The volume of the bronze drum on this layer alone is twice as large as the 8-Layer below, and the entire bronze drum has a pale-gold luster. Not everything.

“180,000 jin of strength, I don’t know if I can beat this bronze drum?”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself, he now has 180,000 jin of fleshly body strength, and you can look at this statue. He didn’t have absolute certainty that he could beat the huge and strange bronze drum.

“It’s useless to think more, I’ll try and say it again.”

As soon as he moved, Yang Xuan strode to the bronze drum and twisted the bronze hammer next to him.

The copper hammer is still weighing ten thousand kilograms, and Yang Xuan is effortless in his hand.

both of his hands grasped the copper hammer tightly, then the lightning slammed out, the copper hammer suddenly turned into a phantom, momentum is big, power is deep hammer hit on the copper drum.


With a muffled sound, ripples appeared on the surface of the bronze drum.

The ripples rippled like water waves, and there was a powerful counter-shock force.

The counter-shock force was stronger than each other, and all fell on Yang Xuan’s body, making Yang Xuan’s arms numb, and his figure retreated.


He was frowned, and he didn’t wait for his stature to stabilize, and he took a few steps in succession, pulling up the copper hammer with all his strength, and slightly increasing his strength. It reached 180,000 catties.

“weng weng weng ……”

The copper hammer collided with the copper drum in an instant, the buzzing sound continued, and there was no accident on the drum surface. Many ripples form a real force and eject back.

“bang! ”

The power returned from these counter-shocks is extremely fierce, like a torrential torrent and like a vast sea rolling the sky, causing Yang Xuan’s body to rise from the ground like a cannonball The same flew out.

“cough cough.”

Yang Xuan fell to the ground, a little blood oozing from the corners of his mouth, and his heart was shocked.

This is…what’s going on?

Originally, Yang Xuan thought that 180,000 kilograms of power should be enough, but now it seems that he really underestimated the difficulty of the 9th floor of Gulou.

This level has a very high degree of difficulty. If you can’t find a way to offset the counter-shock force from the bronze drum, let alone 180,000 catties, even if the power doubles, I’m afraid it will be difficult to beat the bronze drum.

Even, it will be suppressed and killed by the counter shock of the bronze drum, which is very dangerous.

“The 9th floor of the Drum Tower is a test of strength. You not only need to have a certain amount of strength, but also know how to use your own strength. If you can’t do it, I advise you to retreat quickly, otherwise It will only end in a tragic death.”

Suddenly, a silhouette flashed out of thin air and appeared in front of Yang Xuan.

This is an old man in gray clothes who is more than ancient times. Although he stands in front of Yang Xuan with his bare hands, he gives Yang Xuan a weird feeling of being close and far away in the sky.

“Senior is…”

Yang Xuan lowered his body and asked.

“I am in charge of the Drum Tower. You can call me ancient.”

said the old man in gray.

“Drum Tower, ancient?”

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows and asked humbly, “Excuse Junior for being stupid. Please also Senior for advice.”

“Interesting, are you so sure that I will point you?”

Gu Chenfeng smiled.

“Since Senior has shown up, why can’t he speak up? Junior believes that Senior is definitely not a value one’s own old broom.”

“haha, interesting, really interesting , It’s no wonder that the little old man in Taishi wants me to take care of you in secret.”

“so that’s how it is, Senior seems to be a Transcendent Realm powerhouse too.”

Yang Xuan suddenly realized that the cultivation base must be higher than that of Wen Taishi who can call the Palace Lord of Yan Luo Temple like that.

“You are smart, but cleverness has not been used. Do you know that the use of power exists in one’s heart, you have distracting thoughts, and naturally you cannot exert the strongest power.”

As soon as this statement came out, it was undoubtedly pointing to Yang Xuan. Yang Xuan hurriedly bowed and asked: “Can Senior be more careful?”

“Well, I will demonstrate for you myself At a glance, how much you can realize depends on your good fortune.”

While Gu Chen was speaking, Yang Xuan clearly felt that the old man in front of him had become different, and a sudden surge of Great power.

This is an extremely powerful Profound Truth.

“really strong!”

Yang Xuan’s pupils shot a shocking color, he has a feeling that the ancient dust at this moment is a giant who is able to support both heaven and earth, casually With one punch, it is estimated that a big star in the universe will explode in an instant.

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