At the same time, a magnificent and mysterious voice resounded throughout the world for a long time.

“Passing the 9th floor of Gulou, rewards 5,000 lives, and as the first tester who successfully clears Gulou 9-Layer, rewards one Divine Pill, plus 3,000 lives.”

Listen At this sound, the crowd’s breathing became involuntarily rapid.

Not to mention the value of a Divine Pill, just 3000 lives is enough to make everyone greedy.

“No wonder everyone wants to be the first to complete the level. This reward is too rich.”

“The more rewards, the greater the difficulty. Task points like Gulou, There are not many in the entire City of Destiny, and it is even more difficult to be the first to clear such mission points.”


Many voices are coming, Yang Xuan remain unmoved, just looking at the jade bottle that suddenly appeared in his hands.

Looking through the jade bottle, it is faintly visible that there is a dragon eye size inside the bottle, which is brown and yellow, like a strange medicine pill like amber.

“This pill is called Divine Pill, which is made from the demon pill of the wild Ancient Dragon. It can greatly improve the physique of the cultivator. However, this medicine pill is domineering, fleshy body The weak should not be swallowed.”

At this moment, a voice entered Yang Xuan’s ears, which made Yang Xuan surprised and delighted.

The improved physique of the Dragon Divine Pill is still secondary. Yang Xuan wants to use the medicinal power of this pill to get through one of the Eight Sects of life and death.

After getting the Eight Sects from the Master, Yang Xuan has now opened the four gates of life, injury, open, and Jingmen.

The dragon god medicine pill is overbearing and can be used to open the door.

Eight Sects of life and death are Shengmen, Xiumen, Dumen, Injury Door, Jingmen, Jingmen, Jingmen, Open, Death Gate eight gates, among them, the Eight Sects are located under the throat and in the center of the two shrinkage bones. within the body qi and blood converge center.

Once this door is opened, the circulation of qi and blood is accelerated, and the resilience and physical strength of the fleshy body will be greatly improved.

“Okay, I’ll take this opportunity to find a place to cultivation for a few days, and open the door of the break.”

Besides excitement, Yang Xuan put away the jade bottle, in countless lines Under the gaze of sight, the striding meteor came to Yan Ruyue and the others.

“Yang Xuan, what Divine Pill did you get?”

Wu Lingyan asked outright and curiously.

“hehe, a Divine Pill that can improve physique. As for the specific level of this pill, I don’t know.”

“I want to upgrade the Divine Pill of physique to a lower level. No, you got a big bargain this time.”

“Forget it, this is me. For someone else, even if you pass the Drum Tower for the first time, you may not get a Divine Pill bonus. “

“The more you talk, the more you lose it. Sister Lingyan don’t listen to him talk nonsense.”

Yi Qingwu gave Yang Xuan an angry look and said to Wu Lingyan.

“Okay, let’s go, I don’t want to be onlookers like a monkey.”

Yang Xuan looked at Yi Qingwu, and then looked at all around. The crowd, directly led everyone to float away.

On the road, the entire group is still eye-catching. After all, among the crowd, there are four beauties including Yan Ruyue, Yi Qingwu, Wu Lingyan and Mu Qingyu.

Yan Ruyue, Yi Qingwu, Wu Lingyan will not say anything, as the fire-poisoned birthmark on his face disappears, Mu Qingyu has become a beauty with bright eyes and white teeth, and a cold temperament.

Now that the four beauties are gathered together, and they are almost surrounded by the man Yang Xuan, how can they not attract the attention of the crowd?

“Who is that kid, really have a lot of good fortune in love affairs.”

“I see, he is the Yang Xuan who broke through the Yan Luo Temple.”

“It turned out to be him. No wonder he can hug the left and the right and enjoy the blessings of everyone.”

Amidst the crowd’s discussion, Yang Xuan found a restaurant to entertain Barbarians, Li Yunfei and Mu Qingyu.

During the period, the three also talked about their experiences, and they were full of emotion in their words.

Yang Xuan listened quietly, until he learned from the barbarian that Zhou Hu had fallen, he couldn’t help being sighed.

At the beginning, everyone was high-spirited and vigorous and entered the Eternal Life Palace together. Who knows that it hasn’t been a long time before, and one person is dead.

This is still what the tyrant knows. Yang Xuan understands in his heart that Zhou Hu is not the only friend who died in the world of immortality.

“Martial Dao cultivation is originally a Road of No Return, maybe I will die sometime, then I hope that after brother returns to Divine-Martial Continent, I can find time to go to Barbarian Desolate Island. Look at my clansman and his wife and children.”

Many sighed.

“What did the big brother say, if you have a little brother, you will not die, not only will you not die, but you will also get a great good fortune. In the future, you and my brother will go together legendary Immortal World.”

Yang Xuan patted the shoulder of the tyrant, said ten thousand zhang with pride.

Chapter 984 Shut Gate

People go to high places and water seeks its own level. For the Immortal World of illusory, the barbarian is naturally very yearning.

“Okay, let’s go to Immortal World together.”

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