He laughed, grabbed a pot of Fire and Ice Two Layer Heaven, and drank.

Since I have tried Fire and Ice Two Layer Heaven, other drinks have been tasteless and difficult to drink.

When Manba felt very happy, he picked up the hip flask and took a few big mouthfuls, screaming good wine.

“This wine should only be found in the sky, and it is rare to taste it in the world.”

Li Yunfei slightly smiled, holding the wine glass at hand, having a drink, and savoring it carefully.

“If you drink, you have to sip and drink. It is difficult to experience the pleasure of wine if you chew slowly like you.”

The bully said with a lip.

“What the big brother said is, come, my little girl toasts you a cup.”

On the side, Wu Lingyan stood up from the seat and pointed at it familiarly. The bully raised his glass.

“The girl is really a man of temperament, I like it.”

The bully laughed heartily, picked up the hip flask and touched Wu Lingyan, while still not forgetting to glance at Li Yunfei glanced.

It seems to be saying, have you seen it? You are not even as good as a little girl.

“Hehe, this wine is really good. Don’t hide and tuck you guys. Let’s take out more.”

One cup, Wu Lingyan is small Blushing, he yelled to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan smiled bitterly and took out two pots of Fire and Ice Two Layer Heaven and reminded: “You drink slowly, no one will grab you, and you’d better drink less, otherwise I have to stay drunk again.”

“hmph, don’t look down on people, so I won’t get drunk.”

Wu Lingyan pouted, give Yang Xuan rolled his eyes.

Yang Xuan smiled and did not speak, he took up the wine glass and toasted everyone present, and then said very boldly: “Although everyone eats, you can add more vegetables if you don’t have enough.”

hearing This, everyone is not welcome, everyone knows that Yang Xuan has a lot of fate now, and he can’t afford to eat a meal.

After drinking three rounds, Yan Ruyue remembered something, opened the mouth and said: “Didn’t you get a body tempering Divine Pill? Why don’t you take this pill now.”

“Forget it, I need to find a quiet place and take some time to refining it.”

Yang Xuan shook the head.

“Where did this Divine Pill come from?”

Li Yunfei asked.

Yi Qingwu, Mu Qingyu, Wu Lingyan, and Barbarians did not speak, but they moved towards Yang Xuan and cast curious eyes.

“This pill is called Divine Pill, which is made from the demon pill of the Wild Ancient Dragon as a medicine. It can greatly improve the cultivator’s physique.”

Yang Xuan paused and said: “Of course, the more powerful the Divine Pill, the more overbearing the medicine is. Even if ordinary people get this pill, they will not be blessed.”

“so that’s how it is.”


Li Yunfei suddenly.


After one hour, Yang Xuan came to the Temple of Destiny alone.

As for Yan Ruyue and the others, they went on the task together.

Everyone came to the City of Destiny to improve their strength, and if you want to improve your strength, you must first accumulate fate.

Yang Xuan had sought Wen Taishi secretly, but he was not worried about the safety of the people. After entering the Temple of Destiny, he directly found the azure clothed old man and asked for a practice room.

In the Temple of Destiny, there are countless large and small practice rooms, and it takes a lot of life for the practitioner to enter these practice rooms.

Yang Xuan cleared the Yan Luo Temple and passed the 9-Layer test of Gulou, and accumulated more than 10,000 lives, enough for him to splurge for a while.

“The advanced practice room has a thousand lives per day. How many days do you want to cultivation?”

The azure clothed old man brought Yang Xuan to a practice room, and his routine was normal Asked.

“Just three days.”

Yang Xuan thought for a while, three days is not a short time. It should be possible to use the medicinal power of the dragon Divine Pill to get through the Eight Sects in one fell swoop. Hugh door.

“Okay, after three days, you will come out on your own. If you don’t come out, your life will decrease day by day until it runs out.”

azure clothed old man said while talking Lift the door seal.

Each practice room has a seal. If the seal is not removed, no one can enter.

“Junior got it.”

Yang Xuan nodded, strode into the practice room.

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