for many days, my brother has become stronger again. Looking at the entire city of Destiny, I’m afraid he can only do this. Easily clear the Drum Tower.”

Chapter 981 Extreme Power

“How many lives did you get?”

Drum Tower 8th floor, Yang Xuan asked with a smile.

Cao Qiuyu’s Divine Soul is back, slim, replied: “One thousand points.”

“Isn’t it 1,500 points?”

Yang Xuan brows lightly raised, and then he was relieved, “I understand, you are a trick. Although the Temple of Destiny recognizes your actions, it deducts a part of the reward for punishment.”

Those who enter the City of Destiny are all trialists.

The trajectory of everyone’s actions is completely controlled by the Temple of Destiny.

In fact, every time everyone completes a task, it will be recorded in a merit book in the Temple of Destiny.

The merit book is a half-step Spirit Transformation device, which is controlled by the Palace Lord of the Destiny Temple of Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail. It not only records the completion of all the testers The mission, the age, cultivation base, talent, origin and so on of each trial person are all recorded.

“A thousand points of life are a lot, I don’t know how to thank you.”

Cao Qiuyu’s face is unemotional, very contented.

As Yang Xuan said, she is seize every opportunity, even if the Destiny Temple does not distribute rewards, she has nothing to say.

In addition, I asked Yang Xuan for help this time.

Cao Qiuyu didn’t expect at all. The mysterious young man in front of him would agree so readily, not afraid of his own evil intentions, and for a while, he was very grateful to Yang Xuan.

“I really want to thank me, just devote one’s life to.”

Of course, this is just to say in my heart, Yang Xuan looks like a gentleman on the face. Waved his hand: “We are friends, so you don’t need to be so polite between friends. Maybe I will need your help anytime.”

“Well, I owe you a favor. If you need my help, just come to me.” After that, Cao Qiuyu bid farewell to Yang Xuan and wanted to leave.

“Are you not going to the 9th floor?”

“I have something to do, so I won’t go.”

With Yang Xuan to the 9th floor, maybe With the help of Yang Xuan, he can beat the bronze drum on the 9th floor, but in this way, he owes favors.

Use this thing once less once.

Even if it is a good friend, once the love is gone, the friendship between each other will come to an end.

Not to mention that he and Yang Xuan strangers are coming together by chance, and the contact is not deep, and Cao Qiuyu naturally does not want to owe Yang Xuan one after another.

“Really a clever little girl.”

Yang Xuan smiled in his heart, after Cao Qiuyu left, he did not delay, each minding their own business stepped up The 9th floor of Gulou.

The 9th floor of the Drum Tower is one of the most difficult levels of the Drum Tower. Since the establishment of the Drum Tower, few people have been able to beat the bronze drum on this floor.

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