It is indeed a high-level exercise room, which has all kinds of furniture and furnishings. The most important thing is that the Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth in the exercise room is extremely rich and can be called a cultivation treasure land.

Yang Xuan walked around a few times, then found an open space to seat him, and took out the dragon Divine Pill.

“Whether it works or not, I have to try my best.”

Yilong Divine Pill rushed to open the door, Yang Xuan was not sure, he played a few times. The Divine Pill, immediately threw a bite into his mouth without the slightest hesitation.


The dragon Divine Pill melts in the mouth, turning into a surging and fierce energy, and poured it all the way down into the center of the two clavicles under Yang Xuan’s throat.

Here is where the Xiumenqiao acupoint is located.

Yang Xuan calms his heart and runs the Heart of Life and Death Eight Sects, focusing all the energy of the dragon Divine Pill in the heart of the collarbone.

The energy of the Dragon Divine Pill is the magical power of the Wild Ancient Dragon, full of terrifying heat.

This burning sensation, like thousands of steel needles, penetrated deep into the collarbone inch by inch, and bursts of intense pain came.

Under the severe pain of ordinary people, I am afraid that the pain has already passed.

However, Yang Xuan didn’t care. This bit of pain was completely within his tolerance.

He gritted his teeth, sweating all over, constantly gathering this extremely hot energy, intending to open the door.

This is a long process and a long struggle.

Yang Xuan not only endured the constant burning pain, but also had to stay awake at all times.

If you faint unfortunately, let alone break through the door, you may not even be able to save your life.

Time passed bit by bit. I don’t know how much time has passed. Just when Yang Xuan was suffering from a splitting headache and numb all over, and was about to be unable to hold on, the energy of the dragon Divine Pill was finally compressed by him. a little.

The so-called use point to break surface is just such a point. The energy contained in it is very terrifying. Pu Chi knocked out the “door” that Xiu was confined to.


As soon as the door was opened, the bloodline all over the body boiled, and the blood circulation speed also increased several times.

At the same time, the blood in Yang Xuan’s bone marrow, like a wanderer returning home, flooded into the Xuanmen, where it condensed into a strange blood pill the size of an egg.

“It’s done!”

The blood clotting into a pill is a sign that the door is fully open. When Yang Xuan was excited, he couldn’t help but grow up, arrogantly playing Strong and domineering boxing.

peng~ peng~ peng~ ……

One punch after another, accompanied by the sound of dragon’s cry tiger’s roar, Yang Xuan’s strength has increased by at least 30%.

For a long time, Yang Xuan stopped, took out Purgatory Sword and cut a huge hole in his arm, and within three breaths, the bloody hole was completely healed.

As the blood cocoon falls off, the wound can be seen white and without marks, as if it had never been injured.

“Okay, now that the five doors are open, my body is one step further away from the legendary Undying Body.”

Yang Xuan was overjoyed in his heart, but he was so excited.

Chapter 985 Dark Riot

Eight Sects of life and death, inheritance from Master.

This is a divine technique handed down from the previous Chaos Cycle.

Eight Sects are the eight major acupuncture points of the human body and eight treasure houses.

The eight acupuncture points are opened together, the fleshy body is sanctified, Undying and Inextinguishable, you can pluck the stars and seize the moon with bare hands, destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

At that time, if you have a thousand magical powers, a thousand faculties, and a punch, you will get to pieces. This is the so-called single force subduing ten will.

“In Eight Sects, I have opened up the gate of life, the gate of rest, the gate of injury, the gate of view, and a total of five gates opened. After that, there are only three gates, namely the gate, the gate, and the death gate. It’s opened.”

Dumen and Jingmen are also that’s all. With only some fortuitous encounters, Yang Xuan believes that he should be able to break through.

But this Death Gate is extremely mysterious, and Yang Xuan still does not know where the acupuncture point is.

In fact, even if he knew it, he didn’t dare to act blindly without thinking. After all, Death Gate is the biggest difficult card in the Eight Sects of Life and Death. It is better than the Master and the King of War. , It will be consigned to eternal damnation at every turn.

“That’s all, I still cultivation Divine Refining Technique first.”

Divine Refining Technique is derived from a huge source of amethyst, which is the same as Eight Sects. , Which is also derived from the previous Chaos Cycle element, is a very powerful spirit refinement technique.

The severity of this technique is no less dangerous than Eight Sects of life and death.

To practice this technique to Great Accomplishment, you must cut your Divine Soul into 99,999 strands of soul silk.

From the time he obtained this technique to the present, Yang Xuan has often taken time out of cultivation, and only separated more than one thousand less than two thousand threads of soul silk.

These soul silks are now suspended under the Divine Soul formation diagram, but this formation diagram is incomplete. Yang Xuan still needs to work harder to cut Divine Soul and slowly repair the formation diagram. .

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